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Created May 17, 2014 09:52
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* Class Name: class.mashsharer.php
* Author: Rene Hermenau
* @version 1.0.9
* @scince 1.1.1
* Description: main class for mashsharer
// Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;
require_once 'class.debug.php';
Sharer inspired by the Mashable one - get shares from the big four FB, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn
class mashsharer {
function __construct() {
#global $logme;
#global $post;
#global $wpdb;
#$this->wpdb = $wpdb;
//self::$instance = $this;
add_shortcode('mashshare',array( $this, 'mashsharerShow'));
add_filter('the_content', array( $this, 'mashsharer_filter_content'));
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
//add_shortcode('mashshare',array( $this, 'mashsharerGetTotal'));
} // __construct
public function mashsharerGetTotal() {
global $wpdb;
global $post;
global $url;
$apikey = get_option('mashsharer_apikey');
if (!$url)
$url = get_permalink($post->ID);
// We use curl instead file_get_contents for security purposes
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "" . rawurlencode($url) . "&apikey=" . $apikey);
/* For debugging */
//curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "" . rawurlencode('') . "&apikey=" . $apikey);
/* For debugging */
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$counts = json_decode($output, true);
//echo "This page has " . $counts["Twitter"] ." tweets, " . $counts["Facebook"]["like_count"] . " likes, and ". $counts["GooglePlusOne"] . "+1's";
$total_count = $counts['Twitter'] + $counts['Facebook']['total_count'] + $counts['GooglePlusOne']; /* we can add a fake number here for smaller websites */
$sql = "select TOTAL_SHARES from ".MASHSHARER_TABLE." where URL='".$url."'";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
if(count($results) == 0)
if ($total_count >= 0)
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".MASHSHARER_TABLE." (URL, TOTAL_SHARES, CHECK_TIMESTAMP) values('".$url."'," . $total_count . ",now())";
} else {
$sql = "UPDATE ".MASHSHARER_TABLE." SET TOTAL_SHARES=".$total_count.", CHECK_TIMESTAMP=now() where URL='".$url."'";
/*echo "SQL ergebnisse" . count($results);
echo "Anzahl shares" . $total_count;
echo $sql;*/
public function mashload($place){
global $addons;
include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' );
//if (class_exists('mashshare_networks') && is_plugin_active('mashshare-networks/mashshare-networks.php')) {
if (class_exists('mashshare_networks')) {
include_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/mashshare-networks/mashshare-networks.php');
$networks = new mashshare_networks();
$addons = $networks->mashshare_get_networks($place);
return $addons;
return '';
public function mashsharerShow($atts, $place) {
global $wpdb;
global $post;
global $url;
global $cacheexpire;
global $addons;
//global $place;
$cacheexpire = get_option('mashsharer_cache_expire');
//$cacheexpire = 1;
$logme = new mashsharer_debug;
/* Load addons */
$addons = $this->mashload($place);
'cache' => '3600',
'url' => 0,
'f' => 1,
'bgcolor' => '',
'bordercolor' => '#ffffff',
'borderwidth' => '0',
'bordertype' => 'solid',
'fontcolor' => '#7fc04c',
'fontsize' => '70',
'fontweight' => 'bold',
'padding' => '1',
'fontfamily' => 'Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif'
), $atts));
$title = addslashes(the_title_attribute('echo=0'));
if (!$url)
$url = get_permalink($post->ID);
/* Create transient caching function */
//$mashsharer_transient_key = "mashsharer_".$url;
$mashsharer_transient_key = "mash_".md5($url);
$results = get_transient($mashsharer_transient_key);
//echo $mashsharer_transient_key;
if ($results === false) {
//echo "not cached";
$logme->log_me('SQL data not cached');
/* Get the share counts and write them to database when cache is expired */
$sql = "select TOTAL_SHARES from " . MASHSHARER_TABLE . " where URL='" . $url . "'";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
set_transient($mashsharer_transient_key, $results, $cacheexpire);
} else {
//echo "its cached";
$logme->log_me ('sql data cached');
$results = get_transient($mashsharer_transient_key);
//echo " cached results: ".$results;
//echo $mashsharer_transient_key;
$totalshares = 0;
} else {
$totalshares = $results[0]->TOTAL_SHARES;
Round the totalshares
if (get_option('mashsharer_round')){
if ($totalshares > 1000000) {
$totalshares = round($totalshares/1000000,1).'mln'; }
elseif ($totalshares > 1000) {
$totalshares = round($totalshares/1000,1).'k'; }
if ($f)
$return = '
<div style="line-height:10px;">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="mashsharer-box">
<div class="mashsharer-count"><font style="display:block;padding-bottom:17px;font-size: ' . $fontsize . 'px; font-weight:' . $fontweight . '; font-family: ' . $fontfamily . '; color: ' . $fontcolor . '; background-color: ' . $bgcolor . '; border: ' . $bordercolor . ' ' . $bordertype . ' ' . $borderwidth . 'px">' . $totalshares . '</font>
<span class="mashsharer-sharetext">SHARES</span>
<div class="mashsharer-buttons">
<a class="facebook" onclick="javascript:mashFbSharrer(\'' . $url . '\',\'' . esc_html(htmlspecialchars(urlencode($title))) . '\', \'Facebook share popup\',\'\',520,350)" href="javascript:return(0);">Share on Facebook</a>
<a class="twitter" onclick="javascript:mashTwSharrer(\'' . $url . '\', \'' . esc_html(htmlspecialchars(urlencode($title))) . '\', \'Twitter share popup\', \'\', 520, 350)"" href="javascript:return(0)">Tweet on Twitter</a> </div>
<div style="float:left"><iframe src="//;width&amp;height=62&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=false&amp;header=true&amp;stream=false&amp;show_border=true&amp;appId=329426423866301" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:62px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe> </div>'
. $addons .
<div style="clear:both;:"></div>
return $return;
public function mashsharer_filter_content($content){
global $atts;
global $wp_current_filter;
global $pages;
$position = get_option('mashsharer_position');
$option_posts = get_option('mashsharer_posts');
$option_pages = get_option('mashsharer_pages');
$pt = get_post_type();
$frontpage = get_option('mashsharer_frontpage');
if ($option_posts == '1')
$option_posts = 'post';
if ($option_pages == '1')
$option_pages = 'page';
$post_types = array(
if( $post_types && !in_array($pt,$post_types)){
return $content;
/*if( $posts === $pt){
return "posts".$content . "content is empty";
if( $pages === $pt){
return "pages".$content;
if ( !is_singular() ){
return $content;
if( in_array('get_the_excerpt', $wp_current_filter) ) {
return $content;
if ($frontpage == 0 && is_front_page()== true){
return $content;
if( is_feed() ) {
return $content;
case 'manual':
case 'both':
$content = $this->mashsharerShow($atts, '') . $content . $this->mashsharerShow($atts, "bottom");
case 'before':
$content = $this->mashsharerShow($atts, '') . $content;
case 'after':
$content .= $this->mashsharerShow($atts, '');
return $content;
new mashsharer;
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