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Last active November 7, 2018 03:22
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Save MarkKoz/0e67689346308f0e91787918bc569249 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Playlist API

Base URL:

Response Object

Field Type Description
data array endpoint-specific return data
meta object unknown
status string unknown - success of the request?
time float unknown - time to process request?
    "data": [],
    "meta": {},
    "status": "ok",
    "time": 26.842117309570312


Playlists represent a sorted collection of media.

Playlist Object

Field Type Description
active? boolean whether or not the playlist is active
count integer quantity of media in the playlist
id integer playlist's id
name? string playlist's name
    "active": false,
    "count": 0,
    "id": 11545358,
    "name": "test"

Get Playlists

GET /playlists

Returns playlist objects for the currently authenticated user. The objects are sorted by the id field in descending order.

Create Playlist

POST /playlists

Creates a new playlist. Returns the created playlist object.

Field Type Description
media? array of media objects media with which to populate the playlist
name string playlist's name

Delete Playlist

DELETE /playlists/{}

Deletes a playlist.

Rename Playlist

PUT /playlists/{}/rename

Renames a playlist.

Field Type Description
name string new name for the playlist


Media represents some audio or video hosted on an external site.

Media Object

Field Type Description
author string media's artist
cid string content id used by the media's host
duration string media's duration in seconds
format string media's format - where it is hosted
id integer media's id
image string thumbnail url
title string media's title
Example (YouTube)
    "author": "Weast",
    "cid": "lr-zXfbdXow",
    "duration": 326,
    "format": 1,
    "id": 384246963,
    "image": "",
    "title": "Cocola"

Media Format

Value Description
1 YouTube
2 SoundCloud

Get Media

GET /playlists/{}/media

Returns media objects for the given playlist.

Add Media

POST /playlists/{}/insert

Adds new or existing media to the given playlist. Returns the updated partial playlist object.

Note: To add new media, create media objects with the id set to 0.

Field Type Description
append boolean whether or not to add the media to the end of the playlist rather than the beginning
ids array of media objects or ids media to add

Delete Media

POST /playlists/{}/delete

Deletes media from the given playlist. Returns the media objects in the playlist after the deletion.

Field Type Description
ids array of media object ids media to delete

Rearrange Media

PUT /playlists/{}/move

Changes the order of media in the given playlist. Returns the media objects in the playlist after the rearrangement.

Field Type Description
beforeID integer id of the media above which to place the media to be moved
ids array of media object ids media to move

Rename Media

PUT /playlists/{}/update

Changes the artist and title of media in the given playlist. Returns the updated partial media object with only the author and title present.

Note: This change does not apply to the same media if it is in other playlists. However, if deleted and re-added, does seem to remember the new name given.

Field Type Description
author string new artist for the media
id integer media's id
title string new title for the media
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