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Created January 3, 2017 19:12
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This code does a simple N-body integration using arrays of doubles for storing values and a value class to make the code more readable without introducing overhead.
object NBodyValClass {
private var numBodies = 0
private var dt = 0.0
private var positions = Array.fill(0)(0.0)
private var velocities = Array.fill(0)(0.0)
private var accel = Array.fill(0)(0.0)
private var masses = Array.fill(0)(1e-10)
class Particle(val index: Int) extends AnyVal {
def x = positions(index*3)
def y = positions(index*3+1)
def z = positions(index*3+2)
def vx = velocities(index*3)
def vy = velocities(index*3+1)
def vz = velocities(index*3+2)
def ax = accel(index*3)
def ay = accel(index*3+1)
def az = accel(index*3+2)
def mass = masses(index)
def x_=(d: Double): Unit = positions(index*3) = d
def y_=(d: Double): Unit = positions(index*3+1) = d
def z_=(d: Double): Unit = positions(index*3+2) = d
def vx_=(d: Double): Unit = velocities(index*3) = d
def vy_=(d: Double): Unit = velocities(index*3+1) = d
def vz_=(d: Double): Unit = velocities(index*3+2) = d
def ax_=(d: Double): Unit = accel(index*3) = d
def ay_=(d: Double): Unit = accel(index*3+1) = d
def az_=(d: Double): Unit = accel(index*3+2) = d
def initArrays(nb: Int, step: Double): Unit = {
numBodies = nb
dt = step
positions = Array.fill(numBodies*3)(0.0)
velocities = Array.fill(numBodies*3)(0.0)
accel = Array.fill(numBodies*3)(0.0)
masses = Array.fill(numBodies)(1e-10)
masses(0) = 1.0
for(i <- 1 until numBodies) {
val p = new Particle(i)
p.x = i
p.vy = math.sqrt(1.0/i)
def forSim(steps: Int): Unit = {
require(numBodies > 0 && dt > 0.0)
for(_ <- 1 to steps) {
for(i <- 0 until numBodies*3) {
accel(i) = 0.0
for {
i <- 0 until numBodies
j <- i+1 until numBodies
} {
val pi = new Particle(i)
val pj = new Particle(j)
val dx = pi.x-pj.x
val dy = pi.y-pj.y
val dz = pi.z-pj.z
val dist = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
val magi = pj.mass/(dist*dist*dist) -= magi*dx
pi.ay -= magi*dy -= magi*dz
val magj = pi.mass/(dist*dist*dist) += magj*dx
pj.ay += magj*dy += magj*dz
for(i <- 0 until numBodies) {
val p = new Particle(i)
p.vx +=*dt
p.vy += p.ay*dt
p.vz +=*dt
p.x += p.vx*dt
p.y += p.vy*dt
p.z += p.vz*dt
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