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Created August 1, 2010 20:23
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public void DoSomthingWithACar(ICar car)
// Do something with a any implementation of ICar
public void DoSomthingWithACar(Car car)
// Do something with a specific Car
namespace Fohjin.Refactoring
public class ClassToBeRefactored
public void DoSomething()
DependencyA dependencyA = new DependencyA();
DependencyB dependencyB = new DependencyB();
namespace Fohjin.Refactoring
public class ClassToBeRefactored
private readonly DependencyA _dependencyA;
private readonly DependencyB _dependencyB;
public ClassToBeRefactored() : this(new DependencyA(), new DependencyB()) {}
public ClassToBeRefactored(DependencyA dependencyA, DependencyB dependencyB)
_dependencyA = dependencyA;
_dependencyB = dependencyB;
public void DoSomething()
// Use _dependencyA and _dependencyB
public double Usage(ICar car)
// Calculate average kilometers per liter
public double AverageUsageKilometerPerLiter(ICar car)
// Calculate average kilometers per liter
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