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## Inspiration
A common everyday occurrence in my house is someone asking something along the lines of, "Did the dog eat her dinner yet?" or "Did someone let the dog out this morning?". Our dog, Joy, has accidentally been fed twice many times by accident because of miscommunication between us, her caretakers. This sort of problem inspired me to develop DogLog, an app that aims to close the communication gap for families with pets.
## What it does
In this app you create a "pack" for your dog where you and any other caretakers of your dog are members. All of you can then log events such as walks, food, or custom events that your dog does. Everyone else in the pack gets a notification so nobody is confused as to whether the dog had their dinner or went outside to go potty. There's also a statistics page so you can see how many walks your dog goes on per week, when the last time they took their medicine was, and gain other insights.
## How I built it
I built this app in my free time over the last school quarter using Swift 3 and Firebase. I had barely any experience with iOS app development in the past (I have one game on the app store), but thanks to A LOT of googling and the wonderful help of the people on Stack Overflow, I slowly chipped away at each problem that arose.
## Challenges I ran into
A few challenges I ran into included balancing school and this project, along with other extracurriculars I'm a part of such as volunteering 3 times a week, playing piano, and hanging out with friends. On a technical level, making sure my UI was friendly was challenging for me as a developer but thanks to the help of my sister, as well as getting other people's advice I think the finished product looks very nice.
## Accomplishments that I'm proud of
I'm really proud that I was able to take an idea that was in my head and turn it into something real. This ability to take an idea and manifest it is the reason I fell in love with coding. I think being able to code gives people massive power and I'm glad I was able to use my abilities to create something that can help others.
## What I learned
Creating this app taught me many things. Most importantly, I learned that everything ends up being more complicated than you initially anticipate. There are countless problems that arose while I was developing this app that I thought would be no-brainers to implement. However, your attitude when something doesn't go as expected is what will define your success at the end of the day. With patience and perserverence (and a lot of Googling!) there is almost nothing stopping you from solving any problem you have.
## What's next for DogLog
Android version! I started publicizing this app this week right after I launched it and a ton of people have asked me to port it to Android. Also, there are countless improvements and features which I have planned such as reminders (example: Give the dog medicine tomorrow), socializing the app (Facebook sharing), and walk tracking using GPS.
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