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Created November 11, 2017 21:00
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Teammate Win %
// @author Ephew
// @version 0.1
// @include http://**
// @include http://tagpro-**
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// ==/UserScript==
tagpro.ready(function() {
if (tagpro.state) { // make sure were actually in a game
Get the stats table
var statsTable = document.getElementById("stats");
Insert new header
var tableHeader = statsTable.tHead; // get header of table
var firstTr = tableHeader.rows[0]; // get first table row of header
var numberCellsInRow = firstTr.cells.length; // get number of children that row has
var x = firstTr.insertCell(numberCellsInRow - 2); // insert cell at second to last spot in row
x.innerText = "Buddy %"; // set text of new cell
Insert data
var tableBody = statsTable.tBodies[0];
var rows = tableBody.rows; // array containing rows of table body (1 for each player)
// This code will get ran every time the table updates (about once per second when table is open)
// We need this because tagpro re-renders the table every second or so to reflect each players updated stats
// So we need to add our Buddy % cell for each row every time it updates.{
modifyScoreUI: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { // loop through every row of table body
var currentRow = rows[i]; // get current row (at i'th index)
var numberOfCellsInRow = currentRow.cells.length; // get number of cells in that row
var firstChild = currentRow.cells[0]; // cell of row with player's name
var nameSpan = firstChild.getElementsByClassName("scoreName")[0]; // part of cell that holds player's name
var name = nameSpan.innerText; // extract player's name from cell
if (!name) { // make sure name is actually there
continue; // if name is not there, go to next iteration of loop
var playerData = GM_getValue(name, '{"totalGames": 0, "wins": 0}');// get data stored for that player
var formattedData = JSON.parse(playerData);
var gamesPlayed = formattedData["totalGames"];
var winsWithPlayer = formattedData["wins"];
var winPercent = winsWithPlayer / gamesPlayed * 100; // calculate win percent for that player
if (gamesPlayed == 0) {
winPercent = "N/A";
var newCell = currentRow.insertCell(numberOfCellsInRow - 2); // insert a new cell inside of the current row
newCell.innerText = winPercent; // set inner text of new cell
Wait for game to end, set data once it does
if (tagpro.socket) {
tagpro.socket.on('end', function(e) {
if (!tagpro.spectator) {
var me = tagpro.players[tagpro.playerId]; // me (tagpro.playerId is my id)
var myTeam =; // get my team number (1=red, 2=blue)
Get all players on my team
var players = tagpro.players;
var playersOnOurTeam = [];
for (var playerId in players) { // loop through each player
if (playerId != tagpro.playerId) { // check so we dont add ourselves to playersOnOurTeam
var playerData = players[playerId]; // get that player's data
var playerTeam =;
if (playerTeam == myTeam) { // check if player is on our team
playersOnOurTeam.push(playerData); // add player's data to our team array
Check if I won
var winner = e.winner;
var didWin = false;
// if red won, and my team is the red team, or if blue won and my team is the blue team, we won
if ((winner == 'red' && myTeam == 1) || (winner == 'blue' && myTeam == 2)) {
didWin = true;
Loop through all players on my team
for (var i = 0; i < playersOnOurTeam.length; i++) {
var player = playersOnOurTeam[i];
// values are stored as an object (same thing is dictionary in python)
// format of data is dictionary["personsName"] = {"totalGames": 0, "wins": 0}
var pastData = GM_getValue(, '{"totalGames": 0, "wins": 0}');
var formattedData = JSON.parse(pastData); // Need to format data correctly
var gamesPlayed = formattedData["totalGames"];
var winsWithPlayer = formattedData["wins"];
if (didWin) { // if we won, then increment the number of wins we've won with the player
// this is the object that we will store
dataToStore = {
"totalGames": gamesPlayed + 1,
"wins": winsWithPlayer
// save data
GM_setValue(, JSON.stringify(dataToStore)); // JSON.stringify encodes the data in a way that it can be stored
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