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Last active October 3, 2016 06:34
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My simple module that I use for send/recv xor-encrypted data via sockets. #haskell #socket #xor
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module SockEncrypted
( SockEnc (..)
, nc2
, chunksof
, conn2
, recvconn
, SockAddr
, EncSock
) where
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Bits (xor)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 (ByteString, break,
concat, cycle, drop,
init, length, lines,
pack, readInteger, tail,
take, unlines, zipWith)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.UnixTime (getUnixTime, utMicroSeconds,
import Network.Socket (Family (AF_INET), PortNumber,
SockAddr (SockAddrInet),
SocketOption (ReuseAddr),
SocketType (Stream), accept,
addrAddress, addrFamily, bind,
close, connect,
defaultProtocol, getAddrInfo,
iNADDR_ANY, listen,
setSocketOption, socket,
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString.Lazy as NL (recv, send)
-- tests
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 (hPutStr, putStr)
-- import System.IO
-- fix f = let x = f x in x
-- filerecvtest = recvconn "pizdec228" 5003 8192 >>= \(cn,addr) -> do
-- print $ "connected from: " <> show addr
-- withBinaryFile "afile" WriteMode $ \h -> do
-- recvparts cn (L8.hPutStr h)
-- seclose cn
-- echoservertest = recvconn "pizdec228" 5003 8192 >>= \(cn,addr) -> do
-- print $ "connected from: " <> show addr
-- fix $ \e -> recv cn >>= send cn >> e
-- echoclienttest = do
-- L8.putStr "enter password: " -- "pizdec228"
-- pw <- fmap L8.pack getLine
-- putStrLn " - Ok. Trying to connect..."
-- mbcn <- conn2 "localhost" "5003" pw
-- case mbcn of
-- Nothing -> putStrLn "incorrect password!" >> echoclienttest
-- Just cn -> do
-- putStrLn "connected!"
-- fix $ \e -> do
-- x <- fmap L8.pack getLine
-- send cn x >>= print
-- recv cn >>= print
-- e
-- tests
class SockEnc a where
sk :: a -> Socket
nckey :: a -> L8.ByteString
chunksize :: a -> Int64
bnd :: a -> L8.ByteString
send :: a -> L8.ByteString -> IO Int64
send senc msg = sendloop mchunks where
k = nckey senc
s = sk senc
mchunks = chunksof (chunksize senc - 512) msg
sendloop [] = sendx k s ["-"] >> return 0
sendloop (c:cs) = do
x <- sendx k s (bnd senc : [c])
_ <- recvx k s 8
xs <- sendloop cs
return $ x + xs - L8.length (bnd senc) - 1
recv :: a -> IO L8.ByteString
recv = fmap L8.concat .recvloop where
recvloop senc = recv0 senc >>= maybe
(return [])
(\part0 -> do
part1 <- recvloop senc
return (part0 : part1))
recvparts :: a -> (L8.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO ()
recvparts senc func = recv0 senc >>= maybe
(return ())
(\part0 -> func part0 >> recvparts senc func)
seclose :: a -> IO ()
seclose = close .sk
recv0 :: SockEnc a => a -> IO (Maybe L8.ByteString)
recv0 senc = do
(mbbound,part) <- L8.break (=='\n')
<$> recvx (nckey senc) (sk senc) (chunksize senc)
if mbbound == bnd senc then do
_ <- sendx (nckey senc) (sk senc) ["-"]
return .Just $ L8.tail part
else return Nothing
boundary :: IO L8.ByteString
boundary = getUnixTime >>= \ut ->
return $ ( $ utSeconds ut) <>
( $ utMicroSeconds ut)
chunksof :: Int64 -> L8.ByteString -> [L8.ByteString]
chunksof i bs
| bs == mempty = []
| otherwise = L8.take i bs : chunksof i (L8.drop i bs)
sendx :: L8.ByteString -> Socket -> [L8.ByteString] -> IO Int64
sendx k sok bss = NL.send sok $ nc2 k line where
line = if null bss then mempty else L8.init (L8.unlines bss)
recvx :: L8.ByteString -> Socket -> Int64 -> IO L8.ByteString
recvx k s = fmap (nc2 k) .NL.recv s
nc2 :: L8.ByteString -> L8.ByteString -> L8.ByteString
nc2 key x
| key == mempty = x
| otherwise = L8.pack $ L8.zipWith enc (L8.cycle key) x
where enc c1 c2 = chr $ ord c1 `xor` ord c2
conn2 :: String -> String -> L8.ByteString -> IO (Maybe EncSock)
conn2 h p k = withSocketsDo $ do
addr <- head <$> getAddrInfo Nothing (Just h) (Just p)
sock <- socket (addrFamily addr) Stream defaultProtocol
connect sock (addrAddress addr)
void $ sendx "1337" sock [k]
answer <- L8.lines <$> recvx k sock 512
case answer of
["on",blsz,bound] -> do
let sz = fromJust $ L8.readInteger blsz
void $ sendx k sock ["on"]
return .Just $ EncSock sock k (fromInteger $ fst sz) bound
_ -> close sock >> return Nothing
recvconn :: L8.ByteString -> PortNumber -> Int64 -> IO (EncSock,SockAddr)
recvconn ki p sz = withSocketsDo $ do
asock <- socket AF_INET Stream 0
setSocketOption asock ReuseAddr 1
bind asock (SockAddrInet p iNADDR_ANY)
listen asock 5
wait4 asock where
wait4 asock = do
(sock,a) <- accept asock
k <- recvx "1337" sock 512
if k == ki then do
bound <- boundary
void $ sendx ki sock [ "on",L8.pack (show sz),bound ]
void $ recvx ki sock sz
return (EncSock sock ki sz bound,a)
else do
_ <- sendx ki sock ["no"]
close sock
wait4 asock
data EncSock = EncSock Socket L8.ByteString Int64 L8.ByteString
instance SockEnc EncSock where
sk (EncSock x _ _ _) = x
nckey (EncSock _ x _ _) = x
chunksize (EncSock _ _ x _) = x
bnd (EncSock _ _ _ x) = x
instance Show EncSock where show _ = "undefined" -- TODO
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