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Implementing Functional Languages: a tutorial, Template instantiation
open Syntax
module IntMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
module List = struct
include List
let zip xs ys =
let rec go acc = function
| [], _ | _, [] -> List.rev acc
| x::xs, y::ys -> go ((x,y)::acc) (xs,ys)
go [] (xs,ys)
let rec take n xs =
match n, xs with
| 0, _ | _, [] -> []
| n, x::xs -> x :: take (n-1) xs
let rec drop n xs =
match n, xs with
| 0, _ | _, [] -> xs
| n, _::xs -> drop (n-1) xs
let rec last = function
| [] -> failwith "last: empty list"
| [x] -> x
| x::xs -> last xs
let split_at k xs =
let rec go l k = function
| _ when k = 0 ->
l, []
| [] ->
l, []
| x::xs ->
go (x::l) (k-1) xs
go [] k xs
type addr = int
type mark = int
type primitive =
| Neg | Add | Sub | Mul | Div
| Lt | Le | Gt | Ge | Eq | Ne
| PrimConstr of int * int
| Stop
| Print
type node =
| NAp of addr * addr
| NSc of name * name list * core_expr
| NNum of int
| NInd of addr
| NPrim of primitive
| NData of int * addr list
| NMark of mark * node
type ti_stack = int list
type ti_dump = ti_stack list
type ti_heap = node IntMap.t
type ti_globals = (name * addr) list
type ti_stats = int
type tiState = ti_stack * ti_dump * ti_heap * ti_globals * ti_stats
let prelude = Parser.program Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string
I x = x;
K x y = x;
K1 x y = y;
S f g x = f x (g x);
compose f g x = f (g x);
twice f = compose f f;
False t f = f;
True t f = t;
if = I;
and b1 b2 t f = b1 (b2 t f) f;
or b1 b2 t f = b1 t (b2 t f);
not b t f = b f t;
pair a b f = f a b;
fst p = p K;
snd p = p K1;
cons a b cn cc = cc a b;
nil cn cc = cn;
empty l = l True (K (K False));
head l = l stop K;
tail l = l stop K1;
printList xs = xs stop printCons;
printCons h t = print h (printList t);
let map_accuml_rev f acc xs =
let acc, ys = List.fold_left (fun (acc,ys) x ->
let acc, y = f acc x in
acc, y::ys
) (acc,[]) xs
acc, ys
let map_accuml f acc xs =
let acc, ys = map_accuml_rev f acc xs in
acc, List.rev ys
let heap_counter = ref 0
let heap_alloc heap obj =
let id = !heap_counter in
incr heap_counter;
IntMap.add id obj heap, id
let heap_update heap addr obj = IntMap.add addr obj heap
let heap_update_alloc heap addr obj =
if addr < 0 then
heap_alloc heap obj
heap_update heap addr obj, addr
let heap_lookup heap addr =
IntMap.find addr heap
with Not_found ->
Printf.eprintf "heap_lookup: %d not found\n" addr;
raise Not_found
let heap_free heap addr = IntMap.remove addr heap
let a_lookup assoc key =
let rec go = function
| [] -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "a_lookup: key %s not found" key)
| (k,v)::xs when k = key -> v
| _::xs -> go xs
go assoc
let alloc_sc heap (name, args, body) =
let heap, addr = heap_alloc heap (NSc (name, args, body)) in
heap, (name, addr)
let primitives = [
"negate", Neg;
"print", Print;
"stop", Stop;
"+", Add;
"-", Sub;
"*", Mul;
"/", Div;
"==", Eq;
"!=", Ne;
"<", Lt;
"<=", Le;
">", Gt;
">=", Ge
let alloc_prim heap (name, prim) =
let heap, addr = heap_alloc heap (NPrim (a_lookup primitives name)) in
heap, (name, addr)
let compile program =
let heap, sc_addrs = map_accuml_rev alloc_sc IntMap.empty (prelude @ program) in
let heap, prim_addrs = map_accuml_rev alloc_prim heap primitives in
let init_stat = 0 in
[a_lookup sc_addrs "main"], [], heap, sc_addrs @ prim_addrs, init_stat
(* show *)
open Pprint
let column =
Column (fun k -> if k < 60 then Text (String.make (60-k) ' ') else Line true)
let rec show_node heap = function
| NNum n -> fill 5 (Text "NNum") <+> int n
| NSc (name,args,body) -> fill 5 (Text "NSc") <+> Text name
| NAp (a1,a2) -> fill 5 (Text "NAp") <+> int a1 <+> int a2
| NInd a -> fill 5 (Text "NInd") <+> int a
| NPrim prim -> Text "NPrim" <+>
(match prim with
| Neg -> Text "Neg"
| Add -> Text "Add"
| Sub -> Text "Sub"
| Mul -> Text "Mul"
| Div -> Text "Div"
| Eq -> Text "Eq"
| Ne -> Text "Ne"
| Lt -> Text "Lt"
| Le -> Text "Le"
| Gt -> Text "Gt"
| Ge -> Text "Ge"
| PrimConstr (tag,n) -> Text "Constr" <+> int tag <+> int n
| Stop -> Text "Stop"
| Print -> Text "Print"
| NData (tag,args) ->
(match tag with
| _ ->
Text "NData" <+> int tag <+> sep_by (Char ',') ( int args))
| NMark (m,o) ->
Text "NMark" <+> int m <+> show_node heap o
let show_stack heap stack =
let show_stk_node = function
| NAp (a1, a2) ->
fill 4 (Text "NAp") <+> int a1 <+> int a2 <+>
enclose (Char '(') (Char ')') (show_node heap @@ heap_lookup heap a2)
| node -> show_node heap node
let show_stack_item addr =
intw 2 addr <.> Char ':' <+> show_stk_node (heap_lookup heap addr)
Text "s" <+> Char '[' <.> sep_by (Line true)
( show_stack_item stack)
<.> Char ']'
let show_heap heap =
Text "heap" <+>
(*Char '[' <.> sep_by (Line true)*)
Char '[' <.> sep_by column
( (fun (i,node) -> intw 2 i <.> Char ')' <+> show_node heap node) @@ IntMap.bindings heap)
<.> Char ']'
let show_dump dump =
Text "dump" <+>
enclose_sep (Char '[') (Char ']') (Line false <.> Text ", ") @@ (fun d -> enclose_sep (Char '[') (Char ']') (Char ',') @@ int d) dump
let show_globals globals =
Text "globals" <+>
enclose_sep (Char '[') (Char ']') (Text ", ") @@ (fun (name,addr) -> Text name <+> int addr) globals
let show_state (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) =
show_stack heap stack <.> Column (fun k -> if k < 36 then Text (String.make
(36-k) ' ') else Empty) <.> show_heap heap
show_dump dump
show_globals globals
let show_stats (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) =
Line false <.> Text "total number of steps =" <+> int stats
let show_results states =
Pprint.pp_list ( show_state states) <$> show_stats (List.last states)
let backtrace heap node =
let found = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let rec go prec x =
if Hashtbl.mem found x then
int x
else (
Hashtbl.replace found x ();
match heap_lookup heap x with
| NNum n -> int n
| NSc (name,args,body) -> Text name
| NAp (a1,a2) -> paren (prec > 0) (Text "NAp" <+> go 1 a1 <+> go 1 a2)
| NInd a -> paren (prec > 0) (Text "NInd" <+> go 1 a)
| NPrim prim ->
(match prim with
| Neg -> Text "Neg"
| Add -> Text "Add"
| Sub -> Text "Sub"
| Mul -> Text "Mul"
| Div -> Text "Div"
| Eq -> Text "Eq"
| Ne -> Text "Ne"
| Lt -> Text "Lt"
| Le -> Text "Le"
| Gt -> Text "Gt"
| Ge -> Text "Ge"
| PrimConstr (tag,n) -> paren (prec > 0) (Text "Constr" <+> int tag <+> int n)
| Stop -> Text "Stop"
| Print -> Text "Print"
| NData (tag,args) ->
paren (prec > 0) (Text "NData" <+> int tag <+> enclose_sep (Char '(')
(Char ')') (Text ", ")
( (fun i -> go 0 i) args))
| NMark (m,o) ->
paren (prec > 0) (Text "NMark" <+> int m)
Text "trace" <+> go 0 node
(* eval *)
let is_data_node = function
| NNum _ -> true
| NData _ -> true
| _ -> false
let is_mark_node = function
| NMark _ -> true
| _ -> false
let ti_final (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) =
dump = [] &&
(match stack with
| [] -> true
| [x] -> is_data_node (heap_lookup heap x)
| _ -> false)
let get_args heap stack n =
let rec go acc i xs =
if i = 0 then
List.rev acc
match xs with
| [] -> assert false
| x::xs ->
(match heap_lookup heap x with
| NAp (a1, a2) -> go (a2::acc) (i-1) xs
| _ -> assert false)
go [] n stack
let rec instantiate addr body heap env =
match body with
| ENum n ->
heap_update_alloc heap addr (NNum n)
| EVar v ->
let a = a_lookup env v in
if addr < 0 then
heap, a
heap_update_alloc heap addr (NInd a)
| EConstr (tag,n) ->
heap_update_alloc heap addr (NPrim (PrimConstr (tag,n)))
| ELet (false, defs, body) ->
let heap, binds = List.fold_left (fun (heap,binds) (name,e) ->
let heap, a = instantiate (-1) e heap env in
heap, (name,a)::binds
) (heap,[]) defs in
instantiate addr body heap (binds @ env)
| ELet (true, defs, body) ->
let heap, binds = List.fold_left (fun (heap,binds) (name,e) ->
let heap, a = instantiate (-1) (ENum 0) heap env in
heap, (name,a,e)::binds
) (heap,[]) defs in
let env = (fun (name,a,e) -> name,a) binds @ env in
let heap = List.fold_left (fun heap (name,a,e) ->
let heap, a' = instantiate (-1) e heap env in
let heap = heap_update heap a (heap_lookup heap a') in
heap_free heap a'
) heap binds in
instantiate addr body heap env
| ECase _ -> failwith "cannot instantiate case"
| ELam _ -> failwith "cannot instantiate lambda"
| EAp (e1,e2) ->
let heap, a1 = instantiate (-1) e1 heap env in
let heap, a2 = instantiate (-1) e2 heap env in
heap_update_alloc heap addr (NAp (a1,a2))
let step_check (stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) n =
let rec go args root i xs =
if i = 0 then
None, (List.rev args, xs, root)
(match xs with
| [] ->
failwith "number of arguments"
| a::xs' ->
(match heap_lookup heap a with
| NAp (_, b) ->
let obj = heap_lookup heap b in
if is_data_node obj then
go (obj::args) a (i-1) xs'
Some ([b], xs::dump, heap, globals, stats), ([], [], -1)
| _ ->
failwith "number of arguments"
go [] (-1) n ( stack)
let rec step ((stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) as state) =
let stats = stats + 1 in
match stack with
| [] -> failwith "step: empty stack"
| hd::tl ->
match heap_lookup heap hd with
| NNum _ | NData _ ->
if dump = [] then
failwith "step: number applied as a function"
List.hd dump, dump, heap, globals, stats
| NAp (a1, a2) ->
(match heap_lookup heap a2 with
| NInd a3 ->
let heap = heap_update heap hd (NAp (a1, a3)) in
stack, dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
a1::stack, dump, heap, globals, stats)
| NInd a -> a::tl, dump, heap, globals, stats
| NSc (name, arg_names, body) ->
let stack' = List.drop (List.length arg_names) stack in
let heap, addr = instantiate (List.hd stack') body heap
( arg_names (get_args heap tl (List.length arg_names)) @ globals) in
(*let heap = heap_update heap (List.hd stack') (NInd addr) in*)
( stack', dump, heap, globals, stats)
| NPrim Neg ->
(match step_check state 1 with
| Some state, _ ->
| None, ([NNum n], stack, root) ->
let heap = heap_update heap root (NNum (-n)) in
root::stack, dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
assert false
| NPrim (Add as prim)
| NPrim (Sub as prim)
| NPrim (Mul as prim)
| NPrim (Div as prim) ->
(match step_check state 2 with
| Some state, _ ->
| None, ([NNum n1; NNum n2], stack, root) ->
let obj = NNum (match prim with | Add -> n1 + n2 | Sub -> n1 - n2
| Mul -> n1 * n2 | Div -> n1 / n2
| _ -> assert false) in
let heap = heap_update heap root obj in
root::stack, dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
assert false
| NPrim (Eq as prim)
| NPrim (Ne as prim)
| NPrim (Lt as prim)
| NPrim (Le as prim)
| NPrim (Gt as prim)
| NPrim (Ge as prim) ->
(match step_check state 2 with
| Some state, _ ->
| None, ([NNum n1; NNum n2], stack, root) ->
let obj = (match prim with | Eq -> n1=n2 | Ne -> n1<>n2 | Lt -> n1<n2
| Le -> n1<=n2 | Gt -> n1>n2 | Ge -> n1>=n2
| _ -> assert false) in
let heap = heap_update heap root (NInd (a_lookup globals (if obj then "True" else "False"))) in
root::stack, dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
assert false
| NPrim (PrimConstr (tag,n)) ->
let xs = List.drop n stack in
let heap = heap_update heap (List.hd xs) (NData (tag, get_args heap tl n)) in
xs, dump, heap, globals, stats
| NPrim Stop ->
tl, dump, heap, globals, stats
| NPrim Print ->
(match tl with
| a1::a2::xs ->
(match heap_lookup heap a1 with
| NAp (_, b) ->
let r = match heap_lookup heap a2 with
| NAp (_, c) ->
c::xs, dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
failwith "step: NPrim Print"
(match heap_lookup heap b with
| NNum n ->
Printf.printf "%d\n" n;
| NData (1,[]) ->
Printf.printf "%b\n" false;
| NData (2,[]) ->
Printf.printf "%b\n" true;
| _ ->
[b], (a2::xs)::dump, heap, globals, stats
| _ ->
failwith "step: NPrim Print"
| _ ->
failwith "step: NPrim Print"
(* garbage collection *)
let log = ref true
type ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
let mark_from heap addr =
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "\n\n-----------\n";*)
let rec go heap f b =
let rec marked a =
match heap_lookup heap a with
| NMark _ -> Right a
| NInd o -> marked o
| _ -> Left a
let obj = heap_lookup heap f in
match obj with
| NMark (-1, _) ->
if b < 0 then
heap, f
(match heap_lookup heap b with
| NMark (1, NAp (a1,a2)) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "+ NAp %d %3d %3d %d,%d\n" 1 f b a1 a2;*)
let heap = heap_update heap b (NMark (1, (NAp (f,a2)))) in
go heap b a1
| NMark (2, NAp (a1,a2)) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "+ NAp %d %3d %3d %d,%d\n" 2 f b a1 a2;*)
let heap = heap_update heap b (NMark (2, (NAp (a1,f)))) in
go heap b a2
| NMark (mark, NData (tag,a1)) ->
let revl, r = List.split_at (mark-1) a1 in
let heap = heap_update heap b (NMark (mark, NData (tag, List.rev (f::revl) @ r))) in
go heap b (List.hd r)
| _ ->
(*Printf.eprintf "!!! %d %d\n" f b;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap f) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap b) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
assert false
| NMark (mark,_) ->
(match obj with
| NMark (1, NAp (a1, a2)) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "- NAp %d %3d %3d %d,%d\n" 1 f b a1 a2;*)
(match marked a2 with
| Left a2 ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (2, NAp (a1, b))) in
go heap a2 f
| Right a2 ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (2, NAp (a1, a2))) in
go heap f b
| NMark (2, NAp (a1, a2)) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "- NAp %d %3d %3d %d,%d\n" 2 f b a1 a2;*)
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (-1, NAp (a1, a2))) in
go heap f b
| NMark (mark, (NData (tag,a1) as o)) ->
let revl, r = List.split_at mark a1 in
if r = [] then
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (-1, o)) in
go heap f b
(match marked (List.hd r) with
| Left x ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (mark+1, NData (tag, List.rev (b::revl) @ r))) in
go heap (List.hd r) f
| Right x ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (mark+1, NData (tag, List.rev (x::revl) @ r))) in
go heap f b
| _ ->
assert false
| NNum _ | NSc _ | NPrim _ ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "- N___ %3d %3d\n" f b;*)
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (-1, obj)) in
go heap f b
| NInd a ->
go heap a b
| NAp (a1,a2) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "- NAp %3d %3d %d,%d\n" f b a1 a2;*)
(match marked a1 with
| Left a1 ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (1, NAp (b, a2))) in
go heap a1 f
| Right a1 ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (1, NAp (a1, a2))) in
go heap f b
| NData (tag,a1) ->
(*if !log then*)
(*Printf.eprintf "- NData %d %d\n" f b;*)
(match a1 with
| [] ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (-1, obj)) in
go heap f b
| x::xs ->
(match marked x with
| Left x ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (1, NData (tag, b::xs))) in
go heap x f
| Right x ->
let heap = heap_update heap f (NMark (1, NData (tag, x::xs))) in
go heap f b
go heap addr (-1)
let mark_from_stack heap stack =
map_accuml mark_from heap stack
let mark_from_dump heap dump =
map_accuml mark_from_stack heap dump
let mark_from_globals heap globals =
let names, addrs = List.split globals in
let heap, addrs = map_accuml mark_from heap addrs in
heap, names addrs
let scan_heap heap =
IntMap.fold (fun addr obj heap' ->
match obj with
| NMark (m,o) when m < 0 ->
IntMap.add addr o heap'
| _ ->
Printf.eprintf "++ remove %d\n" addr;
) heap IntMap.empty
(* eval *)
let eval ((stack, dump, heap, globals, stats) as s) =
let rec go acc ((stack,dump,heap,globals,stats) as s) =
let s =
if stats mod 100 = 99 then
let heap, stack = mark_from_stack heap stack in
let heap, dump = mark_from_dump heap dump in
let heap, globals = mark_from_globals heap globals in
let heap = scan_heap heap in
(*Printf.eprintf "::: %d\n" stats;*)
(*if stats = 29 then
(*List.iter (Printf.eprintf "== %d\n") stack;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap 23) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap 72) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap 73) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
(*show_node heap (heap_lookup heap 74) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;*)
intw 3 stats <.> Char ')' <+> show_state s |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;
if stack <> [] then
backtrace heap (List.last stack) |> Pprint.layout 1.0 80 |> prerr_endline;
if ti_final s then
List.rev (s::acc)
go (s::acc) (step s)
go [] s
open Parser
let space = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r']
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let alpha = ['a'-'z''A'-'Z']
rule token = parse
| space+ { token lexbuf }
| "--" { comment lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| digit+ { INT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf |> int_of_string) }
| "==" { EQ }
| "!=" { NE }
| '<' { LT }
| "<=" { LE }
| '>' { GT }
| ">=" { GE }
| ';' { SEMICOLON }
| '(' { LPAREN }
| ')' { RPAREN }
| '{' { LBRACKET }
| '}' { RBRACKET }
| ';' { SEMICOLON }
| '*' { MUL }
| '/' { DIV }
| '+' { ADD }
| '-' { SUB }
| '=' { ASSIGN }
| '<' { L }
| '>' { R }
| '(' { LPAREN }
| ')' { RPAREN }
| '\\' { LAMBDA }
| '.' { DOT }
| ',' { COMMA }
| "->" { ARROW }
| "Pack" { PACK }
| "let" { LET }
| "in" { IN }
| "letrec" { LETREC }
| "case" { CASE }
| "of" { OF }
| alpha (digit|alpha|'_'|'\'')* { IDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }
| eof { EOF }
| _ { Printf.eprintf "characters %d-%d:\nerror: unknown token %s\n"
(Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf)
(Lexing.lexeme_end lexbuf)
(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf); exit 1 }
and comment = parse
| '\n' { () }
| _ | eof { comment lexbuf }
open Pprint
let width = ref 80
let rfrac = ref 1.0
let channel stage ic =
(*let show x = Pprint.layout !rfrac !width x |> prerr_string in*)
let ast = Parser.program Lexer.token (Lexing.from_channel ic) in
(*Pprint.pp_program ast |> show;*)
(*print_endline "++++++";*)
let state = Compiler.compile ast in
(*Compiler.show_state state |> show*)
Compiler.eval state |> ignore
(*Compiler.show_results results |> Pprint.layout !rfrac !width |> print_endline*)
with e ->
close_in ic;
raise e
let file stage f =
channel stage (if f = "-" then stdin else open_in f)
let () =
let stage = ref 0 in
let files = ref [] in
[("-d", Arg.Int(fun i -> stage := i), "stage");
("-w", Arg.Int(fun i -> width := i), "width")]
(fun s -> files := s :: !files)
("core compiler");
if !files = [] then
channel !stage stdin
List.rev !files |> List.iter (file !stage)
open Syntax
%token <int> INT
%token <string> IDENT
%token EOF
%type <Syntax.core_sc_defn list> program
%start program
%right prec_let SEMICOLON ARROW
%left ADD SUB
%left MUL DIV
%left LPAREN
| sc SEMICOLON? EOF { [$1] }
| sc SEMICOLON program { $1 :: $3 }
| idents ASSIGN expr { (List.hd $1, $1, $3) }
| idents IDENT { $1 @ [$2] }
| IDENT { [$1] }
| idents { $1 }
| { [] }
| expr aexpr { EAp($1, $2) }
| aexpr { $1 }
| LET defns IN expr %prec prec_let { ELet(false, $2, $4) }
| LETREC defns IN expr %prec prec_let { ELet(true, $2, $4) }
| CASE expr OF alts %prec prec_let { ECase($2, $4) }
| LAMBDA idents DOT expr %prec prec_let { ELam($2, $4) }
| expr MUL expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "*", $1), $3) }
| expr DIV expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "/", $1), $3) }
| expr ADD expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "+", $1), $3) }
| expr SUB expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "-", $1), $3) }
| expr EQ expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "==", $1), $3) }
| expr NE expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "!=", $1), $3) }
| expr LT expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "<", $1), $3) }
| expr LE expr { EAp(EAp(EVar "<=", $1), $3) }
| expr GT expr { EAp(EAp(EVar ">", $1), $3) }
| expr GE expr { EAp(EAp(EVar ">=", $1), $3) }
| IDENT { EVar($1) }
| INT { ENum($1) }
| LPAREN expr RPAREN { $2 }
| defns SEMICOLON defn { $1 @ [$3] }
| defn { [$1] }
| IDENT ASSIGN expr { ($1, $3) }
| alts SEMICOLON alt { $1 @ [$3] }
| alt { [$1] }
| L INT R idents0 ARROW expr { ($2, $4, $6) }
open Syntax
let (%) f g x = f (g x)
module LazyList = struct
type 'a node = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a t
and 'a t = 'a node Lazy.t
let empty = lazy Nil
let singleton x = lazy (Cons (x, empty))
let force = Lazy.force
let rec map f l = lazy (
match force l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (h, t) -> Cons (f h, map f t)
let rec append l1 l2 = lazy (
match force l1 with
| Nil -> force l2
| Cons (h, t) -> Cons (h, append t l2)
let rec concat ll = lazy (
match force ll with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (h, t) -> append h (concat t) |> force
let is_empty l = force l = Nil
let force = Lazy.force
type doc =
| Empty
| Line of bool
| Nest of int * doc
| Char of char
| Text of string
| Cat of doc * doc
| Union of doc * doc
| Column of (int -> doc)
| Nesting of (int -> doc)
type sdoc =
| SEmpty
| SChar of char * sdoc Lazy.t
| SText of string * sdoc Lazy.t
| SLine of int * sdoc Lazy.t
let rec flatten = function
| Empty -> Empty
| Line false -> Empty
| Line true -> Text " "
| Nest (i, x) -> flatten x
| Char c -> Char c
| Text s -> Text s
| Cat (x, y) -> Cat (flatten x, flatten y)
| Union (x, y) -> flatten x
| Column f -> Column (flatten % f)
| Nesting f -> Nesting (flatten % f)
let group x = Union (flatten x, x)
let (<|>) x y = Union (x, y)
let (<.>) x y = Cat (x, y)
let space = Text " "
let (<+>) x y = Cat (x, Cat (space, y))
let (</>) x y = Cat (x, Cat (group (Line true), y))
let (<+/>) x y = Cat (x, Cat (Union (space, Line true), y))
let (<$>) x y = Cat (x, Cat (Line true, y))
let align x = Column (fun k -> Nesting (fun i -> Nest (k-i, x)))
let softline b = group (Line b)
let int i = Text (string_of_int i)
let intw w i =
let s = string_of_int i in
let l = String.length s in
if w > l then
Text (String.make (w-l) ' ' ^ s)
Text s
let width x f = Column (fun k1 -> x <.> Column (fun k2 -> f (k2-k1)))
let vsep = List.fold_left (<$>)
let fill_break f x =
width x (fun w ->
if w > f then Nest (f, Line false)
else Text (String.make (f-w) ' '))
let fill f x =
width x (fun w ->
if w >= f then Empty
else Text (String.make (f-w) ' '))
let rec sep_by sep = function
| [] -> Empty
| x::xs ->
let rec go acc = function
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> go (acc <.> sep <.> x) xs
align (go x xs)
let enclose l r x = l <.> x <.> r
let rec enclose_sep l r sep = function
| [] -> l <.> r
| x::xs ->
let rec go acc = function
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> go (acc <.> sep <.> x) xs
align (go (l <.> x) xs <.> r)
let render rfrac w x =
let r = rfrac *. float_of_int w |> int_of_float |> min w |> max 0 in
let better n k x y =
let rec fits w = function
| _ when w < 0 -> false
| SEmpty -> true
| SChar (c, x) -> fits (w-1) (force x)
| SText (s, x) -> fits (w-String.length s) (force x)
| SLine (i, x) -> true
if fits (min (w-k) (r-k+n)) x then x else y
let rec best n k = function
| [] -> SEmpty
| (i,d)::ds ->
match d with
| Empty -> best n k ds
| Line _ -> SLine (i, lazy (best i i ds))
| Nest (j,x) -> best n k ((i+j,x)::ds)
| Char c -> SChar (c, lazy (best n (k+1) ds))
| Text s -> SText (s, lazy (best n (k+String.length s) ds))
| Cat (x,y) -> best n k ((i,x)::(i,y)::ds)
| Union (x,y) -> better n k (best n k ((i,x)::ds)) (best n k ((i,y)::ds))
| Column f -> best n k ((i,f k)::ds)
| Nesting f -> best n k ((i,f i)::ds)
best 0 0 [0,x]
let layout rfrac w x =
let buf = Buffer.create 0 in
let rec go = function
| SEmpty ->
Buffer.contents buf
| SChar (c, x) ->
Buffer.add_char buf c;
go (force x)
| SText (s, x) ->
Buffer.add_string buf s;
go (force x)
| SLine (i, x) ->
Buffer.add_char buf '\n';
Buffer.add_string buf (String.make i ' ');
go (force x)
go (render rfrac w x)
let pp_vars xs =
sep_by (Char ' ') ( (fun x -> Text x) xs)
let paren b x =
if b then Char '(' <.> x <.> Char ')' else x
let rec pp_def (name, e) =
Text name <+/> Char '=' <+/> pp_expr 0 e
and pp_defs defs =
sep_by (Char ';' <.> softline true) ( pp_def defs)
and pp_alt (i, vars, e) =
Char '<' <.> int i <.> Char '>' <.>
(if vars = [] then Empty else Char ' ' <.> pp_vars vars) <+>
Text "->" <.>
group (Nest (2, Line true)) <.> pp_expr 1 e
and pp_alts alts =
sep_by (Char ';' <.> Line true) ( pp_alt alts)
and pp_expr prec = function
| ENum i ->
int i
| EConstr (tag,n) ->
Text "Pack{" <.> int tag <.> Char ',' <.> int n <.> Char '}'
| EVar v ->
Text v
| EAp (EAp (EVar "*", e1), e2) ->
paren (prec > 4) (pp_expr 4 e1 <+/> Char '*' <+/> pp_expr 5 e2) |> align |> group
| EAp (EAp (EVar "/", e1), e2) ->
paren (prec > 4) (pp_expr 4 e1 <+/> Char '/' <+/> pp_expr 5 e2) |> align |> group
| EAp (EAp (EVar "+", e1), e2) ->
paren (prec > 2) (pp_expr 2 e1 <+/> Char '+' <+/> pp_expr 3 e2) |> align |> group
| EAp (EAp (EVar "-", e1), e2) ->
paren (prec > 2) (pp_expr 2 e1 <+/> Char '-' <+/> pp_expr 3 e2) |> align |> group
| EAp (e1, e2) ->
paren (prec > 6) (pp_expr 6 e1 <+/> pp_expr 7 e2) |> align |> group
| ELet (isrec, defs, e) ->
let keyword = Text (if isrec then "letrec" else "let") in
let ppe = pp_expr 0 e in
let r = keyword <.>
group (Nest (2, Line true <.> (pp_defs defs)) <$> Text "in") <$>
pp_expr 0 e
paren (prec > 0) (align r) |> group
| ECase (e, alts) ->
let r = Text "case" <+/> pp_expr 0 e <+/> Text "of" <.>
Nest (2, Line true <.> pp_alts alts)
paren (prec > 0) (align r)
| ELam (vars, e) ->
let r = Char '\\' <+/> pp_vars vars <.> Char '.' <+/>
pp_expr 0 e
paren (prec > 0) (align r)
let pp_sc (name, params, e) =
let lhs = pp_vars (name::params) <+/> Char '=' in
match e with
| ELet _ ->
lhs <.> Nest (2, Line true <.> pp_expr 0 e)
| _ ->
lhs <+/> align (pp_expr 0 e)
let pp_program scs =
sep_by (Char ';' <.> Line true <.> Line false) ( pp_sc scs) <.> Line false
let pp_list xs =
sep_by (Line true) @@ List.mapi (fun i x -> intw 3 i <.> Char ')' <+> x) xs
type name = string
type 'a expr =
| EVar of name
| ENum of int
| EConstr of int * int
| EAp of 'a expr * 'a expr
| ELet of bool * ('a * 'a expr) list * 'a expr
| ECase of 'a expr * 'a alter list
| ELam of 'a list * 'a expr
and 'a alter = int * 'a list * 'a expr
type 'a sc_defn = name * 'a list * 'a expr
type core_expr = name expr
type core_alt = name alter
type core_sc_defn = name sc_defn
type core_program = core_sc_defn list
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MaskRay commented Oct 14, 2015

% ocamlbuild main.byte
% cat in
take i xs = if (or (i == 0) (empty xs)) nil (cons (head xs) (take (i-1) (tail xs)));
add x y = x + y;
zipwith f xs ys = cons (f (head xs) (head ys)) (zipwith f (tail xs) (tail ys));
fibs = cons 0 (cons 1 (zipwith add fibs (tail fibs)));

main = printList (take 12 fibs);
% ./main.byte in 2>/dev/null

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