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Last active December 15, 2015 23:18
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  • Save MartinNowak/5338859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MartinNowak/5338859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// T[] = T[] op T[]
void arrayOp(string op, T)(T[] res, in T[] a, in T[] b)
assert(res.length == a.length);
assert(res.length == b.length);
arrayOpTmpl!(T).impl!op(res, a, b);
// T[] = T[] op T
void arrayOp(string op, T)(T[] res, in T[] a, in T b)
in { assert(res.length == a.length); }
arrayOpTmpl!(T).impl!op(res, a, b);
// T[] = T op T[]
void arrayOp(string op, T)(T[] res, in T a, in T[] b)
in { assert(res.length == b.length); }
// less template instantiations for commutative ops
static if (op == "+" || op == "*")
arrayOpTmpl!(T).impl!op(res, b, a);
arrayOpTmpl!(T).impl!op(res, a, b);
private template arrayOpTmpl(T, size_t regsz = 16)
enum N = regsz / T.sizeof;
alias __vector(T[N]) vec;
static bool sameAlignment(in ref T[] a, in ref T[] b)
return (cast(size_t)a.ptr & regsz - 1) == (cast(size_t)b.ptr & regsz - 1);
static bool sameAlignment(in ref T[] a, in T b)
return true;
static inout(vec)* loopVar(ref inout(T[]) a, size_t pos)
return cast(inout(vec)*)(a.ptr + pos);
static const(vec) loopVar(in T a, size_t pos)
vec res = void;
version (DigitalMars) // Bugzilla 7509
res.array = a;
res = a;
return res;
void impl(string op, TA, TB)(T[] res, in TA a, in TB b)
enum ai = is(TA == const(T)[]) ? "a[i]" : "a";
enum bi = is(TB == const(T)[]) ? "b[i]" : "b";
size_t pos;
if (sameAlignment(res, a) &&
sameAlignment(res, b))
pos = (-cast(size_t)res.ptr & regsz - 1) / T.sizeof;
foreach (i; 0 .. pos)
res[i] = cast(T)mixin(ai~op~bi);
if (auto nvec = res.length / N)
auto vres = loopVar(res, pos);
auto va = loopVar(a, pos);
auto vb = loopVar(b, pos);
pos += nvec * N;
foreach (i; 0 .. nvec)
vres[i] = mixin("v"~ai~op~"v"~bi);
foreach (i; pos .. res.length)
res[i] = cast(T)mixin(ai~op~bi);
template TT(T...) { alias T TT; }
static void check(string op, TA, TB, T, size_t N)(in TA a, in TB b, in T[N] exp)
T[N] res;
arrayOp!op(res, a, b);
if (res != exp)
import std.stdio;
writeln("expected: ", a, op, b, " == ", exp);
writeln("actual: ", res);
static void test(T, string op, size_t N = 16)(T a, T b, T exp)
T[N] va = a, vb = b, vexp = exp;
check!op(va, vb, vexp);
check!op(va, b, vexp);
check!op(a, vb, vexp);
alias TT!(ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong) UINTS;
alias TT!(byte, short, int, long) INTS;
alias TT!(float, double) FLOATS;
foreach (T; TT!(UINTS, INTS, FLOATS))
test!(T, "+")(1, 2, 3);
test!(T, "-")(3, 2, 1);
foreach (T; TT!(INTS, FLOATS))
test!(T, "-")(1, 2, -1);
foreach (T; TT!(FLOATS))
test!(T, "*")(2, 3, 6);
test!(T, "/")(8, 4, 2);
version (none)
foreach (T; TT!(INTS, UINTS))
test!(T, "*")(2, 3, 6);
test!(T, "/")(8, 4, 2);
void main()
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