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Last active June 21, 2017 17:26
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Iterative approach to flatten a multi-dimensional array of values.
namespace FlattenArray;
* Iterative approach to flatten a multi-dimensional array of values.
* Notes: Non-array values are untouched so this could be an array of integers, strings, objects etc. An iterative approach is
* taken here over a recursive one as to not overload the call stack on deeply nested arrays.
function flatten($ar) {
$newList = [];
while (count($ar) > 0) {
$item = array_shift($ar);
// If this element is an array, push its values onto the front of our current list
if (is_array($item)) {
$ar = array_merge($item, $ar);
else {
// If not an array, push it onto the final value list
array_push($newList, $item);
return $newList;
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