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Last active August 14, 2018 13:30
Jetson TK1 - caffe compilation issue: nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_60'

Jetson TK1 - caffe compilation issue: nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_60'


I'm posting here a detailed summary of the problem and the situation with the Jetson TK1 board and compiling the final caffe release. The final caffe release requires cudnn v.5. If you attempt to compile on the Jetson TK1 board you will give an error from nvcc saying "Unsupported gpu architecture". I describe the


On the Jetson TK1 if you clone the final caffe release and compile:
make all -j 4

The nvcc compiler will show the following error:

nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_60'


tar -xvzf rc3.tar.gz
cd caffe-rc2
make all -j 4

The solution is to download release candidate 2 from Releases. This version will work with the cudnn version (v2) in the NVidia JetPack release for Jetson TK1. The final caffe release requires cudnn v.5 which requires CUDA 9.


Note that Kepler GPUs are supported in the latest CUDA 9 ; only Fermi GPUs are unsupported. The NVIDIA "GK20a" GPU on the Jetson TK1 is a Kepler GPU. Unfortunately, there have been no updates to the Jetson TK1 jetpack in the last release. Downloaded caffe rc2 is the solution for the time being.

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ysh329 commented Jun 23, 2018


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