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Created April 4, 2024 02:41
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"Ius strictum",
"Noblesse oblige",
"O tempora o mores!",
"Deposit of faith",
"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously",
"Disjecta membra",
"magic word",
"Bunga bunga",
"Upper ten thousand",
"Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?",
"Lex posterior derogat legi priori",
"Privilegium de non appellando",
"Ius variandi",
"Homo Sovieticus",
"That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is.",
"Concursus Dei",
"Hannibal ad portas",
"Praeter legem",
"turning the other cheek",
"Dem deutschen Volke",
"Studia humanitatis",
"Lex imperfecta",
"Je ne sais quoi",
"ex tunc",
"Spiritus rector",
"Lex lata",
"Ex juvantibus",
"To be, or not to be",
"Condictio causa data causa non secuta",
"Corpus vile",
"James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.",
"genius loci",
"In principium erat verbum",
"a picture is worth a thousand words",
"Ex oriente lux",
"mind the gap",
"baptism by fire",
"Condictio indebiti",
"Pax Mongolica",
"no comment",
"Angel's share",
"Simul justus et peccator",
"agree to disagree",
"All the world's a stage",
"Nondum Conceptus",
"Mitakuye Oyasin",
"Let there be light",
"Adam and Steve",
"Felix culpa",
"kia kaha",
"time immemorial",
"a feather in your cap",
"nine days' wonder",
"The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death",
"A wigwam for a goose's bridle",
"Benedicamus Domino",
"Sign of the times",
"Gol o bolbol",
"Han shot first",
"Quos ego",
"Klaatu barada nikto",
"The Lilies of the Field",
"Philosophy is the handmaiden of theology",
"C'est la sardine qui a bouché le port de Marseille",
"said the actress to the bishop",
"Lex orandi, lex credendi",
"corporate purpose",
"Subsistit in",
"peace through strength",
"Par in parem non habet imperium",
"Vivente rege",
"Bel Paese",
"I Am that I Am",
"Alba gu bràth",
"Seven trumpets",
"per curiam decision",
"Armenian question",
"Cloud cuckoo land",
"abomination of desolation",
"Balle Balle",
"Ancilla Dei",
"Mumbo jumbo",
"all rights reversed",
"Two wrongs make a right",
"¡Ay, caramba!",
"Prison of the peoples",
"Life Has Become Better",
"my tailor is rich",
"all rights reserved",
"Klal Yisrael",
"crown of creation",
"the powers that be",
"Mama grizzly",
"Oy vey",
"tastes like chicken",
"So help me God",
"Play Like a Champion Today",
"Spynorsk mordliste",
"purple prose",
"the dog ate my homework",
"square peg in a round hole",
"tough love",
"son of perdition",
"beast with two backs",
"Be, and it is",
"De se",
"France profonde",
"Ya Hussain",
"fall guy",
"Christmas gift",
"Dona nobis pacem",
"the wrong type of snow",
"Covering of the eyes",
"man's best friend",
"Norfolk and Good",
"Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam",
"salty dog",
"Whatʼs past is prologue",
"Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow",
"lions led by donkeys",
"Horn OK Please",
"trip the light fantastic",
"Bite the cartridge",
"hurry up and wait",
"vital center",
"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi (ce soir) ?",
"In haec verba",
"bite the bullet",
"By the Grace of God",
"To hell in a handbasket",
"Dictated but not read",
"By the Court decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada",
"Got Rice?",
"Inter rusticos",
"Mission creep",
"shiver my timbers",
"Take Me to Your Leader",
"Get Out of Jail Free card",
"It is time to work for the Lord",
"Ex demissione",
"Law of Christ",
"rubber chicken",
"full pond",
"resistance is futile",
"stranger danger",
"Fake it till you make it",
"ignore all rules",
"Four Eleven Forty Four",
"in like Flynn",
"Uff da",
"have a nice day",
"suffer fools gladly",
"Le Roy le veult",
"Conspiracy of silence",
"short, sharp shock",
"the dogs of war",
"Via, Veritas, Vita",
"shut up",
"What a piece of work is a man",
"Vince malum bono",
"Jesus H. Christ",
"possession is nine-tenths of the law",
"catbird seat",
"Taiwan, China",
"The Darkest Hour",
"talk to the hand",
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana",
"Tofu-dreg project",
"cover your ass",
"true meaning of Christmas",
"between you and I",
"cutting off the nose to spite the face",
"reverence for life",
"Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.",
"Pardon my French",
"Brock for Broglio",
"cold shoulder",
"la plume de ma tante",
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks",
"Ever to Excel",
"Darby and Joan",
"chop chop",
"God's Own Country",
"comprised of",
"as a service",
"Today's Taiwan, tomorrow's Hong Kong",
"Tony's Cronies",
"hoi polloi",
"All that glitters is not gold",
"Independência ou Morte",
"Viva la muerte",
"an offer one can't refuse",
"bless your heart",
"Ma malakat aymanukum",
"Vivere pericoloso",
"Honour Among Thieves",
"Today's Hong Kong, tomorrow's Taiwan",
"necessary evil",
"Crowned heads of Europe",
"Tora! Tora! Tora!",
"away from keyboard",
"Sum quod eram nec eram quod sum",
"Deus seja louvado",
"Ex navicula navis",
"how now brown cow",
"Armenia without Armenians",
"Entourage effect",
"Conditio Jacobaea",
"vaticinium ex eventu",
"come stai",
"oldest profession",
"Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.",
"No such thing as a stupid question",
"Paris is well worth a Mass",
"stare decisis",
"Defenders of the Shrine",
"red line",
"Ye Olde",
"Kreegah bundolo",
"winged words",
"Pura vida",
"political gridlock",
"martial arts",
"coraggio e paura",
"de jure/de facto",
"zizhu chuangxin",
"Jedem das Seine",
"Nunquam retrorsum",
"fryd og gammen",
"Anno salutis",
"wine-dark sea",
"mad as a hatter",
"senatus consultum",
"currency manipulator",
"yada yada yada",
"Pax optima rerum",
"metteur en scène",
"Party media takes the party's last name",
"You can't have your cake and eat it",
"There's No Money So Hang On",
"Venceréis, pero no convenceréis",
"Act of Love",
"something wicked this way comes",
"Asa Nisi Masa",
"cheater like Liu Shaoqi",
"Hell on Wheels",
"Son of God",
"He never married",
"We not only saved the world",
"I can't breathe",
"Where have you been for eight years?",
"There was no quid pro quo",
"Skateboarding is not a crime",
"Seed Phrase",
"alternative facts",
"Free Melania",
"electromagnetic pollution",
"the show must go on",
"My eyes are up here",
"Slovensko Slovákom",
"Relaxing cup of café con leche",
"In luce tua videmus lucem",
"Off the verandah",
"Qué mirá bobo, andá pa' allá",
"For you were strangers",
"all's well that ends well",
"I see what you did there",
"Guds barnbarn",
"É verdade esse bilete",
"also known as",
"28 stab wounds",
"Ur spår",
"Saqqara Prefix 2",
"sussy baka",
"Booty Call",
"fishers of men",
"further research is needed",
"I don't speak...",
"speaking truth to power",
"Extremely Online",
"Blue Monday",
"Anti anti-communism",
"preaching to the choir",
"When the looting starts, the shooting starts",
"Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells",
"Hakarat HaTov",
"formerly known as",
"Reginam occidere",
"wanderlust research",
"small dick energy",
"Přelom století",
"O Brasil não é um país sério",
"I love you",
"Don't fuck with the formula",
"why not",
"This is Relevant To My Interests",
"Russia Is Rising From Its Knees",
"Förr i världen var man dum i huve nått jävulskt",
"Acceptable level of violence",
"tournant du siècle",
"one hand clapping",
"No céu tem pão?",
"not an argument",
"add oil",
"Med utmärkt högaktning",
"I'm not racist, but...",
"Man is the measure of all things",
"tall, dark and handsome",
"Chaos with Ed Miliband",
"I Did That!",
"The staff ate it later",
"Buy a Shotgun",
"nerd snipe",
"Mom loves speed",
"Thank you",
"follow that car",
"Illegal flower tribute",
"Kiss me, I'm Irish",
"it's not what it looks like",
"rest in power",
"turn of the century",
"Índia pega no laço",
"Beautiful Russia of the Future",
"Hand of history",
"We need to talk",
"Protect trans kids",
"nasty, brutish, and short",
"Pax Kushana",
"Pax Gupta",
"greatest of all time",
"I was only pretending to be retarded",
"Follow the science",
"out of office",
"I don't know her",
"the desert shall blossom as the rose",
"Perdeu, mané",
"and so on",
"Drink with moderation",
"giant with his nostrils pinched",
"One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic",
"Why do I hear boss music",
"Tory scum",
"Bruxelles, ma belle",
"Biblical phrase",
"mene mene tekel upharsin",
"pars pro toto",
"Shot heard 'round the world",
"cogito ergo sum",
"peremptory norm",
"Lex causae",
"Carpe diem",
"Essentialia negotii",
"ex contractu",
"City upon a Hill",
"Civis romanus sum",
"Sine qua non",
"corpus delicti",
"Pax Hispanica",
"annuit cœptis",
"Laudetur Jesus Christus",
"Horus name",
"Inter partes",
"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.",
"¿Por qué no te callas?",
"In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas",
"Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus",
"Dura lex sed lex",
"That they all may be one",
"caveat emptor",
"Incurvatus in se",
"I know it when I see it",
"Similia similibus curantur",
"Pious fraud",
"Quot capita, tot sententiae",
"race to the bottom",
"Doenjang Girl",
"Ius indigenatus",
"survival of the fittest",
"Carthago delenda est",
"tragedy of the anticommons",
"Volenti non fit injuria",
"terra incognita",
"Cherchez la femme",
"Culpa in contrahendo",
"droit du seigneur",
"Res inter alios acta",
"Actio pro socio",
"Ad litem",
"the war to end war",
"Lex loci delicti commissi",
"Animus auctoris",
"mazel tov",
"A minore ad maius",
"Motion in limine",
"Actor sequitur forum rei",
"Hudjefa I",
"Brevi manu",
"Actus primus",
"Noli me tangere",
"Keep Calm and Carry On",
"vis viva",
"Iura novit curia",
"Pax Romana",
"Eko Eko Azarak",
"Seven Seas",
"Totum pro parte",
"reductio ad Hitlerum",
"per capita",
"Pax Britannica",
"famous for being famous",
"Non Serviam",
"actio libera in causa",
"Servant of the servants of God",
"Soli Deo gloria"
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@spencermountain - just a random WikiData pull but a ton of phrases. Figured might be useful for you!

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