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Created July 12, 2019 15:36
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  • Save Martin-Alexander/60cdde0463d48f0dd2f2b46a5ee9d134 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Say hello to the user
# Prompt the user for a first number
# Get user input
# Prompt the user for a second number
# Get user input
# Prompt the user for an operator
# Run the appropraite calculation on the two numbers
# Print the result
puts "Welcome to the calculator app"
puts "First number:"
first_number = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "Second number:"
second_number = gets.chomp.to_i
puts "Operation:"
operation = gets.chomp
if operation == "+"
result = first_number + second_number
elsif operation == "-"
result = first_number - second_number
elsif operation == "/"
result = first_number.fdiv(second_number)
elsif operation == "*"
result = first_number * second_number
puts result
# Start until loop
# Ask for inputs and calculate
# Ask if the user would like to continue
# Stop the loop if they are done
puts "Welcome to the calculator app"
continue = nil
until continue == "n"
puts "Would you like to continue [y/n]:"
continue = gets.chomp
puts "Goodbye"
# Refactor calculating code into seperate method
# Inputs (arguments): first number, second number, and operation
# Output: number
# Place code in 'calculator.rb'
# Use `require_relative` at the top of 'interface.rb'
# Integrate this method into your interface code
def calculate(first_number, second_number, operation)
if operation == "+"
result = first_number + second_number
elsif operation == "-"
result = first_number - second_number
elsif operation == "/"
result = first_number.fdiv(second_number)
elsif operation == "*"
result = first_number * second_number
return result
# Define and store all the horses (array of strings)
# Loop over and print out all horse names
# Ask the user to bet on a horse
# Get user input
# Randomly pick a winning horse
# Tell the user if their horse won
horses = ["horse_1", "horse_2", "horse_3", "horse_4"]
horses.each do |horse|
puts horse
puts "Place your bet"
user_bet = gets.chomp
winning_horse = horses.sample
puts "#{winning_horse} won!"
if winning_horse == user_bet
puts "Congratulations"
puts "You lost your bet"
# Start player off with a balance of money
# Print horses names
# Begin loop
# Ask for user bet
# Print results of race
# If the user lost substract from balance
# If the user won add to balance
# Print out the user's balance
# Ask the user if they would like to continue betting
horses = ["horse_1", "horse_2", "horse_3", "horse_4"]
balance = 100
horses.each do |horse|
puts horse
continue = nil
until continue == "n"
puts "Place your bet"
user_bet = gets.chomp
winning_horse = horses.sample
puts "#{winning_horse} won!"
if winning_horse == user_bet
puts "Congratulations"
balance += 50
puts "You lost your bet"
balance -= 10
puts "Your balance is #{balance}"
puts "Would you like to continue [y/n]:"
continue = gets.chomp
# Data:
# Represent the items on sale with a hash
# Item names as KEYS and thier prices as VALUES
# Represent the users cart as an array of item names STRINGS
# Welcome the user to the store
# Loop through all the items on sale and print out their name and price
# Start a loop
# Ask the user what they would like to buy
# If you have it, store it in thier cart
# Ask the user if they want to continue shopping
# Once they're done, loop through the user's cart and calculate the total price
store = {
"kiwi" => 1.25,
"banana" => 0.5,
"mango" => 4,
"asparagus" => 9
shopping_cart = []
puts "WELCOME!"
store.each do |item, price|
puts "#{item}: #{price}"
user_choice = nil
until user_choice == "quit"
puts "What would you like to buy? ('quit' to checkout)"
user_choice = gets.chomp
if store.key?(user_choice)
shopping_cart << user_choice
total = 0
shopping_cart.each do |item|
total += store[item]
puts "Total price is #{total}"
# When the user makes a choice, ask them how many items they would like
# Fill up the cart with that many items
store = {
"kiwi" => 1.25,
"banana" => 0.5,
"mango" => 4,
"asparagus" => 9
shopping_cart = []
puts "WELCOME!"
store.each do |item, price|
puts "#{item}: #{price}"
user_choice = nil
until user_choice == "quit"
puts "What would you like to buy? ('quit' to checkout)"
user_choice = gets.chomp
if store.key?(user_choice)
puts "How many?"
amount = gets.chomp.to_i
amount.times do
shopping_cart << user_choice
total = 0
shopping_cart.each do |item|
total += store[item]
puts "Total price is #{total}"
# Modify the store data:
# Hash with item names (stings) as KEYS, and hashes as VALUES
# Those hashes will have to key/value pairs, one for price and the other for quantity
# Update existing code to respect this new format (printing loop & total price calculation)
# When the user enters their desired quantity only add to the card if there is enough quantity
# Update the hash to reflect the new quantity of that item
store = {
"kiwi" => { "price" => 1.25, "quantity" => 10 },
"banana" => { "price" => 0.5, "quantity" => 10 },
"mango" => { "price" => 4, "quantity" => 10 },
"asparagus" => { "price" => 9, "quantity" => 10 }
shopping_cart = []
puts "WELCOME!"
store.each do |item, details|
price = details["price"]
quantity = details["quantity"]
puts "#{item}: #{price} (#{quantity} available)"
user_choice = nil
until user_choice == "quit"
puts "What would you like to buy? ('quit' to checkout)"
user_choice = gets.chomp
if store.key?(user_choice)
puts "How many?"
amount = gets.chomp.to_i
if store[user_choice]["quantity"] >= amount
amount.times do
shopping_cart << user_choice
store[user_choice]["quantity"] -= amount
puts "Sorry, there are only #{store[user_choice]["quantity"]} left"
total = 0
shopping_cart.each do |item|
total += store[item]["price"]
puts "Total price is #{total}"
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