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Created September 8, 2011 19:15
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module std.regionallocator;
import std.algorithm, std.conv, std.exception, std.traits, std.typecons;
import core.bitop, core.exception, core.memory;
interface Allocator {
enum alignment = 1;
enum isAutomatic = false;
enum isScoped = false;
enum freeIsChecked = false;
// further traits
void* alloc(size_t nbytes, Flag!"GCScan" scan);
void free(void* p);
@trusted T[] newArray(T : T[], A)(A allocator, size_t sz)
auto res = newUnitializedArray!(T[], A)(allocator, sz);
res[] = T.init;
return res;
// not allowed for manually freeing as there is no way to retrieve
// pointer from sliced array
@trusted T[] newUnitializedArray(T : T[], A)(A allocator, size_t sz)
if (A.isAutomatic || A.isScoped)
return (cast(T*)allocator.alloc(sz * T.sizeof))[0 .. sz];
@trusted T* newT(T, A, Args...)(A allocator, Args args)
if (!is(T == class) && (A.isAutomatic || A.isScoped || A.freeIsChecked))
auto chunk = newUnitializedArray!(void[])(allocator, T.sizeof);
return emplace!T(chunk, args);
@trusted T newT(T, A, Args...)(A allocator, Args args)
if (is(T == class) && (A.isAutomatic || A.isScoped || A.freeIsChecked))
enum classSize = __traits(classInstanceSize, T);
auto chunk = newUnitializedArray!(void[])(allocator, classSize);
return emplace!T(chunk, args);
final class RegionAllocator(SegmentAllocator = GCAllocator) : Allocator
enum alignment = SegmentAllocator.alignment;
enum isAutomatic = false;
enum isScoped = true;
enum freeIsChecked = false;
enum defaultSegmentSize = 4 * 1024;
// Allocators should be default constructible
this(size_t segmentSize=defaultSegmentSize, SegmentAllocator segmentAllocator=null)
_segmentSize = nextPow2(segmentSize);
if (segmentAllocator is null)
segmentAllocator = new SegmentAllocator();
_segmentAllocator = segmentAllocator;
void* alloc(size_t nbytes, Flag!"GCScan" scan = Flag!"GCScan".no)
if (nbytes == 0)
return null;
nbytes = (nbytes + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
void* result;
if (nbytes > _segmentSize)
_bigObjects.length = _marks.length;
result = rawAlloc(nbytes);
_bigObjects[_marks.length - 1] ~= result;
const top = _segments.length * _segmentSize;
if (_fill + nbytes > top)
result = rawAlloc(_segmentSize);
_segments ~= result;
_fill = top + nbytes;
result = _segments[$-1] + (_fill & (_segmentSize - 1));
_fill += nbytes;
return enforceEx!OutOfMemoryError(result);
void free(void* p)
enforce(0, "Can't free individual pointers using RegionAllocator." ~
"Instead use pushMark/popMark or autoFree.");
void clear()
size_t pushMark()
_marks ~= Mark(_fill);
return _marks.length - 1;
void popMark(size_t mark)
enforce(mark < _marks.length);
enforce(_marks[mark]._refcount == 0, "Stall autoFree references to stack.");
assert(isSorted!q{a._fill < b._fill}(_marks));
assert(!canFind!q{a._fill > b}(_marks, _fill));
// to expensive for enforcement ?
assert(!canFind!q{a._refcount != 0}(_marks[mark .. $]), "Stall autoFree references to stack.");
_fill = _marks[mark]._fill;
_marks = _marks[0 .. mark];
const keep = (_fill + _segmentSize - 1) >> bsr(_segmentSize);
foreach(seg; _segments[keep .. $])
_segments = _segments[0 .. keep];
if (mark < _bigObjects.length)
foreach(objs; _bigObjects[mark .. $])
foreach(obj; objs)
_bigObjects = _bigObjects[0 .. mark];
assert(_marks.length == mark);
assert(_bigObjects.length <= mark);
/* Will call pushMark and return a ref counted struct using RAII to call popMark.
auto autoFree()
static struct AutoFree
this(RegionAllocator rallocator)
_rallocator = rallocator;
if (_rallocator !is null)
_markidx = rallocator.pushMark();
if (_rallocator !is null)
if (_rallocator !is null)
if (decref())
// @@ BUG 6630 @@ this will silently delete the alias this class in RegionAllocator
version (none)
_rallocator = null;
*(cast(void**)&this._rallocator) = null;
@property size_t mark() const { return _markidx; }
void incref()
bool decref()
return --_rallocator._marks[_markidx]._refcount == 0;
RegionAllocator _rallocator;
size_t _markidx;
return AutoFree(this);
void* rawAlloc(size_t nbytes)
return _segmentAllocator.alloc(nbytes, Flag!"GCScan".no);
void rawFree(void* p)
static struct Mark {
size_t _fill;
size_t _refcount;
Mark[] _marks;
void*[][] _bigObjects;
void*[] _segments;
size_t _fill;
immutable size_t _segmentSize;
SegmentAllocator _segmentAllocator;
// should alias to nested allocators to allow access to specific functions
alias _segmentAllocator this;
final class GCAllocator : Allocator
enum alignment = 8;
enum isAutomatic = true;
enum isScoped = false;
enum freeIsChecked = true; // ?
void* alloc(size_t nbytes, Flag!"GCScan" scan)
return GC.malloc(nbytes, scan ? 0 : GC.BlkAttr.NO_SCAN);
void free(void* p)
final class StdCAllocator : Allocator
version (OSX)
enum alignment = 16;
enum alignment = 8;
enum isAutomatic = false;
enum isScoped = false;
enum freeIsChecked = false;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
void* alloc(size_t nbytes, Flag!"GCScan" scan)
auto p = core.stdc.stdlib.malloc(nbytes);
if (scan)
GC.addRange(p, nbytes);
return p;
void free(void* p)
// let GC decide if we've added it earlier
final class SimpleFreeListAllocator(Wrapped = StdCAllocator) : Allocator
enum alignment = min(size_t.sizeof, Wrapped.alignment);
enum isAutomatic = false;
enum isScoped = false;
enum freeIsChecked = false;
this(Wrapped wrapped=null)
if (wrapped is null)
wrapped = new Wrapped;
_wrapped = wrapped;
static if (!(Wrapped.isAutomatic || Wrapped.isScoped))
void* alloc(size_t nbytes, Flag!"GCScan" scan)
if (_freeLists.length)
enforce(_scan == scan,
"Mixing scan an no-scan allocations for non-empty FreeListAllocator is unimplemented.");
_scan = scan;
nbytes = nextPow2(nbytes);
const idx = bsr(nbytes);
void* res;
if (idx < _freeLists.length && _freeLists[idx].length)
res = _freeLists[idx][$-1];
_freeLists[idx] = _freeLists[idx][0 .. $-1];
// Add size_t after rounding up to power of 2 so that allocating pow2 has optimal fit.
res = _wrapped.alloc(nbytes + size_t.sizeof, scan);
*(cast(size_t*)res) = nbytes;
res += size_t.sizeof;
return res;
void free(void* p)
const size = *(cast(size_t*)p - 1);
enforce((size & (size - 1)) == 0, "Deallocating foreign pointer or memory corruption.");
const idx = bsr(size);
_freeLists.length = max(_freeLists.length, idx + 1);
_freeLists[idx] ~= p;
void clear()
foreach(blocks; _freeLists)
foreach(block; blocks) - size_t.sizeof);
void*[][] _freeLists;
Wrapped _wrapped;
Flag!"GCScan" _scan;
alias _wrapped this;
private size_t nextPow2(size_t n)
auto msbPow2 = 1 << bsr(n);
if (n & (msbPow2 - 1))
msbPow2 <<= 1;
return msbPow2;
unittest {
assert(nextPow2(1) == 1);
assert(nextPow2(2) == 2);
assert(nextPow2(3) == 4);
assert(nextPow2(4) == 4);
assert(nextPow2(63) == 64);
assert(nextPow2(64) == 64);
assert(nextPow2(255) == 256);
assert(nextPow2(256) == 256);
assert(nextPow2(257) == 512);
assert(nextPow2(4 * 1024 * 1024 - 1) == 4 * 1024 * 1024);
unittest {
scope auto ralloc = new RegionAllocator!(StdCAllocator)(256);
auto outer = ralloc.autoFree();
foreach(i; 0 .. 300)
auto inner = ralloc.autoFree();
foreach(i; 0 .. 20)
// Support an idiom that is hardly supported by RAII other
// than allowing uninitialized Guards.
size_t mark;
foreach(j; 0 .. 20)
import std.random;
if (std.random.dice(0.5, 0.5))
if (!mark) mark = ralloc.pushMark();
ralloc.alloc(i * j);
if (mark)
// using push marks creates a simple logical relation
// one can even use free(max(mark1, mark2))
assert(mark > inner.mark);
unittest {
static struct S {
@property int a() { return _a; }
int _a = 12;
static class C {
@property S s() { return _s; }
S _s;
alias s this;
scope auto ralloc = new RegionAllocator!(SimpleFreeListAllocator!());
size_t cnt = 2;
while (cnt--)
auto ary = newArray!(int[])(ralloc, 4);
static assert(is(typeof(ary) == int[]));
assert(ary == [0, 0, 0, 0]);
auto sary = newT!(int[4])(ralloc);
static assert(is(typeof(sary) == int[4]*));
assert(*sary == [0, 0, 0, 0]);
auto s = newT!S(ralloc);
assert(s.a == 12);
auto c = newT!C(ralloc);
assert(c.a == 12);
void main() {
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