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Last active October 23, 2017 19:59
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@safe, scope, and RC related question marks
struct String
/// clone string, doesn't escape, but return value must have independent lifetime
String clone() scope
return String();
static String bug(scope String s)
return s.clone;
String s;
String s2 = bug(s);
struct IOPipe
ubyte[] window()
return ptr[beg .. end];
void extend(size_t n)
ptr = .realloc(ptr, end - beg - n);
void use()
IOPipe pipe;
auto w = pipe.window;
pipe.extend(100); // window invalidates (similar to iterator invalidation)
void assign(scope ref int* a, scope ref int* b)
b = a; // scope variable a assigned to b with longer lifetime
void copyScopePtr() @safe
int var;
scope int* p1 = &var;
int* p2;
// p2 = p1; // will correctly infer p2 as scope
assign(p1, p2); // function itself doesn't compile
return p2;
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