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Forked from rappen/CanaryTracer.cs
Created July 3, 2020 12:39
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Extension that writes everything from an IExecutionContext to the Plugin Trace Log
/* ***********************************************************
* CanaryTracer.cs
* Found at:
* Created by: Jonas Rapp
* Writes everything from an IExecutionContext to the Plugin Trace Log.
* Sample call:
* tracingservice.TraceContext(context,
* includeparentcontext,
* includeattributetypes,
* convertqueries,
* expandcollections,
* service);
* Enjoy responsibly.
* **********************************************************/
namespace Rappen.CDS.Canary
using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public static class CanaryTracer
/// <summary>
/// Dumps everything interesting from the plugin context to the plugin trace log
/// </summary>
/// <param name="tracingservice"></param>
/// <param name="context">The plugin or workflow context to trace.</param>
/// <param name="parentcontext">Set to true if any parent contexts shall be traced too.</param>
/// <param name="attributetypes">Set to true to include information about attribute types.</param>
/// <param name="convertqueries">Set to true if any QueryExpression queries shall be converted to FetchXML and traced. Requires parameter service to be set.</param>
/// <param name="expandcollections">Set to true if EntityCollection objects should list all contained Entity objects with all fields available.</param>
/// <param name="service">Service used if convertqueries is true, may be null if not used.</param>
public static void TraceContext(this ITracingService tracingservice, IExecutionContext context, bool parentcontext, bool attributetypes, bool convertqueries, bool expandcollections, IOrganizationService service)
tracingservice.TraceContext(context, parentcontext, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, 1);
private static void TraceContext(this ITracingService tracingservice, IExecutionContext context, bool parentcontext, bool attributetypes, bool convertqueries, bool expandcollections, IOrganizationService service, int depth)
var plugincontext = context as IPluginExecutionContext;
if (plugincontext?.Stage != 30)
tracingservice.Trace("--- Context {0} Trace Start ---", depth);
tracingservice.Trace("Message : {0}", context.MessageName);
if (plugincontext != null)
tracingservice.Trace("Stage : {0}", plugincontext.Stage);
tracingservice.Trace("Mode : {0}", context.Mode);
tracingservice.Trace("Depth : {0}", context.Depth);
tracingservice.Trace("Entity : {0}", context.PrimaryEntityName);
if (!context.PrimaryEntityId.Equals(Guid.Empty))
tracingservice.Trace("Id : {0}", context.PrimaryEntityId);
tracingservice.TraceAndAlign("InputParameters", context.InputParameters, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service);
tracingservice.TraceAndAlign("OutputParameters", context.OutputParameters, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service);
tracingservice.TraceAndAlign("SharedVariables", context.SharedVariables, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service);
tracingservice.TraceAndAlign("PreEntityImages", context.PreEntityImages, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service);
tracingservice.TraceAndAlign("PostEntityImages", context.PostEntityImages, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service);
tracingservice.Trace("--- Context {0} Trace End ---", depth);
if (parentcontext)
if (plugincontext?.ParentContext != null)
tracingservice.TraceContext(plugincontext.ParentContext, parentcontext, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, depth + 1);
else if (plugincontext?.ParentContext != null)
tracingservice.TraceContext(plugincontext.ParentContext, parentcontext, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, depth + 1);
private static void TraceAndAlign<T>(this ITracingService tracingservice, string topic, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, T>> parametercollection, bool attributetypes, bool convertqueries, bool expandcollections, IOrganizationService service)
if (parametercollection == null || parametercollection.Count() == 0) { return; }
var keylen = parametercollection.Max(p => p.Key.Length);
foreach (var parameter in parametercollection)
tracingservice.Trace($" {parameter.Key}{new string(' ', keylen - parameter.Key.Length)} = {ValueToString(parameter.Value, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, 2)}");
public static string ValueToString(object value, bool attributetypes, bool convertqueries, bool expandcollections, IOrganizationService service, int indent = 1)
var indentstring = new string(' ', indent * 2);
if (value == null)
return $"{indentstring}<null>";
else if (value is EntityCollection collection)
var result = $"{collection.EntityName} collection\n{indentstring} Records: {collection.Entities.Count}";
if (expandcollections)
result += $"\n{indentstring} {string.Join($"\n{indentstring}", collection.Entities.Select(e => ValueToString(e, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, indent + 1)))}";
return result;
else if (value is Entity entity)
var keylen = entity.Attributes.Count > 0 ? entity.Attributes.Max(p => p.Key.Length) : 50;
return $"{entity.LogicalName} {entity.Id}\n{indentstring}" + string.Join($"\n{indentstring}", entity.Attributes.OrderBy(a => a.Key).Select(a => $"{a.Key}{new string(' ', keylen - a.Key.Length)} = {ValueToString(a.Value, attributetypes, convertqueries, expandcollections, service, indent + 1)}"));
else if (value is ColumnSet columnset)
var columnlist = new List<string>(columnset.Columns);
return $"\n{indentstring}" + string.Join($"\n{indentstring}", columnlist);
else if (value is FetchExpression fetchexpression)
return $"{value}\n{indentstring}{fetchexpression.Query}";
else if (value is QueryExpression queryexpression && convertqueries && service != null)
var fetchxml = (service.Execute(new QueryExpressionToFetchXmlRequest { Query = queryexpression }) as QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse).FetchXml;
return $"{queryexpression}\n{indentstring}{fetchxml}";
var result = string.Empty;
if (value is EntityReference entityreference)
result = $"{entityreference.LogicalName} {entityreference.Id} {entityreference.Name}";
else if (value is OptionSetValue optionsetvalue)
result = optionsetvalue.Value.ToString();
else if (value is Money money)
result = money.Value.ToString();
result = value.ToString().Replace("\n", $"\n {indentstring}");
return result + (attributetypes ? $" \t({value.GetType()})" : "");
public static void Write(this ITracingService tracer, string text)
tracer.Trace(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff ") + text);
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