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Last active June 17, 2020 14:20
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Regex for parsing Azure Blob URI (javascript)
* Validates and parses given blob uri and returns storage account, container and blob names.
* @param {string} blobUri - Valid Azure storage blob uri.
* Check link for more details: .
* Few examples of valid uris:
* -
* -
* -$root/myblob
* @returns {Object} With following properties:
* - {string} storageAccountName
* - {string} containerName
* - {string} blobName
* @throws {Error} If blobUri is not valid blob uri.
const parseAzureBlobUri = (blobUri) => {
const ERROR_MSG_GENERIC = 'Invalid blob uri.'
const storageAccountRegex = new RegExp('[a-z0-9]{3,24}')
const containerRegex = new RegExp('[a-z0-9](?!.*--)[a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9]')
const blobRegex = new RegExp('.{1,1024}') // TODO: Consider making this one more precise.
const blobUriRegex = new RegExp(
`^http[s]?:\/\/(${ storageAccountRegex.source })\\/`
+ `(?:(\$root|(?:${ containerRegex.source }))\/)?(${ blobRegex.source })$`
const match = blobUriRegex.exec(blobUri)
if (!match) throw Error(ERROR_MSG_GENERIC)
return {
storageAccountName: match[1],
containerName: match[2] || '$root', // If not specified, then it is implicitly root container with name $root.
blobName: match[3]
export default parseAzureBlobUri
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While there is a method for parsing Azure Blob Uri in some of Azure SDKs, there is no such method (at least to my knowledge) in azure sdk for nodejs/javascript. I tried searching for regex online but could not find it, so I created my own and thought it would be useful to make it public in case somebody else needs the same thing.

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