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Created April 1, 2024 10:10
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  • Save MartinHeinz/d233819a1041eae1700fa28ac8937229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MartinHeinz/d233819a1041eae1700fa28ac8937229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
export ZSH="$HOME/.oh-my-zsh"
bindkey "^E" history-incremental-search-backward
setopt EXTENDED_HISTORY # Write the history file in the ':start:elapsed;command' format.
setopt INC_APPEND_HISTORY # Write to the history file immediately, not when the shell exits.
setopt SHARE_HISTORY # Share history between all sessions.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS # Do not record an event that was just recorded again.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_ALL_DUPS # Delete an old recorded event if a new event is a duplicate.
setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Do not record an event starting with a space.
setopt HIST_SAVE_NO_DUPS # Do not write a duplicate event to the history file.
setopt HIST_VERIFY # Do not execute immediately upon history expansion.
setopt APPEND_HISTORY # append to history file (Default)
setopt HIST_NO_STORE # Don't store history commands
setopt HIST_REDUCE_BLANKS # Remove superfluous blanks from each command line being added to the history list.
plugins=(git fzf)
source $ZSH/
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='ag --hidden -g ""'
source /usr/share/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
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Thanks a lot for the article!

In case anyone runs into the same issue, I had to install fzf in order to have the ZSH fzf (just fzf for me, instead of git fzf) plugin work. Otherwise, I was prompted to specify FZF's installation dir.


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