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Last active December 4, 2018 10:45
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AoC 2018 - Day 04
Time to execute: 0.002147326900568627 seconds
Lines of code: 31
from collections import defaultdict
with open('input.txt') as f:
log =
log.sort(key=lambda e: e[:17])
# 0th index is a running total of the minutes slept.
# 1st index is a list counting the number of days the guard was asleep during
# a given minute (minutes are the list's indices).
guards = defaultdict(lambda: [0, [0] * 59])
sleepiest_guard = None # The ID of the guard with the highest total of minutes slept.
sleepiest_guard_2 = (None, None, -1) # guard_id, minute, minute_freq
for entry in log:
entry = entry.split()
minute = int(entry[1][3:5])
event = entry[3][1:]
if event[0] == 's': # asleep
start = minute
elif event[0] == 'p': # awake
guards[guard][0] += minute - start # Add to the running total of minutes slept.
for m in range(start, minute):
# Increment the number of days the guard was asleep for minute m.
guards[guard][1][m] += 1
# Check if this guard holds the record for most days slept for minute m.
if guards[guard][1][m] > sleepiest_guard_2[2]:
sleepiest_guard_2 = (guard, m, guards[guard][1][m])
else: # started shift
if sleepiest_guard is None:
sleepiest_guard = event
elif guards[sleepiest_guard][0] < guards[guard][0]:
sleepiest_guard = guard # Previous guard is the sleepiest guard.
guard = event
# Make sure the last event is taken into account for checking sleepiest guard.
if guards[sleepiest_guard][0] < guards[guard][0]:
sleepiest_guard = guard
mins_1 = guards[sleepiest_guard][1]
# Get the index (minute) which has the most days slept.
max_min_1 = max(range(len(mins_1)), key=mins_1.__getitem__)
print(int(sleepiest_guard) * max_min_1)
print(int(sleepiest_guard_2[0]) * sleepiest_guard_2[1])
Initial solution for day 4. Part 2 was rushed if you couldn't tell.
from collections import defaultdict
with open('input.txt') as f:
log =
log.sort(key=lambda e: e[:17])
guards = defaultdict(list)
sleepiest_guard = None
for entry in log:
entry = entry.split()
minute = int(entry[1][3:5])
event = entry[3][1:]
if event.startswith('s'): # asleep
start = minute
elif event.startswith('p'): # awake
guards[guard] += range(start, minute)
else: # started shift
if sleepiest_guard is None:
sleepiest_guard = event
elif len(guards[sleepiest_guard]) < len(guards[guard]):
sleepiest_guard = guard
guard = event
if len(guards[sleepiest_guard]) < len(guards[guard]):
sleepiest_guard = guard
mins_1 = guards[sleepiest_guard]
max_min_1 = max(mins_1, key=mins_1.count)
max_min_2 = (None, -1, 0)
for guard, mins in guards.items():
if mins:
max_min = max(mins, key=mins.count)
count = mins.count(max_min)
if count > max_min_2[2]:
max_min_2 = (guard, max_min, count)
print(int(sleepiest_guard) * max_min_1)
print(int(max_min_2[0]) * max_min_2[1])
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