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% Created by tikzDevice version 0.5.3 on 2011-01-16 17:54:56
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<<setup, echo=FALSE>>=
<<Code, tidy=T>>=
df=data.frame(x = c(0,1) ,y = c(1,10) )
Graph=qplot(x,y,data=df)# +scale_y_log10()
\caption{\label{fig:pgfSweave}Demonstration of \texttt{pgfSweave} graphics
not working with semilogy}
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\hlprompt{\usebox{\hlnormalsizeboxgreaterthan}{\ }}\hlfunctioncall{require}\hlkeyword{(}\hlsymbol{ggplot2}\hlkeyword{)}\mbox{}
\hlprompt{\usebox{\hlnormalsizeboxgreaterthan}{\ }}\hlsymbol{df}{\ }\hlassignement{=}{\ }\hlfunctioncall{data.frame}\hlkeyword{(}\hlargument{x}{\ }\hlargument{=}{\ }\hlfunctioncall{c}\hlkeyword{(}\hlnumber{0}\hlkeyword{,}{\ }\hlnumber{1}\hlkeyword{)}\hlkeyword{,}{\ }\hlargument{y}{\ }\hlargument{=}{\ }\hlfunctioncall{c}\hlkeyword{(}\hlnumber{1}\hlkeyword{,}{\ }\hlnumber{10}\hlkeyword{)}\hlkeyword{)}\mbox{}
\hlprompt{\usebox{\hlnormalsizeboxgreaterthan}{\ }}\hlsymbol{Graph}{\ }\hlassignement{=}{\ }\hlfunctioncall{qplot}\hlkeyword{(}\hlsymbol{x}\hlkeyword{,}{\ }\hlsymbol{y}\hlkeyword{,}{\ }\hlargument{data}{\ }\hlargument{=}{\ }\hlsymbol{df}\hlkeyword{)}\mbox{}
\hlprompt{\usebox{\hlnormalsizeboxgreaterthan}{\ }}\hlfunctioncall{print}\hlkeyword{(}\hlsymbol{Graph}\hlkeyword{)}\mbox{}
\caption{\label{fig:pgfSweave}Demonstration of \texttt{pgfSweave} graphics
not working with semilogy}
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