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Last active May 17, 2022 21:55
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The following code can be used to submit an issue with the PHPSpreadsheet calculation engine

use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Spreadsheet;
use PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Calculation\Calculation;



// Adjust the path as required to reference the PHPSpreadsheet Bootstrap file
require_once __DIR__ . '/../src/Bootstrap.php';

$spreadSheet = new Spreadsheet();
$workSheet = $spreadSheet->getActiveSheet();

// Set details for the formula that we want to evaluate, together with any data on which it depends
$workSheet->setCellValue('A1', 1)
    ->setCellValue('A2', 2)
    ->setCellValue('A3', '=IFERROR(AVERAGE(A1:A2),NA())');

// Initialise the calculation engine for debug logging
$calculationEngine = Calculation::getInstance($spreadSheet);
$debugLog = $calculationEngine->getDebugLog();


// The cell address in the worksheet that contains the formula
$cell = 'A3';

$formulaValue = $workSheet->getCell($cell)->getValue();
echo PHP_EOL, 'Formula value for evaluation is ', $formulaValue, PHP_EOL;

$canExecuteCalculation = false;
try {
    $tokens = $calculationEngine->parseFormula($formulaValue, $workSheet->getCell($cell));
    echo 'Parser Stack :-', PHP_EOL;
    $canExecuteCalculation = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo "PARSER ERROR: ", $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

    echo 'Parser Stack :-';

if ($canExecuteCalculation) {
    //  calculate
    try {
        $cellValue = $workSheet->getCell($cell)->getCalculatedValue();

		echo PHP_EOL, 'Result is ', $cellValue, PHP_EOL;

        echo 'Evaluation Log:', PHP_EOL;
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo "CALCULATION ENGINE ERROR: ", $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

        echo 'Evaluation Log:', PHP_EOL;
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