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Last active October 4, 2022 16:03
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A simple wrapper for CC's os.pullEvent
--- FriendlyEvents
-- A CC event wrapper
-- Licensed under CC0
local expect = require("cc.expect").expect
-- CC Event Lookup Table
-- This should be tables of named indicies as a map from
-- {2, 3, 4, ...} to string name indices into the event table
local eventLUT = {
-- base CC events
alarm = {"id"},
char = {"char"},
computer_command = {},
disk = {"side"},
disk_eject = {"side"},
http_check = {"url", "success", "err"},
http_failure = {"url", "err", "handle"},
http_success = {"url", "handle"},
key = {"key", "is_held"},
key_up = {"key"},
modem_message = {"side", "channel", "replyChannel", "message", "distance"},
monitor_resize = {"side"},
monitor_touch = {"side", "x", "y"},
mouse_click = {"button", "x", "y"},
mouse_drag = {"button", "x", "y"},
mouse_scroll = {"dir", "x", "y"},
mouse_up = {"button", "x", "y"},
paste = {"text"},
peripheral = {"side"},
peripheral_detach = {"side"},
rednet_message = {"sender", "message", "protocol"},
redstone = {},
speaker_audio_empty = {"side"},
task_complete = {"id", "success", "err"},
term_resize = {},
terminate = {},
turtle_inventory = {},
websocket_closed = {"url"},
websocket_failure = {"url", "err"},
websocket_message = {"url", "message", "binary"},
websocket_success = {"url", "handle"},
krist_transaction = {"to", "from", "value", "transaction"},
krist_stop = {"err"},
--- Function that takes an event table, and applies the LUT to it
local function applyLUT(e, suppressErr)
expect(1, e, "table")
local LUT = eventLUT[e[1]]
if LUT then
for k,v in ipairs(LUT) do
e[v] = e[k+1]
elseif not suppressErr then
error("Event "..e[1].." not supported!")
e.event = e[1]
return e
--- Function that checks if target is in t
local function isIn(target, t)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if v == target then return true end
return false
local function addEvent(eventName, ...)
eventLUT[eventName] = {...}
--- Fancy pullEvent that takes a table of desired events
-- @param filters optional table of desired events ie. {"mouse_click", "modem_message"}
-- @param timeout optional number time in seconds to return nil if no event matching the filter is recieved
-- @param raw optional boolean use pullEventRaw and catch "terminate" events
-- @param suppressErr optional boolean, disable erroring upon recieving an unsupported event, just return the standard event table instead.
-- @return table of event information
local function pullEvent(filters, timeout, raw, suppressErr)
assert(not (timeout and isIn("timer", filters)), "Cannot set timeout when 'timer' is a targetted event.")
local timerID, e
if timeout then
timerID = os.startTimer(timeout)
if raw then
e = {os.pullEventRaw()}
e = {os.pullEvent()}
if timeout then
if e[1] == "timer" and e[2] == timerID then
-- timed out
return nil
until not filters or isIn(e[1], filters)
if timeout then
return applyLUT(e, suppressErr)
return {
pullEvent = pullEvent,
addEvent = addEvent
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