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Last active January 21, 2024 16:34
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A Scala 3 port of the code of Document.scala from the Scala 2 stdlib
Scala 3 port of Michel Schinz's Document.scala
A basic pretty-printing library, based on Lindig's strict version
of Wadler's adaptation of Hughes' pretty-printer.
Remove the example and Main at the end if you want to use this in your code.
Example of usage with an AST can be run directly with
> scala Document.scala
Author: M Nimalan (@mark1626)
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
package com.mark
object PrettyPrint:
enum Doc:
case DocNil
case DocBreak
case DocSpace
case DocText(txt: String)
case DocCons(hd: Doc, tl: Doc)
case DocNest(indent: Int, doc: Doc)
def <>(hd:Doc): Doc = (this, hd) match
case (_, DocNil) => this
case (DocNil, _) => hd
case _ => DocCons(this, hd)
def <@>(hd: Doc): Doc = hd match
case DocNil => this
case _ => this <> DocBreak <> hd
def <+>(hd: Doc): Doc = this <> DocSpace <> hd
def pretty: String =
val writer = new
def format(writer: Writer): Unit =
type FmtState = (Int, Doc)
def spaces(n: Int): Unit =
var rem = n
while (rem >= 16) { writer write " "; rem -= 16 }
if (rem >= 8) { writer write " "; rem -= 8 }
if (rem >= 4) { writer write " "; rem -= 4 }
if (rem >= 2) { writer write " "; rem -= 2 }
if (rem >= 1) { writer write " " }
def fmt(state: List[FmtState]): Unit = state match
case List() => ()
case (_, DocNil) :: z => fmt(z)
case (i, DocCons(h, t)) :: z => fmt((i, h) :: (i, t) :: z)
case (_, DocText(t)) :: z =>
case (i, DocNest(ii, d)) :: z => fmt((i+ii, d):: z)
case (i, DocBreak) :: z =>
case (_, DocSpace) :: z =>
writer.write(" ")
case _ => ()
fmt(List((0, this)))
object Doc:
def emptyDoc = DocNil
def text(s: String): Doc = DocText(s)
def value(v: Any): Doc = DocText(v.toString)
def space = DocSpace
def line = DocBreak
def semi: Doc = text(";")
def colon: Doc = text(":")
def comma: Doc = text(",")
def dot: Doc = text(".")
def equal: Doc = text("=")
def lbrace: Doc = text("{")
def rbrace: Doc = text("}")
def nest(d: Doc, i: Int): Doc = DocNest(i, d)
def folddoc(ds: Iterable[Doc], f: (Doc, Doc) => Doc) = ds.isEmpty match
case true => emptyDoc
case false => ds.tail.foldLeft(ds.head)(f)
def hsep(ds: Iterable[Doc]): Doc =
folddoc(ds, _ <+> _)
def vsep(ds: Iterable[Doc]): Doc =
folddoc(ds, _ <@> _)
def enclose(l: Doc, d: Doc, r: Doc): Doc = hsep(Seq(l, d, r))
def parens(d: Doc) = enclose(text("("), d, text(")"))
def braces(d: Doc) = enclose(lbrace, d, rbrace)
def scope(
doc: Doc,
left: Doc = lbrace,
right: Doc = rbrace,
indent: Int = 2
): Doc =
left <> nest(emptyDoc <@> doc, indent) <@> right
A toy AST definition to test the pretty printer
import PrettyPrint.Doc
import PrettyPrint.Doc._
enum BOp:
case Add
case GT
enum Expr:
case EVar(id: String)
case EInt(v: Int)
case EBinop(op: BOp, e1: Expr, e2: Expr)
enum Statement:
case SAssign(lhs: Expr, rhs: Expr)
case SPar(stmts: Seq[Statement])
case SIf(cond: Expr, cons: Statement, alt: Statement)
case SEmpty
// Extensions to the ADT to pretty print
import BOp.*
import Statement.*
import Expr.*
extension (op: BOp)
def emit: Doc = op match
case Add => text("+")
case GT => text(">")
extension (expr: Expr)
def emit: Doc = expr match
case EVar(id) => text(id)
case EInt(v) => text(v.toString)
case EBinop(op, e1, e2) => e1.emit <+> op.emit <+> e2.emit
extension (stmt: Statement)
def emit: Doc = stmt match
case SAssign(lhs, rhs) => lhs.emit <+> equal <+> rhs.emit <> semi
case SPar(stmts) => scope(vsep( => stmt.emit)))
case SIf(cond, cons, alt) => text("if") <+> parens(cond.emit) <@> cons.emit
case SEmpty => text("")
x = 5;
z = 35;
a = 25;
y = 10;
x = x + y;
if ( x > 10 )
y = 5;
val prog: Statement = SPar(Seq(
SAssign(EVar("x"), EInt(5)),
SAssign(EVar("z"), EInt(35)),
SAssign(EVar("a"), EInt(25)),
SAssign(EVar("y"), EInt(10)),
SAssign(EVar("x"), EBinop(BOp.Add, EVar("x"), EVar("y"))),
EBinop(BOp.GT, EVar("x"), EInt(10)),
SAssign(EVar("y"), EInt(5))
@main def main: Unit =
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