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Created October 5, 2014 11:48
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  • Save MaskRay/e88e247d758b2a3296cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MaskRay/e88e247d758b2a3296cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
% WatLog test case: Insertion Sort
[lt-n: a, b].
[lt-n: b, c].
[lt-n: c, d].
[lt-n: d, e].
% transitive closure on lt-n relation
{([lt-n: #x, #y]) => [lt: #x, #y]}.
{([lt-n: #x, #y], [lt: #y, #z]) => [lt: #x, #z]}.
{([lt: #x, #y]) => [ge: #y, #x]}.
{(<#x = #y>) => [ge: #x, #y]}.
% test
([lt: #x, #y])?
% insertion sort
[sorted: nil, nil].
{([sorted: #t, #y], [insert: #h, #y, #z]) => [sorted: [cons: #h, #t], #z]}.
[insert: #h, nil, [cons: #h, nil]].
{([lt: #h, #h2]) => [insert: #h, [cons: #h2, #t], [cons: #h, [cons: #h2, #t]]]}.
{([ge: #h, #h2], [insert: #h, #t, #z]) => [insert: #h, [cons: #h2, #t], [cons: #h2, #z]]}.
% test
([sorted: [cons: a, [cons: b, nil]], #z])?
([sorted: [cons: b, [cons: d, [cons: a, [cons: b, [cons: c, [cons: e, nil]]]]]], #z])?
% all done here.
let (%) f g x = f x |> g
let nub xs =
let rec go acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| [x] -> x::acc |> List.rev
| x::(y::zs as ys) ->
if x = y then
go acc ys
go (x::acc) ys
go [] xs
let split_at c xs =
let rec go acc c xs =
if c <= 0 then
List.rev acc, xs
match xs with
| [] ->
List.rev acc, []
| x::xs' ->
go (x::acc) (c-1) xs'
go [] c xs
let zip xs ys =
let rec go acc xs ys =
match xs, ys with
| [], []
| [], _::_
| _::_, [] -> List.rev acc
| x::xs, y::ys -> go ((x,y)::acc) xs ys
go [] xs ys
module Str = struct
let implode l =
let s = String.make (List.length l) ' ' in
let rec go i = function
| [] -> s
| h::t -> s.[i] <- h; go (i+1) t
go 0 l
let explode s =
let rec go acc i =
if i = String.length s then
List.rev acc
go (s.[i]::acc) (i+1)
go [] 0
module LazyList = struct
type 'a node = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a t and 'a t = 'a node Lazy.t
let empty = lazy Nil
let singleton x = lazy (Cons (x, empty))
let cons h t = lazy (Cons (h, t))
let force = Lazy.force
let rec map f l = lazy (
match force l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (h, t) -> Cons (f h, map f t)
let rec append l1 l2 = lazy (
match force l1 with
| Nil -> force l2
| Cons (h, t) -> Cons (h, append t l2)
let rec concat ll = lazy (
match force ll with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons (h, t) -> append h (concat t) |> force
let is_empty l =
match force l with
| Nil -> true
| Cons _ -> false
module ParserCombinators = struct
type input = { s: string; pos: int }
type 'a t = input -> ('a * input) LazyList.node Lazy.t
let unit x s = LazyList.singleton (x, s)
let zero = unit []
let (>>=) (type a) (type b) (x : a t) (f : a -> b t) s = (fun (a,s') -> f a s') (x s) |> LazyList.concat
let (>>) x y = x >>= fun _ -> y
let (<<) x y = x >>= fun b -> y >> unit b
let (<|>) x y s = let r = x s in if LazyList.is_empty r then y s else r
let fail s = LazyList.empty
let (<$>) f x = x >>= fun b -> unit (f b)
let (<$) b x = x >> unit b
let (<*>) f x = f >>= fun g -> x >>= fun b -> unit (g b)
let (<**>) x f = x >>= fun b -> f >>= fun g -> unit (g b)
let (>>::) x y = x >>= fun a -> y >>= fun b -> unit (a::b)
let rec many x =
let go = x >>= fun b ->
many x >>= fun bs ->
unit (b::bs)
go <|> zero
let many1 x =
x >>= fun b ->
many x >>= fun bs ->
unit (b::bs)
let next s =
if s.pos = String.length s.s then
Some (s.s.[s.pos], { s with pos = s.pos + 1 })
let pred f = (fun s -> match next s with
| None -> LazyList.empty
| Some x -> LazyList.singleton x) >>= fun b ->
if f b then unit b else fail
let eof s =
if s.pos = String.length s.s then
LazyList.singleton ((), s)
let char c = pred (fun c' -> c = c')
let str s =
let rec go = function
| [] -> zero
| h::t -> char h >>= fun b -> go t >>= fun bs -> unit (b::bs)
Str.explode s |> go
let alnum = pred (fun c -> '0' <= c && c <= '9' || 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' || 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' || c = '-')
let drop x = x >> zero
let space = pred (fun c -> c = ' ' || c = '\t' || c = '\r' || c = '\n')
let token x = x << drop (many space)
let char_ c = char c |> token
let str_ s = str s |> token
let sep_by x sep =
let go = x >>= fun b ->
many (drop sep >> x) >>= fun bs ->
unit (b::bs)
go <|> zero
let chainl1 x op =
let rec go a =
(op >>= fun f ->
x >>= fun b ->
go (f a b)) <|> unit a
x >>= go
let parse x s =
match LazyList.force ((drop (many space) >> x << eof) { s; pos = 0 }) with
| LazyList.Nil -> None
| LazyList.Cons ((x, _), _) -> Some x
type 'a assign = { lhs : 'a simple_term; rhs : 'a simple_term }
and 'a simple_term = Var of string * 'a | Relation of string * 'a simple_term list
type 'a complex_term = Simple of 'a simple_term | Eq of 'a assign | Neq of 'a assign
type 'a rule = { eq : 'a assign list; neq : 'a assign list; premiss : 'a simple_term list; conclusion : 'a simple_term }
type query = { qeq : unit assign list; qneq : unit assign list; goals : unit simple_term list }
type op = Rule of unit rule | Query of query | Nop | Quit
module Parser = struct
include ParserCombinators
let partition_complex =
let rec go eq neq premiss = function
| [] -> List.rev eq, List.rev neq, List.rev premiss
| Eq x::xs -> go (x::eq) neq premiss xs
| Neq x::xs -> go eq (x::neq) premiss xs
| Simple x::xs -> go eq neq (x::premiss) xs
go [] [] []
let simple_term =
let name = (Str.implode % (fun x -> Relation (x,[]))) <$> token (many1 alnum) in
let var = (Str.implode % (fun x -> Var (x,()))) <$> token (char_ '#' >>:: many1 alnum) in
let rec relational = lazy (char_ '[' >> token (many1 alnum) << char_ ':' >>= fun n ->
sep_by (fun s -> Lazy.force e s) (char_ ',') << char_ ']' >>= fun ts ->
Relation (Str.implode n, ts) |> unit
and e = lazy (var <|> name <|> Lazy.force relational)
Lazy.force e <|> var <|> name
let complex_term =
let eq = char_ '<' >> simple_term >>= fun t1 ->
char_ '=' >> simple_term << char_ '>' >>= fun t2 ->
Eq {lhs=t1; rhs=t2} |> unit
let neq = char_ '<' >> simple_term >>= fun t1 ->
str_ "/=" >> simple_term << char_ '>' >>= fun t2 ->
Neq {lhs=t1; rhs=t2} |> unit
eq <|> neq <|> ((fun x -> Simple x) <$> simple_term)
let rule =
let imp = str_ "{(" >> sep_by complex_term (char_ ',') >>= fun terms ->
char_ ')' >> str_ "=>" >> simple_term << char_ '}' >>= fun conclusion ->
let eq, neq, premiss = partition_complex terms in
{eq; neq; premiss; conclusion} |> unit
(imp <|> ((fun conclusion -> {eq=[]; neq=[]; premiss=[]; conclusion}) <$> simple_term)) << char_ '.'
let query =
char_ '(' >> sep_by complex_term (char_ ',') << str_ ")?" >>= fun terms ->
let qeq, qneq, goals = partition_complex terms in
{qeq; qneq; goals} |> unit
let op =
((fun x -> Query x) <$> query) <|>
((fun x -> Rule x) <$> rule) <|>
(str_ "quit!" >> unit Quit) <|>
(char_ '%' >> many (pred (fun _ -> true)) >> unit Nop) <|>
(unit Nop)
let rec lift_term i = function
| Var (x,()) -> Var (x,i)
| Relation (x,ts) -> Relation (x, (lift_term i) ts)
let lift_assign i { lhs; rhs } =
{ lhs = lift_term i lhs; rhs = lift_term i rhs }
let lift_rule i { eq; neq; premiss; conclusion } =
{ eq = (lift_assign i) eq;
neq = (lift_assign i) neq;
premiss = (lift_term i) premiss;
conclusion = lift_term i conclusion }
let rec occurs (v,iv) = function
| Var (w,iw) -> v = w && iv = iw
| Relation (n,ts) -> List.exists (occurs (v,iv)) ts
let rec substitute (v,iv) t = function
| Var (w,iw) as w' ->
if v = w && iv = iw then
| Relation (n,ts) ->
Relation (n, (substitute (v,iv) t) ts)
let rec substitute_assign v' t { lhs; rhs } =
{ lhs = substitute v' t lhs;
rhs = substitute v' t rhs }
let rec fine { lhs; rhs } =
match lhs, rhs with
| Var (v,iv), Var (w,iw) ->
v <> w || iv <> iw
| Relation (l,lts), Relation (r,rts) ->
l <> r || List.length lts <> List.length rts ||
List.exists2 (fun lhs rhs -> fine {lhs; rhs}) lts rts
| _ ->
let rec reduce qs neq =
| [] ->
if List.for_all fine neq then
Some (qs,neq)
| e::eq ->
match e.lhs, e.rhs with
| Var (v,iv), Var (w,iw) when v = w && iv = iw ->
reduce qs neq eq
| Var (v,iv), y ->
if occurs (v,iv) y then
( (substitute (v,iv) y) qs)
( (substitute_assign (v,iv) y) neq)
( (substitute_assign (v,iv) y) eq)
| Relation (l,lts), Relation (r,rts) ->
if l = r && List.length lts = List.length rts then
reduce qs neq (List.fold_left2 (fun ts lhs rhs -> {lhs;rhs}::ts) eq lts rts)
| x, y -> reduce qs neq ({lhs=y; rhs=x}::eq)
let rec search i rules neq eq gs vars =
match gs with
| [] ->
(match reduce vars neq eq with
| Some (r,_) -> [r]
| None -> [])
| g::gs' ->
let f r =
let eq' = {lhs=g; rhs=r.conclusion}::r.eq @ eq in
let neq' = r.neq @ neq in
if List.for_all fine r.neq then
(match reduce (vars@r.premiss@gs') neq' eq' with
| None -> []
| Some (vpg,neq'') ->
let vars', goals' = split_at (List.length vars) vpg in
search (i+1) rules neq'' [] goals' vars')
in (lift_rule i % f) rules |> List.concat
let infer rules q =
let rec collect_simple acc = function
| Var (v,()) ->
| Relation (_,ts) ->
List.fold_left collect_simple acc ts
let collect { lhs; rhs } =
collect_simple (collect_simple [] lhs) rhs
let vs = List.concat [ collect q.qeq; collect q.qneq; (collect_simple []) q.goals] |> List.concat |> List.sort compare |>
let vs' = (fun v -> Var (v,0)) vs in
search 1 rules
( (lift_assign 0) q.qneq)
( (lift_assign 0) q.qeq)
( (lift_term 0) q.goals)
vs' |> (zip vs)
let print_sol (n, t) =
let rec f = function
| Var _ ->
print_char '?'
| Relation (n,[]) ->
print_string n
| Relation (n, t::ts) ->
Printf.printf "[%s: " n;
f t;
List.iter (fun t' ->
print_string ", ";
f t'
) ts;
print_char ']'
Printf.printf "%s := " n;
f t;
print_endline ""
let () =
let rec go rules =
let s = read_line () in
match Parser.parse Parser.op s with
| None ->
print_endline "+ parse error";
go rules
| Some Nop ->
go rules
| Some Quit ->
print_endline "Bye."
| Some (Rule r) ->
print_endline "Ok.";
go (r::rules)
| Some (Query q) ->
(match infer (List.rev rules) q with
| [] ->
print_endline "UNSAT"
| []::_ ->
print_endline "SAT"
| sols ->
List.iter (fun sol ->
print_endline "SAT:";
print_endline "=====";
List.iter print_sol sol
) sols
print_endline "Ready.";
go rules
go []
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