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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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  • Save Martin-Jung/ad250b96f07944cf5f0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Martin-Jung/ad250b96f07944cf5f0b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# By Martin Jung (2015)
# Takes a IUCN species id code as input, which
# can ether be queried from the api (
# or directly from the full database downloadable here:
isForestSpecialist <- function (inputID)
print(paste("Now processing ID",inputID))
# Input data need to be joined first with IUCN ids
# Queries the IUCN database if a species is associated with forests and has major importance = yes
if( return(NA) else
# Generate the link
link <- paste("",inputID, "/0", sep = "")
# Download the html file
webpage <- getURL(link)
webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc)
# Parse site structure and extract body
pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){})
body <- pagetree$children$html$children$body
# Then extract habitat container
b <- try( xpathApply(body, "//div[@id='habitat']")[[1]] )
if(class(b)[1] =="try-error") {
print(paste("Species ID",inputID,"does not seem to have habitat info..."))
# get text
bb <- toString.XMLNode(b)
# split at hr
h2 <- unlist(str_split(bb,"<hr",n = Inf))
# check if forest and mayor importance occur
res <- vector()
for(i in 1:length(h2)){
# Reduce does the trick
ix <- c( Reduce('&', lapply(c("Forest","Yes"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("forest","yes"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("Forest","yes"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("forest","Yes"), grepl, h2[i]))
if(any(ix)) res <- c(res,"Forest-specialist")
iy <- c( Reduce('&', lapply(c("Forest","No"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("forest","no"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("Forest","no"), grepl, h2[i])),
Reduce('&', lapply(c("forest","No"), grepl, h2[i]))
if(any(iy)) res <- c(res,"Forest-associated")
# Check if one clear association.
if( "Forest-specialist" %in% res) return("Forest-specialist") else
if( length(unique(res)) == 2 ) return("Forest-specialist") else
if( length(unique(res) == 1)) return("Forest-associated") else
return("Other Habitats") # If none return NA by default if nothing else works
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