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Writing Code for Marketing & Growth Use Cases

Martijn Scheijbeler MartijnSch

Writing Code for Marketing & Growth Use Cases
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import datetime
import requests
import csv
import json
import re
URL = ""
API_KEY = ''
request_url = "{}&siteUrl={}".format(API_KEY, URL)
MartijnSch / google_search_console_ctr_curve.r
Last active November 12, 2020 14:24
R Script to Calculate CTR Curves with Google Search Console data
## A script to retrieve Google Search Console data for the last 90 days and plot a graph for CTR%
## It will retrieve the data from the Google Search Console API and make sure that it can be plotted for a visual graph
## Version 2: March 1, 2019
## Author: Martijn Scheijbeler (
## All credits go to Mark Edmondson for creating: &
## Load the required libraries: googleAuthR, searchConsoleR, dplyr, ggplot2
## (Download them with install.packages("googleAuthR"), install.packages("searchConsoleR"), install.packages("dplyr") and install.packages("ggplot2") if necessary