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Created October 1, 2014 02:40
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module type Base = sig
type ('x,'a) m
val unit : 'a -> ('x,'a) m
val bind : ('x,'a) m -> ('a -> ('x,'b) m) -> ('x,'b) m
module type BaseT = sig
module W : Base
type ('x,'a) m
val lift : ('x,'a) W.m -> ('x,'a) m
val bind : ('x,'a) m -> ('a -> ('x,'b) m) -> ('x,'b) m
module Monad = struct
module Make(B: Base) = struct
include B
let (>>=) = bind
let (>>) x y = x >>= fun _ -> y
let sequence xs =
List.fold_right (fun x y -> x >>= fun x' -> y >>= fun y' ->
x'::y' |> unit) xs (unit [])
module MakeT(T: BaseT) = struct
include Make(struct
include T
let unit a = W.unit a |> lift
let lift = T.lift
module State_monad(Store : sig type store end) = struct
type store =
module Base = struct
type ('x,'a) m = store -> 'a * store
let unit a = fun s -> (a, s)
let bind x y = fun s -> let a, s' = x s in y a s'
include Monad.Make(Base)
let get = fun s -> s, s
let put s = fun _ -> (), s
module T(W: Base) = struct
include Monad.MakeT(struct
module W = W
type ('x,'a) m = store -> ('x,'a * store) W.m
let lift w = fun s ->
W.bind w (fun a -> W.unit (a,s))
let bind x f = fun s ->
W.bind (x s) (fun (a,s') -> f a s')
let get = fun s -> W.unit (s, s)
let put s = fun _ -> W.unit ((), s)
module Maybe_monad = struct
module Base = struct
type ('x,'a) m = 'a option
let unit x = Some x
let bind x y = match x with
| None -> None
| Some x' -> y x'
let zero () = None
include Monad.Make(Base)
module T(W: Base) = struct
include Monad.MakeT(struct
module W = W
type ('x,'a) m = ('x,'a option) W.m
let lift w = W.bind w (fun a -> Some a |> W.unit)
let bind x f = W.bind x (fun a -> match a with
| None -> W.unit None
| Some a' -> f a'
let zero () = W.unit None
type ast = Chain of ast list | Loop of ast | Op of char
let parse s =
let n = String.length s in
let rec go acc i =
if i >= n || s.[i] = ']' then
Chain (List.rev acc), i
else if s.[i] = '[' then
let o, i' = go [] (i+1) in
go (Loop o::acc) (i'+1)
go (Op s.[i]::acc) (i+1)
go [] 0 |> fst
module M = State_monad(struct type store = int * int list * int list * string * int * char list end)
module MM = Maybe_monad.T(M)
let tape f = MM.lift (fun (c,ls,rs,is,i,os) ->
let ls, rs = f ls rs in
((), (c+1,ls,rs,is,i,os)))
let repeat n x =
let rec go acc n =
if n = 0 then
go (x::acc) (n-1)
go [] n
let init is = (0,[],repeat 100001 0,is,0,[])
let tick _ =
MM.(lift M.get >>= fun (c,ls,rs,is,i,os) ->
M.put (c+1,ls,rs,is,i,os) |> lift)
let rec eval ast =
MM.(lift M.get >>= fun (c,ls,(x::rs' as rs),is,i,os) ->
if c >= 100000 then
zero ()
match ast with
| Op '+' ->
tape (fun ls (x::rs) -> ls, (x+1) land 255::rs)
| Op '-' ->
tape (fun ls (x::rs) -> ls, (x-1) land 255::rs)
| Op '<' ->
tape (fun (x::ls) rs -> ls, x::rs)
| Op '>' ->
tape (fun ls (x::rs) -> x::ls, rs)
| Op '.' ->
M.put (c+1,ls,rs,is,i,char_of_int x::os) |> lift
| Op ',' ->
M.put (c+1,ls,int_of_char is.[i]::rs',is,i+1,os) |> lift
| Op _ ->
unit ()
| Chain ch -> eval ch |> sequence >> unit ()
| Loop ch ->
tick () >>
(if x <> 0 then
eval ch >> tick () >>
(lift M.get >>= fun (c,_,(x::_ as rs),_,_,_) ->
if x <> 0 then
eval ast
unit ())
tick ())
let () =
let s = read_line () in
let _, m = Scanf.sscanf s "%d %d" (fun x y -> x,y) in
let is = read_line () in
let lines = Array.init m (fun _ -> read_line ()) in
let program = String.make (Array.fold_left (fun x s -> x + String.length s) 0 lines) '.' in
let rec fill i j =
if i < m then (
let l = String.length lines.(i) in
String.blit lines.(i) 0 program j l;
fill (i+1) (j+l)
fill 0 0;
let ast = parse program in
match eval ast (init is) with
| None, (_,_,_,_,_,os) ->
List.rev os |> List.iter print_char;
print_endline "\nPROCESS TIME OUT. KILLED!!!"
| Some (), (_,_,_,_,_,os) ->
List.rev os |> List.iter print_char
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