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Created December 17, 2023 02:35
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type expr = Var of int | Abs of int * expr | App of expr * expr
| Lit of int | Add of expr * expr;;
let cnt = ref 100;;
let fresh () = let ret = !cnt in cnt := 1; ret;;
let rec cps e k =
match e with
| Var x -> App (k, (Var x))
| Abs (v, x) ->
let fk = fresh () in
App (k, (Abs (v, Abs (fk, cps x (Var fk)))))
| App (f, x) ->
let ff = fresh () in
let fx = fresh () in
cps f (Abs (ff, cps x (Abs (fx, App (App (Var ff, Var fx), k)))))
| Lit i -> App (k, (Lit i))
| Add (x, y) ->
let fx = fresh () in
let fy = fresh () in
cps x (Abs (fx, cps y (Abs (fy, Add (Var fx, Var fy)))));;
let rec cps_ e k =
match e with
| Var x -> k (Var x)
| Abs (v, x) ->
let fk = fresh () in
k (Abs (v, Abs (fk, cps_ x (fun x_ -> App (Var fk, x)))))
| App (f, x) ->
let fk = fresh () in
cps_ f (fun f_ -> cps_ x (fun x_ -> App (App (f_, x_), Abs (fk, k (Var fk)))))
| Lit i -> k (Lit i)
| Add (x, y) -> cps_ x (fun x -> cps_ y (fun y -> Add (x, y)));;
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