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Created October 21, 2015 12:05
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  • Save MarshalOfficial/ba3b6bed3022f7c8e137 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarshalOfficial/ba3b6bed3022f7c8e137 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
this script get all tables row count and size as output
if exists(select * from tempdb..sysobjects where id = OBJECT_ID('#temp_table1'))
drop table #temp_table1
select,CONVERT(numeric(30,3),(CONVERT(float, SUM(A.used_page_count)*8)/1024)) as [Table Used Size(MB)],
CONVERT(numeric(30,3),(CONVERT(float, SUM(A.reserved_page_count)*8)/1024)) as [Table Located Size(MB)],
(CONVERT(numeric(30,3),(CONVERT(float, SUM(A.reserved_page_count)*8)/1024)) - CONVERT(numeric(30,3),(CONVERT(float, SUM(A.used_page_count)*8)/1024))) as [Table Free Size(MB)] ,
into #temp_table1
from sys.dm_db_partition_stats as A, sys.all_objects as B
where A.object_id = B.object_id and B.type != 'S'
group by name,row_count
order by asc
Select * from #temp_table1 order by row_count desc
drop table #temp_table1
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