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Last active August 28, 2023 18:32
Show Gist options
  • Save MarkWalters-dev/992616d92e2cfca8b8e999490f16c1fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarkWalters-dev/992616d92e2cfca8b8e999490f16c1fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add and update gists
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#🌩️ gist 992616d92e2cfca8b8e999490f16c1fc ghgist
# Uses gh to create and update gists
# If .gist used then setup symlinks
# Need method to gh gist clone without using a .gist folder
# look for short description in file and use it
# if short description is provided then insert in file
# Short description always directly after gist id comment and an empty line
# Complex gists might need a readme.
# If .gist not used then or maybe
# actual gist filename of readme would be
# if used could also look for short description in readme
# this might be useful if --help is used. You could mdcat the readme
crash() {
local err=$?
printf "%s\nCrashed at: %s:%s\n" "$*" "${FUNCNAME[1]}" "${BASH_LINENO[0]}"
exit $err
command_exists() {
command -v $1 > /dev/null 2>&1
return $?
[ -f "$f" ] || { echo "Usage: $(basename ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) FILENAME [DESCRIPTION IF NEW GIST]"; exit; }
command_exists gh || crash "gh not installed"
[ -e "$HOME/.config/gh/hosts.yml" ] || crash "gh not configured\nRun gh auth login"
gist_icon="🌩️" # Unlikely I will find a line beginning with # and this symbol
l=$(grep "^#${gist_icon}" $f)
[ -n "$l" ] && {
gist_id=${l#*${gist_icon} gist }
gist_filename=${gist_id#* } # Does not support filenames with spaces
gist_id=${gist_id% *}
[ -n "$gist_id" ] || crash "Could not extract gist_id"
[ -n "$gist_filename" ] || crash "Could not extract gist_id"
echo Updating gist
gh gist edit $gist_id -f $gist_filename $f || crash "gh update error"
} || {
[ -n "$description" ] || { echo "New gist requires a description"; exit; }
gist_filename=${f##*/} # Same as using basename
[ -n "$gist_filename" ] || crash "Error getting gist_filename"
gist_id=$(gh gist create --public -d "$description" -f $f $f) || crash "gh create error"
[ -n "$gist_id" ] || { gh gist list; crash "Error getting gist_id\nDo you see anything new?"; }
# nix-script with nix-shell can use multiple shebang lines.
last_shebang=$(grep -n "^#!" $f | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d:)
[ -z "$last_shebang" ] && last_shebang=0
last_shebang=$(( last_shebang + 1 ))
sed -i "${last_shebang}i\#${gist_icon} gist $gist_id $gist_filename" $f || crash "sed error"
gh gist edit $gist_id -f $gist_filename $f || crash "gh update error"
alternatemethod() {
# Would require a dedicated .gist folder and symlinks to bin folder
git init
git remote add gist "$(gh gist create"
git fetch gist
git checkout -f master
git add . && git commit -m "add the rest of the files"
git push
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