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Last active September 23, 2017 19:11
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  • Save MarkPieszak/0e7f4174e258a9be22e5561d92a7a443 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarkPieszak/0e7f4174e258a9be22e5561d92a7a443 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ngx-swiper mocks for angular universal
// ^ import the SwiperDirective MOCK we made, and include it in your AppServerModule @NgModule
declarations: [
SwiperDirective // <-- this is the mock we made above
"use strict";
// var Swiper = require("swiper");
var core_1 = require("@angular/core");
var core_2 = require("@angular/core");
var core_3 = require("@angular/core");
// var swiper_interfaces_1 = require("ngx-swipper-wrapper/dist/lib/swiper.interfaces");
var SwiperDirective = (function () {
function SwiperDirective(zone, elementRef, differs, defaults) { = zone;
this.elementRef = elementRef;
this.differs = differs;
this.defaults = defaults;
this.fxShow = true;
this.fxHide = false;
this.hidden = false;
this.disabled = false;
this.useSwiperClass = true;
this.runInsideAngular = false;
this.indexChange = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_INIT = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_DESTROY = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SCROLL = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_PROGRESS = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SETTRANSLATE = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SETTRANSITION = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_AUTOPLAY = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_AUTOPLAYSTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_AUTOPLAYSTOP = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_REACHBEGINNING = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_REACHEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDECHANGESTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDECHANGEEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDENEXTSTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDENEXTEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDEPREVSTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDEPREVEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_SLIDERMOVE = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_CLICK = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TAP = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_DOUBLETAP = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TOUCHSTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TOUCHMOVE = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TOUCHMOVEOPPOSITE = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TOUCHEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TRANSITIONSTART = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_TRANSITIONEND = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_IMAGESREADY = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_LAZYIMAGELOAD = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_LAZYIMAGEREADY = new core_3.EventEmitter();
this.S_PAGINATIONRENDERED = new core_3.EventEmitter();
Object.defineProperty(SwiperDirective.prototype, "index", {
// set: function (index) {
// if (index != null) {
// this.setIndex(index);
// }
// },
// enumerable: true,
// configurable: true
SwiperDirective.prototype.ngOnInit = function () {
// var _this = this;
// var element = this.elementRef.nativeElement;
// // var options = new swiper_interfaces_1.SwiperConfig(this.defaults);
// options.assign(this.config); // Custom config
// if (this.initialIndex != null) {
// options.initialSlide = this.initialIndex;
// }
// var onSlideChangeStart = options.onSlideChangeStart;
// var onScrollbarDragEnd = options.onScrollbarDragEnd;
// options.onSlideChangeStart = function (swiper) {
// if (onSlideChangeStart) {
// onSlideChangeStart(swiper);
// }
// () {
// _this.indexChange.emit(swiper.snapIndex);
// });
// };
// options.onScrollbarDragEnd = function (swiper) {
// if (onScrollbarDragEnd) {
// onScrollbarDragEnd(swiper);
// }
// () {
// _this.indexChange.emit(swiper.snapIndex);
// });
// };
// if (typeof options.scrollbar === 'string') {
// options.scrollbar = element.querySelector(options.scrollbar);
// }
// if (typeof options.pagination === 'string') {
// options.pagination = element.querySelector(options.pagination);
// }
// if (typeof options.prevButton === 'string') {
// options.prevButton = element.querySelector(options.prevButton);
// }
// if (typeof options.nextButton === 'string') {
// options.nextButton = element.querySelector(options.nextButton);
// }
// if (this.runInsideAngular) {
// this.swiper = new Swiper(element, options);
// }
// else {
// () {
// _this.swiper = new Swiper(element, options);
// });
// }
// this.S_INIT.emit(this.swiper);
// // Add native swiper event handling
// swiper_interfaces_1.SwiperEvents.forEach(function (eventName) {
// eventName = eventName.replace('swiper', '');
// eventName = eventName.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + eventName.slice(1);
// _this.swiper.on(eventName, function () {
// var args = [];
// for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
// args[_i] = arguments[_i];
// }
// if (args.length === 1) {
// args = args[0];
// }
// if (_this["S_" + eventName.toUpperCase()]) {
// _this["S_" + eventName.toUpperCase()].emit(args);
// }
// });
// });
// if (!this.configDiff) {
// this.configDiff = this.differs.find(this.config || {}).create(null);
// }
SwiperDirective.prototype.ngDoCheck = function () {
// var _this = this;
// var changes = this.configDiff.diff(this.config || {});
// if (changes) {
// this.initialIndex = this.getIndex();
// changes.forEachAddedItem(function (changed) {
// if (changed.key === 'initialSlide') {
// _this.initialIndex = _this.config.initialSlide;
// }
// });
// this.ngOnDestroy();
// // Timeout is needed for the styles to update properly
// setTimeout(function () {
// _this.ngOnInit();
// }, 0);
// }
SwiperDirective.prototype.ngOnDestroy = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.swiper) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
this.swiper.destroy(true, true);
else { () {
_this.swiper.destroy(true, true);
this.swiper = null;
SwiperDirective.prototype.ngOnChanges = function (changes) {
var _this = this;
if (this.swiper && ((changes['hidden'] && this.hidden) ||
(changes['fxHide'] && this.fxHide) || (changes['fxShow'] && !this.fxShow))) {
// For some reason resize causes Swiper to change index when hidden
this.initialIndex = this.swiper.activeIndex || 0;
if (this.swiper && ((changes['hidden'] && !this.hidden) ||
(changes['fxHide'] && !this.fxHide) || (changes['fxShow'] && this.fxShow))) {
// For some reason resize causes Swiper to change index when hidden
this.swiper.activeIndex = this.initialIndex || 0;
if (this.swiper && changes['disabled']) {
if (changes['disabled'].currentValue != changes['disabled'].previousValue) {
if (changes['disabled'].currentValue === true) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
else { () {
else if (changes['disabled'].currentValue === false) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
else { () {
SwiperDirective.prototype.update = function (updateTranslate) {
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.swiper) {
if (_this.runInsideAngular) {
if (updateTranslate) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.swiper) {
}, 0);
else { () {
if (updateTranslate) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (_this.swiper) {
}, 0);
}, 0);
SwiperDirective.prototype.getIndex = function () {
if (!this.swiper) {
return this.initialIndex;
else {
var index = this.swiper.activeIndex;
if (this.swiper.params.loop) {
var slidesCount = this.swiper.slides.length - 2 * this.swiper.loopedSlides;
index -= this.swiper.loopedSlides;
if (index < 0) {
index += slidesCount;
else if (index >= slidesCount) {
index -= slidesCount;
return index;
SwiperDirective.prototype.setIndex = function (index, speed, silent) {
var _this = this;
if (!this.swiper || this.hidden || this.fxHide || !this.fxShow) {
this.initialIndex = index;
else {
var realIndex = index * this.swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;
if (this.swiper.params.loop) {
realIndex += this.swiper.loopedSlides;
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
this.swiper.slideTo(index, speed, !silent);
else { () {
_this.swiper.slideTo(index, speed, !silent);
SwiperDirective.prototype.prevSlide = function (speed, silent) {
var _this = this;
if (this.swiper) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
this.swiper.slidePrev(!silent, speed);
else { () {
_this.swiper.slidePrev(!silent, speed);
SwiperDirective.prototype.nextSlide = function (speed, silent) {
var _this = this;
if (this.swiper) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
this.swiper.slideNext(!silent, speed);
else { () {
_this.swiper.slideNext(!silent, speed);
SwiperDirective.prototype.stopAutoplay = function (reset) {
var _this = this;
if (reset) {
if (this.swiper) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
else { () {
SwiperDirective.prototype.startAutoplay = function (reset) {
var _this = this;
if (reset) {
if (this.swiper) {
if (this.runInsideAngular) {
else { () {
return SwiperDirective;
SwiperDirective.decorators = [
{ type: core_2.Directive, args: [{
selector: '[swiper]'
},] },
/** @nocollapse */
SwiperDirective.ctorParameters = function () { return [
{ type: core_1.NgZone, },
{ type: core_3.ElementRef, },
{ type: core_1.KeyValueDiffers, },
// { type: swiper_interfaces_1.SwiperConfig, decorators: [{ type: core_2.Optional },] },
]; };
SwiperDirective.propDecorators = {
'index': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'fxShow': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'fxHide': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'hidden': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'disabled': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'useSwiperClass': [{ type: core_3.HostBinding, args: ['class.swiper',] }, { type: core_3.Input },],
'runInsideAngular': [{ type: core_3.Input },],
'config': [{ type: core_3.Input, args: ['swiper',] },],
'indexChange': [{ type: core_3.Output },],
'S_INIT': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['init',] },],
'S_DESTROY': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['destroy',] },],
'S_SCROLL': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['scroll',] },],
'S_PROGRESS': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['progress',] },],
'S_SETTRANSLATE': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['setTranslate',] },],
'S_SETTRANSITION': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['setTransition',] },],
'S_AUTOPLAY': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['autoplay',] },],
'S_AUTOPLAYSTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['autoplayStart',] },],
'S_AUTOPLAYSTOP': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['autoplayStop',] },],
'S_REACHBEGINNING': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['reachBeginning',] },],
'S_REACHEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['reachEnd',] },],
'S_SLIDECHANGESTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slideChangeStart',] },],
'S_SLIDECHANGEEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slideChangeEnd',] },],
'S_SLIDENEXTSTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slideNextStart',] },],
'S_SLIDENEXTEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slideNextEnd',] },],
'S_SLIDEPREVSTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slidePrevStart',] },],
'S_SLIDEPREVEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['slidePrevEnd',] },],
'S_SLIDERMOVE': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['sliderMove',] },],
'S_CLICK': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperClick',] },],
'S_TAP': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTap',] },],
'S_DOUBLETAP': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperDoubleTap',] },],
'S_TOUCHSTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTouchStart',] },],
'S_TOUCHMOVE': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTouchMove',] },],
'S_TOUCHMOVEOPPOSITE': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTouchMoveOpposite',] },],
'S_TOUCHEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTouchEnd',] },],
'S_TRANSITIONSTART': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTransitionStart',] },],
'S_TRANSITIONEND': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['swiperTransitionEnd',] },],
'S_IMAGESREADY': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['imagesReady',] },],
'S_LAZYIMAGELOAD': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['lazyImageLoad',] },],
'S_LAZYIMAGEREADY': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['lazyImageReady',] },],
'S_PAGINATIONRENDERED': [{ type: core_3.Output, args: ['paginationRendered',] },],
exports.SwiperDirective = SwiperDirective;
module.exports = (function () {
function Swiper() {
return Swiper;
import { Directive } from '@angular/core';
import { Input } from '@angular/core';
/* tslint:disable */
@Directive({ selector: '[swiper]' })
export class SwiperDirective {
@Input() public config: any;
const NormalModuleReplacementPlugin = require('webpack/lib/NormalModuleReplacementPlugin');
// then in your plugins add...
plugins: [
new NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/server-mocks/mock-swiper-js.js')
new NormalModuleReplacementPlugin(
path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/server-mocks/mock-ngx-swiper-directive.js')
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