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Last active September 11, 2017 11:33
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  • Save MartinRGB/1d1f1e4d40c9f240c654087ecd1b59a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MartinRGB/1d1f1e4d40c9f240c654087ecd1b59a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
collection head
"id": 1665,
"name": "perfrag_light",
"fragment": "/**\n* Example Fragment Shader\n* Sets the color and alpha of the pixel by setting gl_FragColor\n*/\n\n// Set the precision for data types used in this shader\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n\n// Default THREE.js uniforms available to both fragment and vertex shader\nuniform mat4 modelMatrix;\nuniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\nuniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\nuniform mat4 viewMatrix;\nuniform mat3 normalMatrix;\n\n// Default uniforms provided by ShaderFrog.\nuniform vec3 cameraPosition;\nuniform float time;\n\n// A uniform unique to this shader. You can modify it to the using the form\n// below the shader preview. Any uniform you add is automatically given a form\nuniform vec3 lightPosition;\n//uniform sampler2D u_texture;\n\n// Example varyings passed from the vertex shader\nvarying vec3 vPosition;\nvarying vec3 vNormal;\nvarying vec2 vUv;\nvarying vec2 vUv2;\n\nvoid main() {\n\n // Calculate the real position of this pixel in 3d space, taking into account\n // the rotation and scale of the model. It's a useful formula for some effects.\n // This could also be done in the vertex shader\n vec3 worldPosition = ( modelMatrix * vec4( vPosition, 1.0 )).xyz;\n\n // Calculate the normal including the model rotation and scale\n vec3 worldNormal = normalize( vec3( modelMatrix * vec4( vNormal, 0.0 ) ) );\n\n vec3 lightVector = normalize( lightPosition + vec3(cos(time*4.)*2.,0.,sin(time*4.)*2.) - worldPosition );\n\n // An example simple lighting effect, taking the dot product of the normal\n // (which way this pixel is pointing) and a user generated light position\n float brightness = dot( worldNormal, lightVector );\n\n // Fragment shaders set the gl_FragColor, which is a vector4 of\n // ( red, green, blue, alpha ).\n gl_FragColor = vec4( vec3(1.) * brightness, 1.0 );\n\n}",
"vertex": "/**\n* Example Vertex Shader\n* Sets the position of the vertex by setting gl_Position\n*/\n\n// Set the precision for data types used in this shader\nprecision highp float;\nprecision highp int;\n\n// Default THREE.js uniforms available to both fragment and vertex shader\nuniform mat4 modelMatrix;\nuniform mat4 modelViewMatrix;\nuniform mat4 projectionMatrix;\nuniform mat4 viewMatrix;\nuniform mat3 normalMatrix;\n\n// Default uniforms provided by ShaderFrog.\nuniform float time;\n\n// Default attributes provided by THREE.js. Attributes are only available in the\n// vertex shader. You can pass them to the fragment shader using varyings\nattribute vec3 position;\nattribute vec3 normal;\nattribute vec2 uv;\nattribute vec2 uv2;\n\n// Examples of variables passed from vertex to fragment shader\nvarying vec3 vPosition;\nvarying vec3 vNormal;\nvarying vec2 vUv;\nvarying vec2 vUv2;\n\nvoid main() {\n\n // To pass variables to the fragment shader, you assign them here in the\n // main function. Traditionally you name the varying with vAttributeName\n vNormal = normal;\n vUv = uv;\n vUv2 = uv2;\n vPosition = position;\n\n // This sets the position of the vertex in 3d space. The correct math is\n // provided below to take into account camera and object data.\n gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );\n\n}",
"uniforms": {
"cameraPosition": {
"name": "cameraPosition",
"displayName": null,
"type": "v3",
"glslType": "vec3",
"useGridHelper": false,
"useRange": false,
"range": null,
"isRandom": false,
"randomRange": null,
"useToggle": false,
"toggle": null,
"description": ""
"time": {
"name": "time",
"displayName": null,
"type": "f",
"glslType": "float",
"useGridHelper": false,
"useRange": false,
"range": null,
"isRandom": false,
"randomRange": null,
"useToggle": false,
"toggle": null,
"description": ""
"lightPosition": {
"name": "lightPosition",
"displayName": null,
"type": "v3",
"glslType": "vec3",
"useGridHelper": false,
"useRange": false,
"range": null,
"isRandom": false,
"randomRange": null,
"useToggle": false,
"toggle": null,
"description": ""
"runtime": {
"texture": null
"value": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 1
"url": "",
"user": {
"username": "MartinRGB",
"url": ""
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