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Created May 23, 2024 21:54
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Generic Specialization for IParsable<T>
using System.Reflection;
var x = GetParser<Thing>();
var y = GetParser<int>();
static IParser<T> GetParser<T>()
// specialize for T == Thing
if (typeof(T) == typeof(Thing))
if (MyThingParser.Inst is IParser<T> p)
return p;
// maybe more specializations of T
// if (typeof(T) == typeof(...))
// handle any generic IParsable<T>
var p2 = TryGetGenericParser<T>();
return p2;
static IParser<T> TryGetGenericParser<T>()
// dynamically specialize T for IParsable<T> via reflection
var ifaces = typeof(T).FindInterfaces(TypeFilter, typeof(T));
if (ifaces.Length == 1)
var i = ifaces[0];
var t = typeof(GenericParser<>).MakeGenericType(i.GetGenericArguments()[0]);
var f = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public;
var v = t.GetField("Inst", f).GetValue(null) as IParser<T>;
return v;
return null;
static bool TypeFilter(Type type, object o)
var p = (Type)o;
if (type.IsGenericType && type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IParsable<>) && type.GetGenericArguments()[0] == p)
return true;
return false;
interface IParser<T>
T Parser(string s);
class Thing
public static readonly Thing A = new Thing();
public static readonly Thing B = new Thing();
// custom parser I don't own "Thing", so can't apply IParsable<T>
class MyThingParser : IParser<Thing>
public static MyThingParser Inst = new MyThingParser();
public Thing Parser(string s)
return string.IsNullOrEmpty(s) ? Thing.A : Thing.B;
// generic parser for any IParsable<T> type.
class GenericParser<T> : IParser<T> where T : IParsable<T>
public static readonly GenericParser<T> Inst = new GenericParser<T>();
public T Parser(string s)
return T.Parse(s, null);
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