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get environment variables from process id
def get_local_envvars_pid(process_id):
gdb_script = "set variable $envs = (char **) environ\nset $i = 0\nwhile ($envs[$i] != 0)\nprint $envs[$i++]\nend\nquit\n"
gdb_command = f"gdb -batch -x /tmp/getenv.gdb -p {process_id}"
ph = subprocess.Popen(gdb_command.split(),stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out,err = ph.communicate()
log.debug(f"gdb environment variable output {out} errors {err}")
found_items = re.findall(r'\$\d+\s+=\s+[0-9a-fx]+\s+"(\S+)=(.+)"\n', out.decode())
log.exception("Unable to decode environment varaibles.")
return None
return dict(found_items)
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