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Last active April 28, 2022 18:08
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Tweets of Annalena Baerbock ( in JSON Format (first 100 Tweets since she became foreign minister)
{"http_status": 200, "account_name": "ABaerbock", "account_data": {"Name": "Baerbock, Annalena Charlotte Alma", "Partei": "B\u00fcndnis 90/Die Gr\u00fcnen", "id": 2179010672, "screen_name": "ABaerbock", "t0": "20170920-150458.json", "t1": "20211020-103923.json", "value": "Baerbock, Annalena Charlotte Alma"}, "params": [["query", "from:ABaerbock"], ["max_results", "100"], ["start_time", "2007-01-01T00:00:00Z"], ["end_time", "2022-04-18T11:59:59Z"], ["tweet.fields", "attachments,author_id,context_annotations,conversation_id,created_at,entities,geo,id,in_reply_to_user_id,lang,possibly_sensitive,public_metrics,referenced_tweets,reply_settings,source,text,withheld"], ["expansions", "author_id,,,entities.mentions.username,attachments.poll_ids,attachments.media_keys,in_reply_to_user_id,geo.place_id"], ["media.fields", "duration_ms,height,media_key,preview_image_url,public_metrics,type,url,width"], ["place.fields", "contained_within,country,country_code,full_name,geo,id,name,place_type"], ["poll.fields", "duration_minutes,end_datetime,id,options,voting_status"], ["user.fields", "created_at,description,entities,id,location,name,pinned_tweet_id,profile_image_url,protected,public_metrics,url,username,verified,withheld"]], "response": {"data": [{"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 100, "end": 112, "tag": "Klimawandel"}, {"start": 258, "end": 272, "tag": "Gerechtigkeit"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-13T16:57:59.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1514286784653447169", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 103, "reply_count": 150, "like_count": 1917, "quote_count": 8}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1514286790634573827", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1514286788260597761"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "On est ensemble - Wir stehen zusammen. Und zwar vor einer Herausforderung, die uns alle angeht. Der #Klimawandel betrifft uns alle auf dieser Welt, aber er betrifft uns nicht \u00fcberall gleicherma\u00dfen. F\u00fcr mich ist entschiedenes Klimahandeln eine Frage globaler #Gerechtigkeit. 3/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 21, "end": 28, "tag": "Niamey"}, {"start": 144, "end": 164, "tag": "Nahrungsmittelkrise"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-13T16:57:59.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1514286784653447169", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 118, "reply_count": 211, "like_count": 1993, "quote_count": 11}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1514286788260597761", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1514286784653447169"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Eine Familie, die in #Niamey auf den Markt geht, muss doppelt so viel f\u00fcr einen Sack Hirse zahlen als vor einem Jahr. Zur Klimakrise kommt eine #Nahrungsmittelkrise hinzu, die Putins Angriffskrieg auf die Ukraine angeheizt hat. Wir m\u00fcssen jetzt entschlossen handeln. 2/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1514286772896866312"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 0, "end": 11, "tag": "Klimakrise"}, {"start": 22, "end": 28, "tag": "Sahel"}], "urls": [{"start": 281, "end": 304, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-13T16:57:58.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1514286784653447169", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 328, "reply_count": 608, "like_count": 3481, "quote_count": 27}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1514286784653447169", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "#Klimakrise - hier im #Sahel bedeutet das Konflikt, Hunger und Flucht. Klimakrise - das bedeutet f\u00fcr eine Mutter, dass sie nicht wei\u00df, was sie ihren Kindern am Abend zu essen geben wird. Dass ein Vater sich darum sorgt, dass sein Sohn sich extremistischen Schergen anschlie\u00dft. 1/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 23, "end": 33, "tag": "terrorist"}, {"start": 44, "end": 51, "tag": "Israel"}, {"start": 77, "end": 85, "tag": "TelAviv"}], "annotations": [{"start": 123, "end": 129, "probability": 0.5469, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Shabbat"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-07T19:50:41.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1512155922273083392", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 444, "reply_count": 715, "like_count": 4156, "quote_count": 62}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1512155922273083392", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "In yet another heinous #terrorist attack in #Israel, cowards attacked normal #TelAviv citizens enjoying the evening before Shabbat. We mourn those killed and grieve with their families. Our thoughts are with the injured and with the emergency responders who are caring for them.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1511319401814970372"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 14, "end": 21, "tag": "Moldau"}, {"start": 226, "end": 235, "tag": "Russland"}], "urls": [{"start": 289, "end": 312, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-05T12:26:40.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1511319408463028228", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 276, "reply_count": 1028, "like_count": 2929, "quote_count": 63}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1511319408463028228", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Gemeinsam f\u00fcr #Moldau: \u00dcber 30 L\u00e4nder haben ihre Unterst\u00fctzung bei der Aufnahme von ukrainischen Gefl\u00fcchteten zugesagt. Wir wollen die Zusammenarbeit mit Moldau ausbauen, seine wirtschaftliche & fossile Unabh\u00e4ngigkeit von #Russland st\u00e4rken & stellen daf\u00fcr \u00fcber 650 Mio Euro bereit", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 27, "end": 38, "tag": "Sanktionen"}, {"start": 45, "end": 54, "tag": "Russland"}, {"start": 180, "end": 185, "tag": "NATO"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-04T16:02:43.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1511011388197683202", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 436, "reply_count": 1027, "like_count": 7343, "quote_count": 55}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1511011389585989632", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1511011388197683202"}], "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "1016738021939351558", "name": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "description": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Wir werden die bestehenden #Sanktionen gegen #Russland weiter versch\u00e4rfen, unsere Unterst\u00fctzung der ukrainischen Streitkr\u00e4fte entschieden ausbauen und auch die \u00f6stliche Flanke der #NATO st\u00e4rken. 2/2", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 15, "end": 23, "tag": "Butscha"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-04T16:02:42.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1511011388197683202", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1177, "reply_count": 2256, "like_count": 13255, "quote_count": 218}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1511011388197683202", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Bilder aus #Butscha zeugen von Vernichtungswillen, der \u00fcber alle Grenzen hinweggeht. Wir haben daher eine erhebliche Zahl von Angeh\u00f6rigen der russischen Botschaft zu unerw\u00fcnschten Personen erkl\u00e4rt. Weitere Reaktionen bringen wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern auf den Weg. 1/2", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 149, "end": 157, "tag": "Ukraine"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-03T11:13:40.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1510576259541225474", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1705, "reply_count": 2341, "like_count": 18243, "quote_count": 263}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1510576260828868615", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1510576259541225474"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Verantwortlichen f\u00fcr diese Kriegsverbrechen m\u00fcssen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Wir werden die Sanktionen gegen Russland versch\u00e4rfen und\ndie #Ukraine noch st\u00e4rker bei ihrer Verteidigung unterst\u00fctzen. 2/2", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 15, "end": 23, "tag": "Butscha"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-03T11:13:40.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1510576259541225474", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 2956, "reply_count": 3539, "like_count": 25198, "quote_count": 361}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1510576259541225474", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Bilder aus #Butscha sind unertr\u00e4glich. Putins hemmungslose Gewalt l\u00f6scht unschuldige Familien aus und kennt keine Grenzen. 1/2", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 113, "end": 121, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "mentions": [{"start": 0, "end": 16, "username": "HalynaYanchenko", "id": "371156355"}]}, "created_at": "2022-04-02T12:50:43.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1509994925441572869", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 31, "reply_count": 51, "like_count": 867, "quote_count": 1}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "371156355", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1510238295296552961", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1509994925441572869"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "@HalynaYanchenko Thank you for your important visit. We stand united with you - for the peace and sovereignty of #Ukraine.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 27, "end": 34, "tag": "Israel"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-30T15:01:08.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1509183950702395395", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 113, "reply_count": 214, "like_count": 1366, "quote_count": 14}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1509183953168703493", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1509183950702395395"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "In nur einer Woche sind in #Israel 11 Menschen von islamistischen Terroristen ermordet worden. Gerade in diesen traurigen Tagen ist klar: unsere Freundschaft ist unverbr\u00fcchlich - unsere volle Solidarit\u00e4t gilt Israel. Meine Gedanken sind bei allen, die um ihre Liebsten trauern.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1509183945618956288"]}, "created_at": "2022-03-30T15:01:07.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1509183950702395395", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 85, "reply_count": 347, "like_count": 2106, "quote_count": 15}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1509183950702395395", "reply_settings": "everyone", "entities": {"urls": [{"start": 218, "end": 241, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 132, "end": 145, "username": "JIssacharoff", "id": "804021025465831424"}]}, "text": "Vielen Dank f\u00fcr Ihre Freundschaft zu Deutschland und Ihren unerm\u00fcdlichen Einsatz f\u00fcr die \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea-\ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf1 Beziehungen in den letzten 5 Jahren, @JIssacharoff! \nIch h\u00e4tte mir sehr gew\u00fcnscht, Sie fr\u00f6hlicher verabschieden zu d\u00fcrfen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 30, "end": 47, "tag": "Komplettausstieg"}, {"start": 208, "end": 228, "tag": "ErneuerbareEnergien"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-29T09:49:23.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1508743110330925062", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 144, "reply_count": 308, "like_count": 2091, "quote_count": 24}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1508743111534694406", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1508743110330925062"}], "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "30", "name": "Entities [Entity Service]", "description": "Entity Service top level domain, every item that is in Entity Service should be in this domain"}, "entity": {"id": "848920371311001600", "name": "Technology", "description": "Technology and computing"}}, {"domain": {"id": "165", "name": "Technology", "description": "for individual and types of technology, e.g., food technology, 3D printing"}, "entity": {"id": "848920371311001600", "name": "Technology", "description": "Technology and computing"}}, {"domain": {"id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel"}, "entity": {"id": "781974596148793345", "name": "Business & finance"}}, {"domain": {"id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations"}, "entity": {"id": "847888632711061504", "name": "Personal finance", "description": "Personal finance"}}, {"domain": {"id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks"}, "entity": {"id": "847894353708068864", "name": "Investing", "description": "Investing"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Wir bereiten einen nationalen #Komplettausstieg aus fossilen Energien aus Russland vor, beginnend bei \u00d6l. Dabei d\u00fcrfen wir unsere Energiekrise nicht in andere L\u00e4nder exportieren: Wir m\u00fcssen global denken, in #ErneuerbareEnergien investieren & Energiepartnerschaften aufbauen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 251, "end": 262, "tag": "Sicherheit"}, {"start": 269, "end": 278, "tag": "Freiheit"}, {"start": 280, "end": 287, "tag": "betd22"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-29T09:49:23.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1508743110330925062", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 353, "reply_count": 564, "like_count": 3764, "quote_count": 52}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1508743110330925062", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "65", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Vertical", "description": "Top level interests and hobbies groupings, like Food or Travel"}, "entity": {"id": "781974596148793345", "name": "Business & finance"}}, {"domain": {"id": "66", "name": "Interests and Hobbies Category", "description": "A grouping of interests and hobbies entities, like Novelty Food or Destinations"}, "entity": {"id": "847888632711061504", "name": "Personal finance", "description": "Personal finance"}}, {"domain": {"id": "67", "name": "Interests and Hobbies", "description": "Interests, opinions, and behaviors of individuals, groups, or cultures; like Speciality Cooking or Theme Parks"}, "entity": {"id": "847894353708068864", "name": "Investing", "description": "Investing"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Klimapolitik ist die geopolitische Aufgabe unserer Zeit. Der Aufstieg der Erneuerbaren Energien ist Realit\u00e4t & absolute Notwendigkeit - er wird das internationale Machtgewicht verschieben. Investitionen in Erneuerbare sind Investitionen in unsere #Sicherheit & #Freiheit. #betd22", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-25T19:04:13.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1507433188402114562", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 375, "reply_count": 850, "like_count": 6423, "quote_count": 50}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1507433188402114562", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "864479651615318017", "name": "Frankfurt", "description": "Frankfurt"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Unsere wichtigste Antwort auf die brutale und sinnlose Gewalt ist Menschlichkeit & Solidarit\u00e4t: Heute sind die ersten Ukrainer*innen aus Moldau in Frankfurt angekommen. Neben der EU werden auch USA & Kanada Gefl\u00fcchtete aufnehmen. \nVielen Dank an alle, die dabei unterst\u00fctzen!", "source": "Twitter Web App", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-23T20:26:26.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1506729101830197249", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 489, "reply_count": 1519, "like_count": 9314, "quote_count": 254}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1506729101830197249", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "1021855300637224960", "name": "Madeleine Albright", "description": "Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "1021855300637224960", "name": "Madeleine Albright", "description": "Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Mit Haltung, Klarheit und Mut stand Madeleine Albright als erste US-Au\u00dfenministerin ein f\u00fcr Freiheit und die St\u00e4rke von Demokratien. Mit ihr verlieren wir eine streitbare K\u00e4mpferin, wahre Transantlantikerin und Vorreiterin. Auch ich stehe heute auf ihren Schultern.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 76, "end": 84, "tag": "Zukunft"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-18T11:03:41.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1504775542356295680", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 98, "reply_count": 381, "like_count": 2134, "quote_count": 16}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1504775544797384705", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1504775543622934528"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Denn wann, wenn nicht jetzt, m\u00fcssen wir beginnen, unsere Sicherheit f\u00fcr die #Zukunft zu denken: Besonnen und pragmatisch, mit klarem Wertekompass in der Hand.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 110, "end": 119, "tag": "Freiheit"}, {"start": 143, "end": 154, "tag": "Demokratie"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-18T11:03:41.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1504775542356295680", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 100, "reply_count": 298, "like_count": 2107, "quote_count": 14}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1504775543622934528", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1504775542356295680"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Sicherheit der Unverletzlichkeit unseres Lebens, zuvorderst vor Gewalt und Krieg.\n\nDie Sicherheit unserer #Freiheit, der Resilienz unserer #Demokratie.\n\nDie Sicherheit unserer Lebensgrundlagen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 4, "end": 15, "tag": "Sicherheit"}, {"start": 116, "end": 137, "tag": "Sicherheitsstrategie"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-18T11:03:41.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1504775542356295680", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 240, "reply_count": 853, "like_count": 3023, "quote_count": 56}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1504775542356295680", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die #Sicherheit der Freiheit unseres Lebens ist mehr als die Abwesenheit von Krieg. Auf dem Weg zu einer Nationalen #Sicherheitsstrategie geht es daher um drei essentielle Punkte:", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-15T12:41:00.000Z", "lang": "fr", "conversation_id": "1503699392372555779", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 4, "reply_count": 11, "like_count": 47, "quote_count": 0}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1055021191", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1503712868792995841", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1503699392372555779"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "@JY_LeDrian Bon r\u00e9tablissement!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "entities": {"mentions": [{"start": 0, "end": 11, "username": "JY_LeDrian", "id": "1055021191"}]}, "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 59, "end": 67, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "mentions": [{"start": 155, "end": 169, "username": "rafaelmgrossi", "id": "2911144905"}, {"start": 174, "end": 182, "username": "iaeaorg", "id": "19386622"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-09T20:44:56.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1501660327473201152", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 163, "reply_count": 1565, "like_count": 1408, "quote_count": 26}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501660327473201152", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "The security and integrity of all nuclear installations in #Ukraine is of vital importance. For all of us. They should never be targeted. \nFull support to @rafaelmgrossi and @iaeaorg for their hard work under dire circumstances.", "source": "Twitter Web App", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 46, "end": 54, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "mentions": [{"start": 147, "end": 161, "username": "rafaelmgrossi", "id": "2911144905"}, {"start": 170, "end": 178, "username": "iaeaorg", "id": "19386622"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-09T20:44:05.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1501660115400810496", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 159, "reply_count": 671, "like_count": 2431, "quote_count": 11}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501660115400810496", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Sicherheit und Integrit\u00e4t der AKWs in der #Ukraine sind enorm wichtig. F\u00fcr uns alle. Sie d\u00fcrfen niemals Ziel von Kampfhandlungen sein. Ich bin @rafaelmgrossi und der @iaeaorg sehr dankbar f\u00fcr ihre Arbeit unter schwierigsten Bedingungen.", "source": "Twitter Web App", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-09T18:01:03.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1501619081258184707", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 83, "reply_count": 217, "like_count": 1175, "quote_count": 6}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501619085951606790", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1501619083770580995"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Die Organisationen haben eine unglaubliche Arbeit geleistet. Ich danke allen, die in Deutschland oder vor Ort in Afghanistan mithelfen, von Herzen f\u00fcr ihren couragierten Einsatz!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-09T18:01:02.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1501619081258184707", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 94, "reply_count": 262, "like_count": 1389, "quote_count": 12}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501619083770580995", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1501619081258184707"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Es hat sich viel getan: mehr als 14.000 Visa wurden zB an Ortskr\u00e4fte & besonders Schutzbed\u00fcrftige vergeben. Aber noch immer sind Menschen in Not & warten auf Ausreise. Wichtig ist, Verfahren zu vereinfachen, Prozesse zu beschleunigen & mit voller Kraft gemeinsam dran zu bleiben.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1501619075155333120"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 72, "end": 84, "tag": "Afghanistan"}], "urls": [{"start": 249, "end": 272, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 126, "end": 138, "username": "NancyFaeser", "id": "620221740"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-09T18:01:02.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1501619081258184707", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 358, "reply_count": 734, "like_count": 4374, "quote_count": 56}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501619081258184707", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Auch wenn alle Augen der Welt im Moment auf die Ukraine gerichtet sind: #Afghanistan ist weiter in unserem Blick. Heute haben @NancyFaeser und ich uns in gro\u00dfer Runde mit Organisationen getroffen, die sich f\u00fcr die Menschen in Afghanistan einsetzen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-08T19:32:11.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1501279631508443141", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 161, "reply_count": 0, "like_count": 0, "quote_count": 0}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501279631508443141", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 47, "end": 53, "probability": 0.9974, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}, {"start": 120, "end": 125, "probability": 0.9908, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Berlin"}], "mentions": [{"start": 3, "end": 15, "username": "melaniejoly", "id": "25227444"}, {"start": 55, "end": 65, "username": "ABaerbock", "id": "1469264387512979461"}]}, "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "retweeted", "id": "1501270432808423433"}], "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "1496573215975436288", "name": "Melanie Joly"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "1496573215975436288", "name": "Melanie Joly"}}, {"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "855410510082080770", "name": "Berlin", "description": "Berlin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "RT @melaniejoly: Thank you for welcoming me to Germany @ABaerbock.\nIn these dire times it is precious to be with you in Berlin\u2014 not only as\u2026", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 243, "end": 250, "tag": "Russia"}], "mentions": [{"start": 42, "end": 55, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-08T19:07:50.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1501273503957454850", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 272, "reply_count": 589, "like_count": 2765, "quote_count": 29}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501273503957454850", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you for the call this evening, dear @DmytroKuleba. We will keep standing by your side \u2013 be it with means for self-defense, with humanitarian assistance for those seeking refuge, or through intense international pressure and isolation of #Russia.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-04T18:44:48.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499818155622940672", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 908, "reply_count": 1026, "like_count": 20768, "quote_count": 127}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499818158487748611", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1499818157053255684"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Wir m\u00fcssen einen k\u00fchlen Kopf bewahren. 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Denn: Die daraus folgende Gefahr grenzenloser Eskalation in ganz Europa kann niemand wollen. Darin sind wir uns mit unseren Partnern einig. 2/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-04T18:44:48.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499818155622940672", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 3179, "reply_count": 2642, "like_count": 35853, "quote_count": 308}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499818155622940672", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Es gab keinen Grund f\u00fcr diesen Krieg \u2013 au\u00dfer dem aggressiven Machtstreben eines Mannes. Aber es ist keine Gr\u00f6\u00dfe, wenn man Schw\u00e4chere \u00fcberf\u00e4llt, St\u00e4dte bombardiert, Kinder sterben l\u00e4sst. Unsere Verantwortung ist es, dem entschieden entgegenzutreten. 1/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1499743142966398984"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 77, "end": 82, "tag": "NATO"}, {"start": 217, "end": 226, "tag": "Russland"}], "urls": [{"start": 259, "end": 282, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 141, "end": 157, "username": "MevlutCavusoglu", "id": "109226167"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-04T13:46:45.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499743150109249540", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 420, "reply_count": 1282, "like_count": 6141, "quote_count": 494}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499743150109249540", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "1392618401206444032", "name": "Mevlut Cavusoglu", "description": "Turkey Minister of Foreign Affairs"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "1392618401206444032", "name": "Mevlut Cavusoglu", "description": "Turkey Minister of Foreign Affairs"}}, {"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "1016738021939351558", "name": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "description": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Nach unz\u00e4hligen Telefonaten in den letzten Wochen haben wir uns am Rande des #NATO-Treffens endlich pers\u00f6nlich sprechen k\u00f6nnen: vielen Dank, @MevlutCavusoglu, f\u00fcr unsere starke deutsch-t\u00fcrkische Partnerschaft! In der #Russland-Krise stehen wir zusammen. \ud83c\uddf9\ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddea", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1499406116874301441"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 17, "end": 25, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "urls": [{"start": 262, "end": 285, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-03T15:27:31.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499406121903271938", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 3474, "reply_count": 1546, "like_count": 26563, "quote_count": 249}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499406121903271938", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Der Krieg in der #Ukraine ist Putins Krieg. Wer Belaruss*innen oder Russ*innen in Deutschland anfeindet, der greift nicht nur unsere Mitb\u00fcrger*innen an, sondern auch die Grundprinzipien unseres Zusammenlebens. Wir halten zusammen. Wir sind st\u00e4rker als der Hass.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 39, "end": 55, "tag": "UnitingForPeace"}], "annotations": [{"start": 107, "end": 120, "probability": 0.4249, "type": "Organization", "normalized_text": "United Nations"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-02T17:02:49.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1499067714639626240", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1596, "reply_count": 861, "like_count": 17217, "quote_count": 112}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499067714639626240", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "45", "name": "Brand Vertical", "description": "Top level entities that describe a Brands industry"}, "entity": {"id": "781974596157251587", "name": "Government/Education"}}, {"domain": {"id": "46", "name": "Brand Category", "description": "Categories within Brand Verticals that narrow down the scope of Brands"}, "entity": {"id": "781974597226729473", "name": "Non-profit"}}, {"domain": {"id": "47", "name": "Brand", "description": "Brands and Companies"}, "entity": {"id": "10044311823", "name": "United Nations", "description": "Global conversation about the United Nations and all related efforts."}}, {"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "10044311823", "name": "United Nations", "description": "Global conversation about the United Nations and all related efforts."}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you to all nations who voted for #UnitingForPeace. This is not only a historical result. This is the United Nations saying loud and clear: when our peaceful order is under attack, we stand together and act. #\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1498777692786864144"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 264, "end": 280, "tag": "UnitingForPeace"}], "annotations": [{"start": 41, "end": 54, "probability": 0.6476, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "United Nations"}], "urls": [{"start": 281, "end": 304, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-01T21:50:24.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1498777698918883344", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 2551, "reply_count": 1332, "like_count": 22622, "quote_count": 252}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498777698918883344", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "45", "name": "Brand Vertical", "description": "Top level entities that describe a Brands industry"}, "entity": {"id": "781974596157251587", "name": "Government/Education"}}, {"domain": {"id": "46", "name": "Brand Category", "description": "Categories within Brand Verticals that narrow down the scope of Brands"}, "entity": {"id": "781974597226729473", "name": "Non-profit"}}, {"domain": {"id": "47", "name": "Brand", "description": "Brands and Companies"}, "entity": {"id": "10044311823", "name": "United Nations", "description": "Global conversation about the United Nations and all related efforts."}}, {"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "10044311823", "name": "United Nations", "description": "Global conversation about the United Nations and all related efforts."}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "We face a choice. The world looks to the United Nations and will remember which side we were on today. It\u2019s our responsibility to defend the values and principles that we all depend upon - to defend peace and justice. Now is the moment to stand up and be counted. #UnitingForPeace", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1498622853146681347"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 35, "end": 42, "tag": "Europa"}, {"start": 100, "end": 108, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 133, "end": 140, "tag": "Europa"}], "urls": [{"start": 278, "end": 301, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 189, "end": 200, "username": "JY_LeDrian", "id": "1055021191"}, {"start": 205, "end": 217, "username": "RauZbigniew", "id": "1156897065852657664"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-01T11:35:07.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1498622859299725323", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 379, "reply_count": 479, "like_count": 5064, "quote_count": 41}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498622859299725323", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "In seinen schwersten Stunden steht #Europa am engsten zusammen. Nach Putins Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine ist unsere Einigkeit in #Europa zu einer \u00dcberlebensfrage geworden. Vielen Dank, @JY_LeDrian und @RauZbigniew, f\u00fcr den Schulterschluss im Weimarer Dreieck heute in \u0141\u00f3d\u017a!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1498312977803526160"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 69, "end": 77, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "urls": [{"start": 279, "end": 302, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 7, "end": 15, "username": "AnzeLog", "id": "395535003"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-28T15:03:47.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1498312983889465346", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 250, "reply_count": 443, "like_count": 3402, "quote_count": 29}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498312983889465346", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Danke, @AnzeLog, f\u00fcr Deinen Besuch in diesen Schicksalstagen f\u00fcr die #Ukraine und uns alle. Wir Europ\u00e4er*innen stehen geschlossen an der Seite der Ukraine. Wir werden die Menschen, die durch Putins Krieg zur Flucht gezwungen sind, humanit\u00e4r unterst\u00fctzen und ihnen Schutz bieten.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 169, "end": 177, "tag": "Ukraine"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-27T18:25:14.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1498001292454772740", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 376, "reply_count": 378, "like_count": 5677, "quote_count": 44}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498001295017402371", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1498001292454772740"}], "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "864931126132985856", "name": "Vladimir Putin", "description": "President of Russia Vladimir Putin"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "864931126132985856", "name": "Vladimir Putin", "description": "President of Russia Vladimir Putin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Bei der Wahl zwischen Krieg und Frieden, zwischen Putin und Kindern, die sich in U-Bahnsch\u00e4chten vor seinen Bomben verstecken, kann niemand neutral sein. Wir lassen die #Ukraine nicht allein. Wir werden unsere Friedensordnung verteidigen - mit allen geeigneten Mitteln.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1498001286586896396"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 171, "end": 178, "tag": "Putins"}], "urls": [{"start": 241, "end": 264, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 21, "end": 24, "username": "G7", "id": "3191500397"}, {"start": 70, "end": 83, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}, {"start": 206, "end": 219, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-27T18:25:14.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1498001292454772740", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 452, "reply_count": 486, "like_count": 7782, "quote_count": 30}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498001292454772740", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "855410510082080770", "name": "Berlin", "description": "Berlin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Ich habe gerade eine @G7-Schalte zwischen den Au\u00dfenminister*innen und @DmytroKuleba zur aktuellen Lage einberufen. W\u00e4hrend vor dem Fenster Hunderttausende in Berlin gegen #Putins Krieg protestieren, fahren @DmytroKuleba|s Berichte ins Mark.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-02-26T20:25:22.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1497669137388257280", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 2038, "reply_count": 2497, "like_count": 25635, "quote_count": 357}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1497669137388257280", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Unsere Welt ist nach Putins Angriffskrieg eine andere. Wir sind zwar fassungslos angesichts dieses Bruchs des internationalen Rechts, aber nicht ohnm\u00e4chtig. 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Deutsche Staatsangeh\u00f6rige sind dringend aufgefordert,\u2026", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 24, "end": 32, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 40, "end": 49, "tag": "Russland"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-24T06:08:11.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1496728646479921159", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 2681, "reply_count": 2245, "like_count": 25695, "quote_count": 272}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1496728646479921159", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Mit dem Angriff auf die #Ukraine bricht #Russland mit den elementarsten Regeln der internationalen Ordnung. Die Weltgemeinschaft wird Russland diesen Tag der Schande nicht vergessen. Wir werden gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern reagieren. Unsere ganze Solidarit\u00e4t gilt der Ukraine.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 0, "end": 11, "tag": "Diplomatie"}], "mentions": [{"start": 195, "end": 209, "username": "AnkaFeldhusen", "id": "1217390545091399683"}, {"start": 224, "end": 236, "username": "GermanyinUA", "id": "778884712593035265"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-23T16:28:27.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1496522352313700352", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 81, "reply_count": 195, "like_count": 1206, "quote_count": 10}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1496522352313700352", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "#Diplomatie: das sind auch unsere Kolleg*innen weltweit, ein Leben im Dienst f\u00fcr Menschen und die \u00dcberzeugung auch dann weiterzumachen, wenn es schwierig ist. 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Alles zu tun, um eine weitere Eskalationen zu verhindern.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-02-22T12:42:51.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1496103190177140742", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1414, "reply_count": 0, "like_count": 0, "quote_count": 0}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1496103190177140742", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 28, "end": 34, "probability": 0.9788, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}, {"start": 75, "end": 87, "probability": 0.4731, "type": "Other", "normalized_text": "Nord Stream 2"}], "mentions": [{"start": 3, "end": 16, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}]}, "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "retweeted", "id": "1496094461721550854"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "RT @DmytroKuleba: I welcome Germany\u2019s move to suspend the certification of Nord Stream 2. 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Anne #Spiegel und ich setzen uns f\u00fcr #EU-Zielmarken f\u00fcr Frauen in F\u00fchrungsetagen ein. 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Looking forward to meeting in person soon & to UAE hosting #COP28 next year! @OFMUAE", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1493992218360782860"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 115, "end": 127, "tag": "Klimaschutz"}, {"start": 133, "end": 144, "tag": "Westbalkan"}, {"start": 153, "end": 161, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "urls": [{"start": 163, "end": 186, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 29, "end": 44, "username": "a_schallenberg", "id": "1447296164705996801"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-16T16:54:38.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1493992226887811075", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 49, "reply_count": 128, "like_count": 636, "quote_count": 7}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1493992226887811075", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "855410510082080770", "name": "Berlin", "description": "Berlin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Willkommen in Berlin, lieber @a_schallenberg, und vielen Dank f\u00fcr den engen & nachbarschaftlichen Austausch zu #Klimaschutz, dem #Westbalkan und der #Ukraine.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 0, "end": 20, "tag": "Rechtsstaatlichkeit"}, {"start": 43, "end": 46, "tag": "EU"}, {"start": 140, "end": 145, "tag": "EuGH"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-16T09:19:14.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1493877619649036294", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 121, "reply_count": 260, "like_count": 1123, "quote_count": 23}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1493877619649036294", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "#Rechtsstaatlichkeit ist das Fundament der #EU. Verst\u00f6\u00dfe kosten nicht nur unsere Glaubw\u00fcrdigkeit, sondern unseren Zusammenhalt. 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Germany and Canada stand together in support of #Ukraine. We are working, bilaterally, in #NATO, #OSCE and #G7 towards a resolution of the ongoing crisis & towards a diplomatic solution for Donbas. Looking forward to seeing you at #MSC!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 72, "end": 80, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "mentions": [{"start": 24, "end": 29, "username": "OSCE", "id": "20226248"}, {"start": 59, "end": 68, "username": "OSCE_SMM", "id": "2466334952"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-13T20:35:07.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1492960548434100224", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 110, "reply_count": 165, "like_count": 681, "quote_count": 19}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1492960548434100224", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Now more than ever, the @OSCE\u2019s Special Monitoring Mission @OSCE_SMM in #Ukraine plays a key role in de-escalation efforts and as the eyes and ears of the international community. We must ensure that it can carry out its full mandate without interruption.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 66, "end": 77, "tag": "Steinmeier"}], "mentions": [{"start": 117, "end": 133, "username": "AuswaertigesAmt", "id": "273468342"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-13T14:22:13.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1492866708012511236", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 76, "reply_count": 195, "like_count": 1880, "quote_count": 10}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1492866708012511236", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Herzliche Gl\u00fcckw\u00fcnsche, Herr Bundespr\u00e4sident, lieber Frank-Walter #Steinmeier, zur Wiederwahl - von mir und dem Team @AuswaertigesAmt! Alles Gute f\u00fcr die kommenden f\u00fcnf Jahre und auf dass Sie unser Land weiterhin mit Herz und Hand vertreten.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 53, "end": 59, "tag": "Amman"}, {"start": 172, "end": 181, "tag": "refugees"}, {"start": 218, "end": 223, "tag": "MEPP"}], "mentions": [{"start": 10, "end": 23, "username": "AymanHsafadi", "id": "274133892"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-11T13:28:21.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1492128373786791940", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 29, "reply_count": 88, "like_count": 360, "quote_count": 9}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1492128373786791940", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you @AymanHsafadi for your hospitality here in #Amman. We've known each other since my very first week in office. Today we focused on our joint efforts in caring for #refugees and possibilities to revitalize the #MEPP. Let\u2019s continue the good work.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 99, "end": 109, "tag": "Jordanien"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-11T12:25:43.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1492112613106499587", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 103, "reply_count": 287, "like_count": 1788, "quote_count": 20}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1492112613106499587", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "\u00c4rztin oder Polizist! Das sind ihre Berufsw\u00fcnsche, erz\u00e4hlen mir Kinder im UNRWA-Fl\u00fcchtlingscamp in #Jordanien. Kinder verdienen eine Perspektive & dazu geh\u00f6rt Bildung. Als zweitgr\u00f6\u00dfter humanit\u00e4rer Geber werden wir Jordanien auch in Zukunft mit dieser Aufgabe nicht alleine lassen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1491835799888924672"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 51, "end": 60, "tag": "Ramallah"}], "annotations": [{"start": 10, "end": 24, "probability": 0.9464, "type": "Person", "normalized_text": "President Abbas"}, {"start": 110, "end": 120, "probability": 0.7783, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Middle East"}], "urls": [{"start": 273, "end": 296, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T18:05:48.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1491835810093707267", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 141, "reply_count": 464, "like_count": 1929, "quote_count": 125}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491835810093707267", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you President Abbas for your warm welcome in #Ramallah. It is important to me, on my first visit to the Middle East, that we meet in person. You can be sure: the situation of the Palestinian people is high on our agenda. We remain at your side as a reliable partner.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 127, "end": 134, "tag": "Israel"}, {"start": 201, "end": 212, "tag": "solidarity"}, {"start": 246, "end": 255, "tag": "security"}], "annotations": [{"start": 112, "end": 122, "probability": 0.763, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Middle East"}, {"start": 191, "end": 197, "probability": 0.9902, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}, {"start": 233, "end": 238, "probability": 0.9532, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Israel"}], "mentions": [{"start": 5, "end": 15, "username": "yairlapid", "id": "2946300174"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T15:12:10.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1491792114518163461", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 77, "reply_count": 92, "like_count": 711, "quote_count": 21}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491792114518163461", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Dear @yairlapid, what a pleasure to meet you in person today! Being able to start my first official trip to the Middle East in #Israel means a lot to me. Your country can continue to rely on Germany's #solidarity & our commitment to Israel's #security.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-02-10T08:58:33.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1491698083876556800", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 116, "reply_count": 99, "like_count": 2314, "quote_count": 9}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491698087634653185", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1491698086271504384"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Erinnerung wachzuhalten und unsere Verantwortung, unsere Stimmen zu erheben: gegen Antisemitismus, Hass und Hetze, Ausgrenzung und Gewalt. Damit ein solches Menschheitsverbrechen sich nie wiederholt. Damit aller Kinder dieser Erde eine Zukunft haben.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 5, "end": 15, "tag": "YadVashem"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T08:58:32.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1491698083876556800", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 90, "reply_count": 24, "like_count": 2145, "quote_count": 4}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491698086271504384", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1491698083876556800"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Aber #YadVashem, dieser schmerzvolle Ort, fordert von uns, gerade nicht zu verstummen, nicht zu verharren. Yad Vashem mahnt uns, die Stimmen jener, die das Grauen selbst erlebt haben, zu h\u00f6ren und ihre Worte\nweiterzugeben.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1491698077962547201"]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T08:58:32.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1491698083876556800", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 521, "reply_count": 266, "like_count": 7441, "quote_count": 55}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491698083876556800", "reply_settings": "everyone", "entities": {"urls": [{"start": 280, "end": 303, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "text": "Als Mutter zweier T\u00f6chter stockt mir der Atem, wenn ich an die Millionen Kinder denke, die ermordet wurden, ihren Eltern entrissen, allein gelassen, voll Angst. 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Es gibt viel zu tun - Jennifer, willkommen an Board!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-02-09T06:34:38.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1491299480058351616", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 47, "reply_count": 53, "like_count": 548, "quote_count": 6}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491299485070200833", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 0, "end": 9, "probability": 0.3717, "type": "Organization", "normalized_text": "Belarusian"}]}, "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1491299483464118273"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Belarusian authorities try to silence independent media through searches of offices and homes, seizures of equipment, blocking of websites, labelling of media channels and organizations as \u201eextremist\". 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Wir sind es ihnen schuldig, alles f\u00fcr eine friedliche L\u00f6sung des Konflikts zu tun - sie k\u00f6nnen auf uns z\u00e4hlen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 58, "end": 63, "tag": "Kiew"}, {"start": 191, "end": 199, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "mentions": [{"start": 72, "end": 88, "username": "jensstoltenberg", "id": "20796069"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-07T10:18:29.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1490631040339263492", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 166, "reply_count": 564, "like_count": 1790, "quote_count": 55}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1490631040339263492", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Vielen Dank f\u00fcr das gute Gespr\u00e4ch vor meiner Abreise nach #Kiew, lieber @jensstoltenberg. Unsere gemeinsame Botschaft ist klar: wir sind auf jedes Szenario vorbereitet - die Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t der #Ukraine ist f\u00fcr uns nicht verhandelbar.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 38, "end": 47, "tag": "Fairplay"}, {"start": 98, "end": 106, "tag": "Olympia"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-04T06:35:35.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1489487781462167554", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 94, "reply_count": 274, "like_count": 1298, "quote_count": 25}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1489487781462167554", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Menschenrechte sind das Fundament des #Fairplay. Ich dr\u00fccke den Athlet*innen beide Daumen f\u00fcr die #Olympia Wettk\u00e4mpfe unter solch schwierigen Bedingungen. Vier Jahre Vorbereitung, harte Arbeit und Training: das ist Euer Moment \u2013 viel Gl\u00fcck & faire Spiele!", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 205, "end": 210, "tag": "Kiew"}], "urls": [{"start": 285, "end": 308, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "\u2026"}], "mentions": [{"start": 24, "end": 37, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}, {"start": 167, "end": 178, "username": "JY_LeDrian", "id": "1055021191"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-29T15:13:42.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1487443842378969089", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 51, "reply_count": 225, "like_count": 409, "quote_count": 19}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1487443842378969089", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "quoted", "id": "1487390052372070402"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Diese Botschaft, lieber @DmytroKuleba, kann ich nur unterstreichen. Unser Bekenntnis zur Unverletzlichkeit der Ukraine & die Solidarit\u00e4t mit ihren Menschen f\u00fchren @JY_LeDrian und mich bald erneut nach #Kiew. Unsere Anstrengungen im N4-Format f\u00fcr eine Deeskalation setzen wir fort.", "source": "Twitter Web App", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 104, "end": 113, "tag": "Russland"}, {"start": 162, "end": 170, "tag": "Ukraine"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-28T16:13:12.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1487096428623187979", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 85, "reply_count": 411, "like_count": 1474, "quote_count": 28}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1487096428623187979", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Ich habe heute mit meinem russischen Amtskollegen Sergej Lawrow telefoniert. Wir setzen den Dialog mit #Russland offen und prizipienfest fort: Zur Bedrohung der #Ukraine, zur Zukunft des Normandie-Formats, zur Sicherheit in Europa und zu bilateralen Fragen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 106, "end": 114, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 131, "end": 137, "tag": "G7GER"}, {"start": 199, "end": 205, "tag": "JCPoA"}, {"start": 278, "end": 282, "tag": "NIP"}], "annotations": [{"start": 151, "end": 154, "probability": 0.8291, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Iran"}, {"start": 207, "end": 208, "probability": 0.9626, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "UK"}, {"start": 210, "end": 211, "probability": 0.6159, "type": "Organization", "normalized_text": "EU"}, {"start": 248, "end": 263, "probability": 0.54, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Northern Ireland"}], "mentions": [{"start": 34, "end": 43, "username": "trussliz", "id": "65357102"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-28T13:30:45.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1487055546775650314", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 47, "reply_count": 93, "like_count": 378, "quote_count": 13}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1487055546775650314", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "857212714300489729", "name": "Liz Truss", "description": "Liz Truss"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "857212714300489729", "name": "Liz Truss", "description": "Liz Truss"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Good to talk to my UK-counterpart @trussliz: We are united in our firm commitment & strong support to #Ukraine. Also discussed #G7GER, the urgency for Iran to fully return to compliance with the #JCPoA, and UK/EU talks on the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol #NIP.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1486733795311030284"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 277, "end": 288, "tag": "WeRemember"}], "annotations": [{"start": 104, "end": 132, "probability": 0.7769, "type": "Other", "normalized_text": "Int Holocaust Remembrance Day"}], "urls": [{"start": 289, "end": 312, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 30, "end": 43, "username": "MKMickeyLevy", "id": "1150486994"}, {"start": 94, "end": 104, "username": "Bundestag", "id": "3088296873"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-27T16:12:15.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1486733801279705094", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 75, "reply_count": 92, "like_count": 691, "quote_count": 7}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1486733801279705094", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "1099762913407950848", "name": "Israeli Knesset", "description": "Israel's unicameral parliament, the Knesset, is the country's legislative body."}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Moved & grateful that you @MKMickeyLevy - as first speaker of the Knesset - addressed the @Bundestag on Int Holocaust Remembrance Day this morning. Your appeal to keep alive the memory of the victims & transmit the events of the past to next generations stays with me. #WeRemember", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1486630979821256705"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 88, "end": 93, "tag": "OSZE"}, {"start": 142, "end": 150, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 236, "end": 247, "tag": "Klimakrise"}], "urls": [{"start": 249, "end": 272, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 41, "end": 56, "username": "HelgaSchmid_SG", "id": "3758934681"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-27T09:23:41.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1486630984858718214", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 38, "reply_count": 117, "like_count": 467, "quote_count": 16}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1486630984858718214", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Vielen Dank f\u00fcr das gute Gespr\u00e4ch, liebe @HelgaSchmid_SG! F\u00fcr mich ist die St\u00e4rkung der #OSZE zentral. Besonders f\u00fcr den Dialogprozess in der #Ukraine. Aber auch f\u00fcr Frieden und Sicherheit weltweit, zum Beispiel bei der Bew\u00e4ltigung der #Klimakrise.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 7, "end": 18, "tag": "Klimakrise"}, {"start": 237, "end": 256, "tag": "GlasgowClimatePact"}], "mentions": [{"start": 135, "end": 148, "username": "ClimateEnvoy", "id": "1351716580720316417"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-26T15:56:54.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1486367552238505985", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 42, "reply_count": 124, "like_count": 598, "quote_count": 13}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1486367552238505985", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Um die #Klimakrise in den Griff zu bekommen, m\u00fcssen die gr\u00f6\u00dften Industrienationen vorangehen. Ich freue mich, morgen auf Einladung von @ClimateEnvoy am Major Economic Forum on Energy and Climate teilzunehmen. Im Fokus: die Umsetzung des #GlasgowClimatePact.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1486327098121797632"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 62, "end": 74, "tag": "Niederlande"}, {"start": 130, "end": 142, "tag": "Klimaschutz"}, {"start": 185, "end": 193, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 221, "end": 234, "tag": "Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t"}], "urls": [{"start": 280, "end": 303, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 29, "end": 40, "username": "WBHoekstra", "id": "920164010342912000"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-26T13:16:11.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1486327106007146499", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 65, "reply_count": 144, "like_count": 647, "quote_count": 26}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1486327106007146499", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Hartelijk welkom in Berlijn, @WBHoekstra! Deutschland und die #Niederlande stehen f\u00fcr dieselben Werte & Ziele, nicht nur beim #Klimaschutz, sondern gerade auch an der Seite mit der #Ukraine bei der Verteidigung ihrer #Souver\u00e4nit\u00e4t. Unsere st\u00e4rkste Waffe ist unsere Einigkeit.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 152, "end": 155, "tag": "EU"}, {"start": 256, "end": 275, "tag": "ViveLaFreundschaft"}], "mentions": [{"start": 98, "end": 109, "username": "JY_LeDrian", "id": "1055021191"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-23T20:13:52.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1485345056290742274", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 53, "reply_count": 166, "like_count": 780, "quote_count": 11}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1485345056290742274", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Gestern haben wir den deutsch-franz\u00f6sischen Tag gefeiert. 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Together we will keep the memory of the victims alive.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-01-20T18:03:01.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1484224962529570822", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 60, "reply_count": 97, "like_count": 921, "quote_count": 8}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1484224962529570822", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Vielen Dank, Bundespr\u00e4sident @ignaziocassis, f\u00fcr das gute Gespr\u00e4ch! Mit unserem Nachbarland #\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddedsind wir wirtschaftlich & kulturell eng verflochten. F\u00fcr die Menschen in den Grenzregionen wollen wir die grenz\u00fcberschreitende Zusammenarbeit & EU-Schweiz Beziehungen weiter st\u00e4rken.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "entities": {"mentions": [{"start": 29, "end": 43, "username": "ignaziocassis", "id": "270609583"}]}, "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1484193239728943110"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 101, "end": 108, "tag": "russia"}, {"start": 113, "end": 121, "tag": "ukraine"}, {"start": 160, "end": 166, "tag": "JCPoA"}], "urls": [{"start": 253, "end": 276, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 25, "end": 36, "username": "SecBlinken", "id": "1350150750966603777"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-20T15:57:00.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1484193251586416640", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 208, "reply_count": 238, "like_count": 1684, "quote_count": 23}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1484193251586416640", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you for your visit @SecBlinken! 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Close coordination and joint messaging remains crucial in our efforts to deescalate.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 97, "end": 104, "tag": "Europa"}], "mentions": [{"start": 16, "end": 31, "username": "RobertaMetsola", "id": "55031092"}, {"start": 67, "end": 79, "username": "Europarl_EN", "id": "36329597"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-18T16:41:08.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1483479580321189891", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 60, "reply_count": 222, "like_count": 890, "quote_count": 12}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1483479580321189891", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "1127870700109189121", "name": "European Parliament", "description": "European Parliament"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Congratulations @RobertaMetsola & alles Gute an der Spitze des @Europarl_EN. 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Nach meinen Gespr\u00e4chen in Europa und den USA seit meinem Amtsantritt ist auch heute meine Botschaft dieselbe: Solidarit\u00e4t. In dieser schwierigen Lage reden wir nicht \u00fcber die #Ukraine ohne die Ukraine.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 21, "end": 41, "tag": "DieZukunftGeh\u00f6rtDir"}], "mentions": [{"start": 3, "end": 19, "username": "AuswaertigesAmt", "id": "273468342"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-17T06:03:35.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1482956749061738498", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 36, "reply_count": 0, "like_count": 0, "quote_count": 0}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1482956749061738498", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "retweeted", "id": "1482944656027619340"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "RT @AuswaertigesAmt: #DieZukunftGeh\u00f6rtDir: 100 zuf\u00e4llig ausgew\u00e4hlte B\u00fcrger*innen, 10 konkrete Empfehlungen, 1 Stunde Austausch zur Zukunft\u2026", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1481939244612526081"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 77, "end": 85, "tag": "Litauen"}, {"start": 105, "end": 114, "tag": "Russland"}, {"start": 120, "end": 128, "tag": "Ukraine"}, {"start": 135, "end": 141, "tag": "China"}], "urls": [{"start": 200, "end": 223, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 87, "end": 100, "username": "GLandsbergis", "id": "270898732"}]}, "created_at": "2022-01-14T10:40:26.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1481939255970643970", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 78, "reply_count": 244, "like_count": 975, "quote_count": 21}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1481939255970643970", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Ich habe mich bei meinem ersten pers\u00f6nlichen Treffen mit meinem Kollegen aus #Litauen, @GLandsbergis, zu #Russland, der #Ukraine & #China abgestimmt. 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Wichtig ist, Verfahren zu vereinfachen, Prozesse zu beschleunigen & mit voller Kraft gemeinsam dran zu bleiben.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1501619075155333120"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 72, "end": 84, "tag": "Afghanistan"}], "urls": [{"start": 249, "end": 272, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 126, "end": 138, "username": "NancyFaeser", "id": "620221740"}]}, "created_at": "2022-03-09T18:01:02.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1501619081258184707", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 358, "reply_count": 734, "like_count": 4374, "quote_count": 56}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501619081258184707", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Auch wenn alle Augen der Welt im Moment auf die Ukraine gerichtet sind: #Afghanistan ist weiter in unserem Blick. Heute haben @NancyFaeser und ich uns in gro\u00dfer Runde mit Organisationen getroffen, die sich f\u00fcr die Menschen in Afghanistan einsetzen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1501270426672115713"]}, "created_at": "2022-03-08T18:55:38.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1501270432808423433", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 161, "reply_count": 221, "like_count": 1634, "quote_count": 13}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1501270432808423433", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 30, "end": 36, "probability": 0.9969, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}, {"start": 103, "end": 108, "probability": 0.9882, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Berlin"}, {"start": 255, "end": 260, "probability": 0.9792, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Europe"}], "urls": [{"start": 273, "end": 296, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 38, "end": 48, "username": "ABaerbock", "id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"start": 204, "end": 218, "username": "dmytro_kuleba", "id": "1498934003394560005"}]}, "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "10", "name": "Person", "description": "Named people in the world like Nelson Mandela"}, "entity": {"id": "1496573215975436288", "name": "Melanie Joly"}}, {"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "1496573215975436288", "name": "Melanie Joly"}}, {"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "855410510082080770", "name": "Berlin", "description": "Berlin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you for welcoming me to Germany @ABaerbock.\nIn these dire times it is precious to be with you in Berlin\u2014 not only as my colleaque but as a true ally\nand friend. \n\nOur hearts go out to our colleague @dmytro_kuleba who is fighting for his country and Europe\u2019s freedom.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "25227444"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-04T18:44:48.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499818155622940672", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 728, "reply_count": 789, "like_count": 17906, "quote_count": 110}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499818157053255684", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1499818155622940672"}], "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "88", "name": "Political Body", "description": "A section of a government, like The Supreme Court"}, "entity": {"id": "1016738021939351558", "name": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", "description": "North Atlantic Treaty Organization"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Aber \u2013 das sage ich genauso deutlich: Die NATO wird nicht in diesen Krieg eingreifen k\u00f6nnen. Denn: Die daraus folgende Gefahr grenzenloser Eskalation in ganz Europa kann niemand wollen. Darin sind wir uns mit unseren Partnern einig. 2/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"created_at": "2022-03-04T18:44:48.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1499818155622940672", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 3179, "reply_count": 2642, "like_count": 35853, "quote_count": 308}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1499818155622940672", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Es gab keinen Grund f\u00fcr diesen Krieg \u2013 au\u00dfer dem aggressiven Machtstreben eines Mannes. Aber es ist keine Gr\u00f6\u00dfe, wenn man Schw\u00e4chere \u00fcberf\u00e4llt, St\u00e4dte bombardiert, Kinder sterben l\u00e4sst. Unsere Verantwortung ist es, dem entschieden entgegenzutreten. 1/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1498001286586896396"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 171, "end": 178, "tag": "Putins"}], "urls": [{"start": 241, "end": 264, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 21, "end": 24, "username": "G7", "id": "3191500397"}, {"start": 70, "end": 83, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}, {"start": 206, "end": 219, "username": "DmytroKuleba", "id": "2885493519"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-27T18:25:14.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1498001292454772740", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 452, "reply_count": 486, "like_count": 7782, "quote_count": 30}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1498001292454772740", "context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "156", "name": "Cities", "description": "Cities around the world"}, "entity": {"id": "855410510082080770", "name": "Berlin", "description": "Berlin"}}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Ich habe gerade eine @G7-Schalte zwischen den Au\u00dfenminister*innen und @DmytroKuleba zur aktuellen Lage einberufen. W\u00e4hrend vor dem Fenster Hunderttausende in Berlin gegen #Putins Krieg protestieren, fahren @DmytroKuleba|s Berichte ins Mark.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 7, "end": 15, "tag": "Ukraine"}], "urls": [{"start": 260, "end": 283, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "", "unwound_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-24T06:23:11.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1496732418379821056", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 320, "reply_count": 373, "like_count": 1210, "quote_count": 41}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1496732418379821056", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "In der #Ukraine finden Kampfhandlungen & Raketenangriffe statt. Deutsche Staatsangeh\u00f6rige sind dringend aufgefordert, das Land zu verlassen. Falls Sie das Land nicht auf einem sicheren Weg verlassen k\u00f6nnen, bleiben Sie vorl\u00e4ufig an einem gesch\u00fctzten Ort.\n\ud83d\udc49", "source": "Twitter Web App", "author_id": "273468342"}, {"created_at": "2022-02-22T12:08:10.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1496094461721550854", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1414, "reply_count": 236, "like_count": 8559, "quote_count": 123}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1496094461721550854", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 10, "end": 16, "probability": 0.9898, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}, {"start": 57, "end": 69, "probability": 0.3836, "type": "Other", "normalized_text": "Nord Stream 2"}, {"start": 220, "end": 226, "probability": 0.9817, "type": "Place", "normalized_text": "Germany"}], "mentions": [{"start": 253, "end": 263, "username": "ABaerbock", "id": "1469264387512979461"}]}, "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "I welcome Germany\u2019s move to suspend the certification of Nord Stream 2. This is a morally, politically and practically correct step in the current circumstances. True leadership means tough decisions in difficult times. Germany\u2019s move proves just that. @ABaerbock", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "2885493519"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1494374414447788036"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 110, "end": 118, "tag": "Spiegel"}, {"start": 142, "end": 145, "tag": "EU"}, {"start": 260, "end": 279, "tag": "F\u00fchrungspositionen"}], "urls": [{"start": 281, "end": 304, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-17T18:13:21.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1494374422588936198", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 477, "reply_count": 1449, "like_count": 7855, "quote_count": 252}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1494374422588936198", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Solange Frauen nicht angemessen in Schl\u00fcsselpositionen vertreten sind, ist Demokratie nicht vollst\u00e4ndig. Anne #Spiegel und ich setzen uns f\u00fcr #EU-Zielmarken f\u00fcr Frauen in F\u00fchrungsetagen ein. Als Bundesregierung machen wir den Weg frei f\u00fcr die \ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddfa-Richtlinie zu #F\u00fchrungspositionen.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 5, "end": 15, "tag": "YadVashem"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T08:58:32.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1491698083876556800", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 90, "reply_count": 24, "like_count": 2145, "quote_count": 4}, "in_reply_to_user_id": "1469264387512979461", "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491698086271504384", "referenced_tweets": [{"type": "replied_to", "id": "1491698083876556800"}], "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Aber #YadVashem, dieser schmerzvolle Ort, fordert von uns, gerade nicht zu verstummen, nicht zu verharren. Yad Vashem mahnt uns, die Stimmen jener, die das Grauen selbst erlebt haben, zu h\u00f6ren und ihre Worte\nweiterzugeben.", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1491698077962547201"]}, "created_at": "2022-02-10T08:58:32.000Z", "lang": "de", "conversation_id": "1491698083876556800", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 521, "reply_count": 266, "like_count": 7441, "quote_count": 55}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491698083876556800", "reply_settings": "everyone", "entities": {"urls": [{"start": 280, "end": 303, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "text": "Als Mutter zweier T\u00f6chter stockt mir der Atem, wenn ich an die Millionen Kinder denke, die ermordet wurden, ihren Eltern entrissen, allein gelassen, voll Angst. 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All those unjustly emprisoned must be freed. #StandWithBelarus 2/3", "source": "Twitter for iPhone", "author_id": "1469264387512979461"}, {"attachments": {"media_keys": ["3_1491299474974588929"]}, "entities": {"hashtags": [{"start": 182, "end": 190, "tag": "Belarus"}], "urls": [{"start": 223, "end": 246, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}], "mentions": [{"start": 10, "end": 24, "username": "Tsihanouskaya", "id": "1312028370088144896"}, {"start": 26, "end": 41, "username": "by_kalesnikava", "id": "1012954830"}, {"start": 43, "end": 57, "username": "PavelLatushka", "id": "1309391725765459968"}]}, "created_at": "2022-02-09T06:34:37.000Z", "lang": "en", "conversation_id": "1491299480058351616", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 221, "reply_count": 179, "like_count": 2183, "quote_count": 28}, "possibly_sensitive": false, "id": "1491299480058351616", "reply_settings": "everyone", "text": "Thank you @Tsihanouskaya, @by_kalesnikava, @PavelLatushka and many others for your relentless engagement and every-day courage in fighting for a free, democratic, safe and sovereign #Belarus. 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