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Created September 7, 2017 03:15
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  • Save MarvinJWendt/1f08ba9c63e8c6a91c76fbfdef0f52f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarvinJWendt/1f08ba9c63e8c6a91c76fbfdef0f52f8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fade android url-bar color with javascript and jquery.
var colors = ['#000000', '#080808', '#0F0F0F', '#171717', '#1F1F1F', '#262626 ', '#2E2E2E'];
var colors_length = colors.filter(function () { return true; }).length -1;
var currentColor = 0;
var forwards = true;
setInterval(function() {
$("meta[name='theme-color']").attr("content", colors[currentColor]);
if(currentColor >= colors_length)
forwards = false;
$("meta[name='theme-color']").attr("content", colors[currentColor]);
if(currentColor <= 0)
forwards = true;
}, 100);
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