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Created July 16, 2020 10:49
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Command-line python script to complete crazyhouse FEN by giving black all unused pieces in hand
# === FENify tsumehouse ===
# Takes a crazyhouse FEN containing just board position and command-line
# argument for white hand pieces, and outputs correct FEN where black has all
# the remaining pieces in hand.
# --- Example ---
# Input: "4r3/5k2/5pp1/5N2/8/8/8/8[] w - - 0 1" "BQ"
# Output: "4r3/5k2/5pp1/5N2/8/8/8/8[QBqrrrbbbnnnpppppppppppppp] w - - 0 1"
# (this is a 3te crazyhouse tsume)
import argparse
import operator
import subprocess
FULL_PIECE_COUNT = [2, 4, 4, 4, 16] # queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn
PIECES = {"Q" : 0, "R" : 1, "B" : 2, "N" : 3, "P" : 4}
PIECES_FROM_IDX = ["Q", "R", "B", "N", "P"]
def count_fen_pieces(fen):
piece_count = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
position = fen.split("[")[0]
for counter, char in enumerate(position):
if char.isalpha():
type = char.upper()
if type in PIECES.keys():
# check if piece is a promoted pawn
if position[counter+1] == "~":
piece_count[PIECES["P"]] += 1
piece_count[PIECES[type]] += 1
return piece_count;
def count_hand_pieces(hand):
piece_count = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
for char in hand:
if char.upper() in PIECES.keys():
piece_count[PIECES[char.upper()]] += 1
return piece_count;
def generate_hand_string(piece_count):
hand_list = []
for counter, number in enumerate(piece_count):
hand_list.extend(PIECES_FROM_IDX[counter] * number)
return "".join(hand_list)
def copy_to_clipboard(text):
cmd = "echo " + text.strip() + "|clip"
return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
# "main" function
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate correct tsumehouse FEN from diagram and specified white (semekata) hand pieces.")
parser.add_argument("input_fen", type=str, help="Input FEN containing board position and empty pockets for both sides. Assumes [] delimiters for pockets.")
parser.add_argument("hand_pieces", type=str, default="", help="String specifying white (semekata) hand pieces. Capital piece symbols, English notation (QRBNP), no spaces; e.g. 'RRN' or 'RNR' for 2 rooks and 1 knight.")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--clipboard", action="store_true", help="Automatically copy the output to the clipboard.")
args = parser.parse_args()
num_board_pieces = count_fen_pieces(args.input_fen)
num_white_pieces = count_hand_pieces(args.hand_pieces)
num_black_pieces = map(operator.sub, FULL_PIECE_COUNT, num_board_pieces)
num_black_pieces = map(operator.sub, num_black_pieces, num_white_pieces)
#assert num_black_pieces all entries positive or zero
white_string = generate_hand_string(num_white_pieces).upper()
black_string = generate_hand_string(num_black_pieces).lower()
fen = args.input_fen.split("[")
output_fen = fen[0] + "[" + white_string + black_string + fen[1]
if args.clipboard:
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