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Created January 11, 2024 12:35
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Copyright 2021 - 2022, Martijn Braam and the OpenAtem contributors
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
#include <Python.h>
const double bt709_coeff_r = 0.2126;
const double bt709_coeff_g = 0.7152;
const double bt709_coeff_b = 0.0722;
const double bt709_coeff_ri = 1.0 - bt709_coeff_r;
const double bt709_coeff_bi = 1.0 - bt709_coeff_b;
const double bt709_coeff_bg = bt709_coeff_b / bt709_coeff_g;
const double bt709_coeff_rg = bt709_coeff_r / bt709_coeff_g;
const int y_offset = 16 << 8;
const int y_range = 219;
const int cr_offset = 128 << 8;
const int cr_range = 224;
const int cr_middle = 224 / 2;
const double bt709_ri_range = bt709_coeff_ri / cr_middle;
const double bt709_bi_range = bt709_coeff_bi / cr_middle;
beputu64(uint64_t *dest, uint64_t v)
uint8_t *buf = (uint8_t *)dest;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) buf[i] = (v >> ((7 - i) * 8)) & 0xff;
unsigned short
clamp(unsigned short v, unsigned short min, unsigned short max)
const short t = v < min ? min : v;
return t > max ? max : t;
static PyObject *
method_atem_to_rgb(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
Py_buffer input_buffer;
Py_ssize_t data_length;
unsigned int width, height;
PyObject *res;
/* Parse arguments */
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "y*II", &input_buffer, &width, &height)) {
return NULL;
data_length = input_buffer.len;
char *buffer;
char *resbuffer = (char *) malloc(data_length);
if (resbuffer == NULL) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
char *outbuffer = resbuffer;
int pixel_size = 8;
buffer = input_buffer.buf;
for (int i = 0; i < data_length; i += pixel_size) {
// Convert 10-bit BT.709 Y'CbCrA 4:2:2 to RGB
// Unpack bytes to 2xY 2xA and a B and R pair
unsigned short a1 = (buffer[0] << 4) + ((buffer[1] & 0xf0) >> 4);
unsigned short a2 = (buffer[4] << 4) + ((buffer[5] & 0xf0) >> 4);
unsigned short cb = ((buffer[1] & 0x0f) << 6) + ((buffer[2] & 0xfc) >> 2);
unsigned short cr = ((buffer[5] & 0x0f) << 6) + ((buffer[6] & 0xfc) >> 2);
unsigned short y1 = ((buffer[2] & 0x03) << 8) + (buffer[3] & 0xff);
unsigned short y2 = ((buffer[6] & 0x03) << 8) + (buffer[7] & 0xff);
float cbf = bt709_bi_range * ((cb << 6) - cr_offset);
float crf = bt709_ri_range * ((cr << 6) - cr_offset);
float y1f = ((double) (y1 << 6) - y_offset) / y_range;
float y2f = ((double) (y2 << 6) - y_offset) / y_range;
float r1f = fmin(255, y1f + crf);
float g1f = fmin(255, y1f - cbf * bt709_coeff_bg - crf * bt709_coeff_rg);
float b1f = fmin(255, y1f + cbf);
float r2f = fmin(255, y2f + crf);
float g2f = fmin(255, y2f - cbf * bt709_coeff_bg - crf * bt709_coeff_rg);
float b2f = fmin(255, y2f + cbf);
outbuffer[0] = (unsigned char) r1f;
outbuffer[1] = (unsigned char) g1f;
outbuffer[2] = (unsigned char) b1f;
outbuffer[3] = (unsigned char) (((double) (a1 - 16)) / 3.6);
outbuffer[4] = (unsigned char) r2f;
outbuffer[5] = (unsigned char) g2f;
outbuffer[6] = (unsigned char) b2f;
outbuffer[7] = (unsigned char) (((double) (a2 - 16)) / 3.6);
outbuffer += pixel_size;
buffer += pixel_size;
res = Py_BuildValue("y#", resbuffer, data_length);
return res;
static PyObject *
method_rgb_to_atem(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
Py_buffer input_buffer;
Py_ssize_t data_length;
unsigned int width, height, premultiply;
PyObject *res;
/* Parse arguments */
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "y*IIp", &input_buffer, &width, &height, &premultiply)) {
return NULL;
data_length = input_buffer.len;
unsigned char *buffer;
buffer = input_buffer.buf;
char *outbuffer = (char *) malloc(data_length);
if (outbuffer == NULL) {
return PyErr_NoMemory();
char *writepointer = outbuffer;
int pixel_size = 8;
for (int i = 0; i < data_length; i += pixel_size) {
// Convert RGBA 8888 to 10-bit BT.709 Y'CbCrA
float r1 = (float)buffer[0] / 255;
float g1 = (float)buffer[1] / 255;
float b1 = (float)buffer[2] / 255;
float r2 = (float)buffer[4] / 255;
float g2 = (float)buffer[5] / 255;
float b2 = (float)buffer[6] / 255;
if (premultiply) {
// PNG files have straight alpha, for BMD switchers premultipled alpha is easier
float a1 = (float)buffer[3] / 255;
float a2 = (float)buffer[7] / 255;
r1 = r1 * a1;
g1 = g1 * a1;
b1 = b1 * a1;
r2 = r2 * a2;
g2 = g2 * a2;
b2 = b2 * a2;
float y1 = (0.2126f * r1) + (0.7152f * g1) + (0.0722f * b1);
float y2 = (0.2126f * r2) + (0.7152f * g2) + (0.0722f * b2);
float cb = (b2 - y2) / 1.8556f;
float cr = (r2 - y2) / 1.5748f;
unsigned short a10a = ((buffer[3] << 2) * 219 / 255) + (15 << 2) + 1;
unsigned short a10b = ((buffer[7] << 2) * 219 / 255) + (15 << 2) + 1;
unsigned short y10a = clamp((unsigned short) ((y1 * 876) + 64), 64, 940);
unsigned short y10b = clamp((unsigned short) ((y2 * 876) + 64), 64, 940);
unsigned short cb10 = clamp((unsigned short) ((cb * 896) + 512), 44, 960);
unsigned short cr10 = clamp((unsigned short) ((cr * 896) + 512), 44, 960);
writepointer[0] = (unsigned char) (a10a >> 4);
writepointer[1] = (unsigned char) (((a10a & 0x0f) << 4) | (cb10 >> 6));
writepointer[2] = (unsigned char) (((cb10 & 0x3f) << 2) | (y10a >> 8));
writepointer[3] = (unsigned char) (y10a & 0xff);
writepointer[4] = (unsigned char) (a10b >> 4);
writepointer[5] = (unsigned char) (((a10b & 0x0f) << 4) | (cr10 >> 6));
writepointer[6] = (unsigned char) (((cr10 & 0x3f) << 2) | (y10b >> 8));
writepointer[7] = (unsigned char) (y10b & 0xff);
writepointer += pixel_size;
buffer += pixel_size;
res = Py_BuildValue("y#", outbuffer, data_length);
return res;
static PyObject *
method_rle_encode(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
Py_buffer input_buffer;
PyObject *res;
/* Parse arguments */
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "y*", &input_buffer)) {
return NULL;
Py_ssize_t c = 0, i, w;
uint64_t *data = input_buffer.buf;
uint64_t *buf = malloc(input_buffer.len);
for (i = 0, w = 0, c = 0; i < input_buffer.len / 8; ++i) {
assert(data[i] != RLE_HEADER);
if (i != 0 && data[i - 1] == data[i]) {
if (i + 1 < input_buffer.len) {
if (c > 2) {
buf[w++] = RLE_HEADER;
beputu64(&buf[w++], c);
buf[w++] = data[i - 1];
} else if (c > 0) {
for (Py_ssize_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
buf[w++] = data[i - 1];
buf[w++] = data[i];
c = 0;
if (c > 2 && input_buffer.len > 1) {
buf[w++] = RLE_HEADER;
beputu64(&buf[w++], c);
buf[w++] = data[i - 1];
} else if (c > 0 && input_buffer.len > 1) {
for (Py_ssize_t j = 0; j < c; ++j) {
buf[w++] = data[i - 1];
} else if (input_buffer.len == 1) {
buf[0] = data[0];
res = Py_BuildValue("y#", buf, w * 8);
return res;
static PyMethodDef MediaConvertMethods[] = {
{"atem_to_rgb", method_atem_to_rgb, METH_VARARGS, "Convert an Atem YCbCrA frame to RGB8888"},
{"rgb_to_atem", method_rgb_to_atem, METH_VARARGS, "Convert an RGB8888 frame to Atem YCbCrA"},
{"rle_encode", method_rle_encode, METH_VARARGS, "Compress data using the custom Atem RLE encoding"},
static struct PyModuleDef mediaconvertmodule = {
"Native code for converting frames",
return PyModule_Create(&mediaconvertmodule);
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