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Last active August 28, 2023 15:05
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Simple script to let me know that a long running command is done. Uses ntfy, dunst/notify-send, and is ssh aware
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#🌩️ gist 3c02823a6bd111c90bad8344052143e6 alert
# Simple script to let me know that a long running command is done
# It uses both the ntfy service and either notify-send or dunst
# If it is running over a ssh session it will also try to use your local computers notify service
# Typical usage in a script:
# . $HOME/.bin/common/alert
# alert my message
# You can also add the following to .bashrc
# . $HOME/.bin/common/alert
# Then use it from the command prompt
# myLongCmd ; alert it is finally done
# Using curl instead of ntfy-sh so I don't have additional dependencies
# Using source instead of a normal bash script so I can see which program is calling this one
# Before using you must replace MYTOPIC with your ntfy topic and DEFAULTUSER with your username
# support other services
# Add hostname and caller to local_alert
# Add title and additional tags support
# Self host ntfy server
# remove hard coded ntfy topic and hide it in a secrets service
# Make it zsh compatible
# nix flake
command_exists() {
command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
return $?
crash() {
local err=$?
printf "%s\nCrashed at: %s:%s\n" "$*" "${FUNCNAME[1]}" "${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
case ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} in
local_alert | alert | crash)
# Cant exit if directly calling the function from bash
return $err
exit $err
local_alert() {
if command_exists notify-send; then
notify-send "$*" || crash "notify-send error"
elif command_exists dunstify; then
dunstify "$*" || crash "dunst error"
elif command_exists termux-toast; then
termux-toast "$*" || crash "termux-toast error"
alert() {
local tags caller ssh_ip
[ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Usage: $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) YOUR MESSAGE"; return; }
command_exists curl || { echo "curl not installed"; return; }
# Find out who is calling me
if [ -n "${BASH_SOURCE[2]}" ]; then
elif [ -n "${BASH_SOURCE[1]}" ]; then
caller=${caller##*/} # Same as using basename
tags="$HOSTNAME" # Always show the hostname
# Add program name unless alert was manually ran from bash
[[ "$caller" != "alert" ]] && tags+=",$caller"
curl -s -H "Tags: $tags" -d "$*" > /dev/null || crash "Curl error"
# curl -s -H "Title: meow" -H "Tags: $tags" -d "$*" > /dev/null || crash "Curl error"
# Also send a notification to your local computer
ssh_ip=${SSH_CLIENT%% *}
[ -n "$ssh_ip" ] && {
ssh DEFAULTUSER@$ssh_ip "$(declare -f local_alert command_exists crash);local_alert $*" || crash "ssh error"
} || {
local_alert $*
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