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Created September 25, 2019 16:36
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import ballerina/io;
public function main(string filePath) {
// Retrieve a 2D string array representing all the records in the file.
// Each element of the array (which is a `string[]`) represents a single record.
string[][] records = retrieveRecordArray(<@untainted> filePath);
// Create an array of JSON objects from the array of records.
map<json>[] objectArray = convertToJsonObjectArray(records);
// Iterate over the array and print the JSON representation of the individual elements.
foreach var item in objectArray {
function retrieveRecordArray(string filePath) returns @tainted string[][] {
// Create a readable CSV channel from the provided path, panic if an error occurs.
io:ReadableCSVChannel readableCsvChannel = checkpanic io:openReadableCsvFile(filePath);
// Each record (i.e., a single line/entry) in the CSV file will be read as a `string[]`.
// Define an array of `string[]` to hold all the records.
string[][] records = [];
// Read all the records from the provided file via the channel.
while (readableCsvChannel.hasNext()) {
// Attempting reading a single record, panic if an error occurs.
string[] currentRecord = <string[]> checkpanic readableCsvChannel.getNext();
// Add the read record to array of records.
records[records.length()] = currentRecord;
// Close the channel.
checkpanic readableCsvChannel.close();
return records;
function convertToJsonObjectArray(string[][] records) returns map<json>[] {
// The first element of the array represents the column names.
// We use the `.shift()` langlib method to REMOVE and retrieve it from the
// array. After this operation, the array will not contain the column names,
// i.e., it would only contain the values.
string[] columns = records.shift();
int columnCount = columns.length();
// Create an array of JSON objects from the array of `string[]`. The `.map()` iterable
// operation is used here.
// See for examples.
map<json>[] objectArray =[] currentRecord) returns map<json> {
// This function takes a `string[]` and converts it to a JSON object (`map<json>`)
// using the column names identified above.
// Where the `columns` array is ["id", "firstName", "lastName", "age"]
// and the `currentRecord` array is ["1", "John", "Doe", "25"]
// this function creates the following JSON object.
// {
// id: "1",
// firstName: "John",
// lastName: "Doe",
// age: "25"
// }
// For each record, do the following:
// 1. Create an empty `map<json>` value that will be the object representation for the record.
map<json> obj = {};
// 2. Set the individual fields, using the relevant value in the `columns` array as the key
// and the corresponding value in the `currentRecord` array as the value.
foreach int index in 0 ..< columnCount {
obj[columns[index]] = currentRecord[index];
return obj;
return objectArray;
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