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Last active November 21, 2020 00:09
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Shiny modules for creating dynamic SelectInputs
#' Safe subset
#' @param df Dataframe
#' @param column One name of column to subset within
#' @param subset Vector of entries in column to subset to
#' If column not in df, returns back the df
safeSubset <- function(df, column, subset){
testthat::expect_is(df, "data.frame")
testthat::expect_is(column, "character")
testthat::expect_equal(length(column), 1)
testthat::expect_is(subset, "character")
} else {
message("Subset is NULL, returning original")
out <- df
message(" # subsetting # original rows: ",nrow(df) ," column:", column, " by ", paste(subset, collapse = ", "))
col <- df[[column]]
out <- df[col %in% subset,]
message("Subset rows: ", nrow(out))
} else {
message("Column not found:", column)
out <- df
#' Dynamical Update of a selectInput
#' Shiny Module: useage details at \link{dynamicSelect}
#' @param id shiny id
#' @return dynamicSelectInput
#' @export
dynamicSelectInput <- function(id, label, multiple = FALSE){
ns <- shiny::NS(id)
shiny::selectInput(ns("dynamic_select"), label,
choices = NULL, multiple = multiple, width = "100%")
#' Dynamical Update of a selectInput
#' Shiny Module
#' Use via \code{callModule(dynamicSelect, "name_select", the_data, "cyl")}
#' @param input shiny input
#' @param output shiny output
#' @param session shiny session
#' @param the_data data.frame containing column of choices
#' @param column The column to select from
#' @param default_select The choices to select on load
#' @seealso \link{dynamicSelectInput}
#' @return the_data filtered to the choice
#' @export
dynamicSelect <- function(input, output, session, the_data, column, default_select = NULL){
ns <- session$ns
## update input$dynamic_select
shiny::need(the_data(),"Fetching data")
dt <- the_data()
testthat::expect_is(dt, "data.frame")
testthat::expect_is(column, "character")
choice <- unique(dt[[column]])
updateSelectInput(session, "dynamic_select",
choices = choice,
selected = default_select)
new_data <- reactive({
shiny::need(input$dynamic_select,"Select data"),
shiny::need(the_data(), "Waiting for data")
sd <- the_data()
selected <- input$dynamic_select
## will return sd even if column is NULL
safeSubset(sd, column, selected)
### Useage
ui = fluidPage(
dynamicSelectInput("cyl_select", "Cyl filter", multiple = TRUE),
dynamicSelectInput("dis_select", "Disp filter", multiple = TRUE),
server = function(input, output, session){
the_data <- reactive({
cyl_filter <- shiny::callModule(dynamicSelect, "cyl_select", the_data, "cyl", default_select = 4)
## cyl_filter is then filtered by disp
disp_filter <- shiny::callModule(dynamicSelect, "dis_select", cyl_filter, "disp", default_select = cyl_filter()$disp)
output$table <- renderTable({
table <- disp_filter()
save(table, file = "testTable.RData")
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Hi Mark,

I came across this gist while looking into setting up unit tests for my shiny apps and was immediately drawn to your use of testthat:: tests implemented directly into your modules (very clever approach!)

May I ask, how do you run these unit tests? Are they only executed at application start-up during your development phase or are you running an automated test suite over them as well?

If the latter is true, would you mind sharing your setup?



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dwhdai commented Apr 12, 2020

I would be interested to know this as well. This is the first time I've seen tests integrated within a Shiny app.

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Sorry @JPHUNTER I didn't get git notifications until recently :)

@dwhdai - its not that sophisticated, its only checking the input data and these days I would use assert_that() instead. If you want reactive tests then AFAIK the only way is to use the library shinytest

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