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methods pair to finish OAuth2 flow on
# Attention: the below methods are actions extracted from my controllers in a Rails App, if you need to use these codes outside
# a Rails project, rememeber to replace some Rails-specified methods, such as, Hash#to_param.
# STEP 1: start to request an authorization
def request_authorize
session[:security_state] = 'I am from Martin site'
authorize_url = ""
params = {
client_id: "663911642", # Required: Your assigned App Key
redirect_uri: '', # Required: A redirect uri after users have confirmed to authorize
scope: 'statuses_to_me_read', # Optional: specify needed authorities, could be splited by commas ','
state: session[:security_state] # Optional: a param used to annotate message by yourself, such as, use to it to prevent evil requests
redirect_to "#{authorize_url}?params" # start to authorization flow
# STEP 2: use the received `code` to request authorized `access_token`
# A little time after user confirmed to authorize successfully,
# the's api server will redirect the browser to the passed `redirect_uri` and pass two params `code` and `state`
# Example:
def request_access_token
if params[:state] != session[:security_state] # The current request is an evil request
render json: [message: 'Oh no, it seems that you are a bad boy!'], status: 406
access_token_url = ""
params = {
client_id: '663911642', # Required: Your assigned App Key
client_secret: 'b2f51ef8b14ef56de2b0566975d8aaec', # Required: Your assigned App Secret
grant_type: 'authorization_code', # Require: Only 'authorizaition' value is available currently
code: params[:code], # Required: passed url param from the request
redirect_uri: '' # Required: configed redirect_url in
response = "#{access_token_url}?#{params}", accept: :json # should be a post request here
# Note: must remember to pass params as a url params instead of form params, otherwise, you will receive error message like:
# "miss client id or secret"
# STEP 3: do something else,
# maybe store the access_token and then redirect to a profile page, anyway, you are free now.
current_user.update_attributes access_token: response.body['access_token']
redirect_to current_user_profile_path
# Lastly, a success response body Example:
# The success reponse will be something like(the below response has been formatted):
"access_token": "2.00hkboBz05nnoxcc10c6c075muWpuB",
"remind_in": "157679999",
"expires_in": 157679999,
"uid": "0123456789"
# OK, that is all!
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leondu commented Jul 30, 2014

session[:security_state] = 'I am from Martin site' is good for demo, in real world you might expect a more secure string like SecureRandom.hex


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