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Last active October 15, 2023 22:26
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  • Save MarketingPip/363891ba9253268d14d80a4a25096aed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* @license WTF-Link-QIDifier Plugin - is an extension for the wtf_wikipedia library. It enhances the functionality of wtf_wikipedia by adding a custom method to the models.Doc class. Allowing you to enrich Wikipedia document links with corresponding Wikidata QIDs.
* VERSION: 1.0.0
import wtf from "";
* Removes double spaces in a string.
* @param {string} str - The input string.
* @returns {string} The string with double spaces replaced by single spaces.
function removeDoubleSpaces(str) {
return str.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
* Maps QID to object names.
* @param {object} results - The Wikipedia Link results.
* @param {object} results - The SPARQL query results.
* @returns {object[]} An array of updated links with QIDs.
function mapQIDsToObjects(objects, qidList) {
// Create a new array to store the result
const result = [];
// Iterate through the objects
objects.forEach((obj) => {
const page =;
// Find the corresponding QID from the qidList based on "name"
const matchingQID = qidList.find((item) => === page);
// Create a new object with the "QID" property added if a matching QID is found
const newObj = { ...obj };
if (matchingQID) {
newObj.QID = matchingQID.QID;
// Add the new object to the result array
return result;
// WTF-Link-QIDifier
wtf.extend((models) => {
// Add a method to the Doc class
models.Doc.prototype.addQIDsToLinks = async function () {
// Ensure the custom property exists
this.WikiDataLinks = this.WikiDataLinks || {};
// Ignore fetching results / QIDs for disambiguation pages
if(this.isDisambiguation() == true){
return this.WikiDataLinks = null
// Extract links from the document and filter unique ones
const links = this.links().map((link) => link.json());
let resultList = [];
const langCode = this._options.lang || "en"
// Set language code to find QIDs for with Wikidata
const lang = `@${langCode}`
links.forEach(obj => {
if ( !== undefined && !resultList.includes(`${JSON.stringify(}${lang}`)) {
resultList = resultList.join('\n');
const endpointUrl = '';
// Construct a SPARQL query to fetch data from Wikidata
const sparqlQuery = `SELECT ?title ?item WHERE {
VALUES ?title {${resultList}}
?sitelink schema:about ?item;
schema:isPartOf <https://${langCode}>;
schema:name ?title.
const headers = { 'Accept': 'application/sparql-results+json' };
const sparqlUrl = `${removeDoubleSpaces(sparqlQuery).trim()}`;
// Execute the SPARQL query to Wikidata
const data = await fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
// Add any other required headers here
body: new URLSearchParams({
query: sparqlQuery
* Maps QID to object names.
* @param {object} results - The SPARQL query results.
* @returns {object[]} An array of objects with name and QID properties.
function mapQIDToName(results) {
results = results.results.bindings;
return => ({
name: obj.title.value,
QID: obj.item.value.substring(obj.item.value.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
// Map QIDs to objects and add them to the document
this.WikiDataLinks = mapQIDsToObjects(links, mapQIDToName(await data.json()));
return this.WikiDataLinks
// Example of plugin usage:
let doc = await wtf.fetch("Toronto")
await doc.addQIDsToLinks()
// OR call it after fetching like
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hey, yeah this is cool. I like how you can batch the request for all the links.
Maybe it should be part of the api plugin?

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MarketingPip commented Oct 15, 2023

I was thinking it could be part of the official API! Or separated as a plugin. (if that I think we should have it as separate plugin). But just wanted your insights! ps; I was hoping to connect and maybe watch your dev process and see if I can learn a bit (plus then I can shoot my random thoughts there or discord etc) - as I assume you will want to package this in your standard bundle process & CDN's etc..

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