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Last active April 22, 2018 23:46
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Run massive parallel R jobs cheaply on Google Compute Engine with googleComputeEngineR and future
## see also on how to run on Azure
## and cloudyr project for AWS
# now also in docs:
## auto auth to GCE via environment file arguments
## create 50 CPUs names
vm_names <- paste0("cpu",1:50)
## specify the cheapest VMs that may get turned off
preemptible = list(preemptible = TRUE)
## start up 50 VMs with R base on them (can also customise via Dockerfiles using gce_vm_template instead)
fiftyvms <- lapply(vm_names, gce_vm, predefined_type = "n1-standard-1", template = "r-base", scheduling = preemptible)
## add any ssh details, username etc.
fiftyvms <- lapply(fiftyvms, gce_ssh_setup)
## once all launched, add to cluster
plan(cluster, workers = as.cluster(fiftyvms))
## the action you want to perform via cluster
my_single_function <- function(x){
## use future::future_lapply to send each call to the cluster
all_results <- future_lapply(1:50, my_single_function)
## tidy up
lapply(fiftyvms, FUN = gce_vm_stop)
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