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Last active June 12, 2019 23:53
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  • Save MasonM/5c3025626b703716cd60ca5f84b08b07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MasonM/5c3025626b703716cd60ca5f84b08b07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sandboxing Demandbase tag
// POC code for injecting Demandbase inside an iframe sandbox
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.sandbox = 'allow-scripts';
// note: the actual production version of this will probably have a separate HTML file instead of
// "srcdoc" because of browser support issues. This is just for POC purposes.
iframe.srcdoc = '<script src="" type="text/javascript"><\/script>';
"use strict";
if (typeof window.console === "undefined") {
window.console = {
log: function() {},
debug: function() {}
if (typeof JSON === "undefined") {
JSON = {
stringify: function() {},
parse: function() {}
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt) {
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = from < 0 ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0) {
from += len;
for (;from < len; from++) {
if (from in this && this[from] === elt) return from;
return -1;
if (!Array.isArray) {
Array.isArray = function(arg) {
return === "[object Array]";
if (typeof Object.assign != "function") {
Object.assign = function(target, varArgs) {
"use strict";
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert undefined or null to object");
var to = Object(target);
for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
var nextSource = arguments[index];
if (nextSource != null) {
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
if (, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
Object.keys || (Object.keys = function() {
var a = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, b = !{
toString: null
}.propertyIsEnumerable("toString"), c = [ "toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor" ], d = c.length;
return function(e) {
if ("object" != typeof e && ("function" != typeof e || null === e)) throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on non-object");
var g, h, f = [];
for (g in e), g) && f.push(g);
if (b) for (h = 0; d > h; h++), c[h]) && f.push(c[h]);
return f;
if (!Array.prototype.some) {
Array.prototype.some = function(fun) {
if (this == null) {
throw new TypeError("Array.prototype.some called on null or undefined");
if (typeof fun !== "function") {
throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
var thisArg = arguments.length >= 2 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i in t &&, t[i], i, t)) {
return true;
return false;
var __extends = this && this.__extends || function() {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || {
__proto__: []
} instanceof Array && function(d, b) {
d.__proto__ = b;
} || function(d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
return function(d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() {
this.constructor = d;
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
if (!String.prototype.includes) {
String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) {
"use strict";
if (typeof start !== "number") {
start = 0;
if (start + search.length > this.length) {
return false;
} else {
return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1;
window.Demandbase = window.Demandbase || {};
window.Demandbase.Config = window.Demandbase.Config || {};
window.Demandbase.Config.hooks = window.Demandbase.Config.hooks || {}; = || {}; = || {};
window.Demandbase.Config.tokens = window.Demandbase.Config.tokens || {};
window.Demandbase.Config.forms = window.Demandbase.Config.forms || {};
window.Demandbase.Config.SiteOptimization = window.Demandbase.Config.SiteOptimization || {};
window.Demandbase.Connectors = window.Demandbase.Connectors || {};
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Config;
(function(Config) { = || {}; = || {};
Config.conditions = window.Demandbase.Config.conditions || {};
Config.content = window.Demandbase.Config.content || {};
Config.forms = window.Demandbase.Config.forms || {};
Config.segments = window.Demandbase.Config.segments || {};
Config.emptyWatchDefault = window.Demandbase.Config.emptyWatchDefault || null;
Config.hooks = window.Demandbase.Config.hooks || {};
Config.isInIFrame = window.Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame || null;
Config.key = window.Demandbase.Config.key || null;
Config.logging = window.Demandbase.Config.logging || null;
Config.nonCompanyDefault = window.Demandbase.Config.nonCompanyDefault || null;
Config.nonWatchDefault = window.Demandbase.Config.nonWatchDefault || null;
Config.testDomain = window.Demandbase.Config.testDomain || undefined;
Config.testIp = window.Demandbase.Config.testIp || undefined;
Config.tokens = window.Demandbase.Config.tokens || {};
Config.useTestDomain = window.Demandbase.Config.useTestDomain || false;
Config.useTestIp = window.Demandbase.Config.useTestIp || false;
Config.Advertising = window.Demandbase.Config.Advertising || {};
Config.AssetReporter = window.Demandbase.Config.AssetReporter || {};
Config.Content = window.Demandbase.Config.Content || {};
Config.ErrorReporter = window.Demandbase.Config.ErrorReporter || {};
Config.Forms = window.Demandbase.Config.Forms || {};
Config.Google_Analytics = window.Demandbase.Config.Google_Analytics || {};
Config.Google_TagManager = window.Demandbase.Config.Google_TagManager || {};
Config.IpApiModule = Demandbase.Config.IpApiModule || {};
Config.SiteOptimization = window.Demandbase.Config.SiteOptimization || {};
Config.EmailDomainReporter = window.Demandbase.Config.EmailDomainReporter || {};
})(Config = Demandbase.Config || (Demandbase.Config = {}));
var Connectors;
(function(Connectors) {})(Connectors = Demandbase.Connectors || (Demandbase.Connectors = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
Demandbase.version = "8.0.0";
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var ErrorStackParser;
(function(ErrorStackParser) {
var FIREFOX_SAFARI_STACK_REGEXP = /(^|@)\S+\:\d+/;
var CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP = /^\s*at .*(\S+\:\d+|\(native\))/m;
var SAFARI_NATIVE_CODE_REGEXP = /^(eval@)?(\[native code\])?$/;
function parse(error) {
if (typeof error["stacktrace"] !== "undefined" || typeof error["opera#sourceloc"] !== "undefined") {
return this.parseOpera(error);
} else if (error.stack && error.stack.match(CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP)) {
return this.parseV8OrIE(error);
} else if (error.stack) {
return this.parseFFOrSafari(error);
} else {
return undefined;
ErrorStackParser.parse = parse;
function extractLocation(urlLike) {
if (urlLike.indexOf(":") === -1) {
return [ urlLike ];
var regExp = /(.+?)(?:\:(\d+))?(?:\:(\d+))?$/;
var parts = regExp.exec(urlLike.replace(/[\(\)]/g, ""));
return [ parts[1], parts[2] || undefined, parts[3] || undefined ];
ErrorStackParser.extractLocation = extractLocation;
function _parseInt(string, radix) {
if (radix === void 0) {
radix = 10;
if (!string) {
return undefined;
return parseInt(string, radix);
ErrorStackParser._parseInt = _parseInt;
function parseV8OrIE(error) {
var filtered = error.stack.split("\n").filter(function(line) {
return !!line.match(CHROME_IE_STACK_REGEXP);
}, this);
return {
if (line.indexOf("(eval ") > -1) {
line = line.replace(/eval code/g, "eval").replace(/(\(eval at [^\()]*)|(\)\,.*$)/g, "");
var tokens = line.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\(eval code/g, "(").split(/\s+/).slice(1);
var locationParts = this.extractLocation(tokens.pop());
var functionName = tokens.join(" ") || undefined;
var fileName = [ "eval", "<anonymous>" ].indexOf(locationParts[0]) > -1 ? undefined : locationParts[0];
return {
function: functionName,
file: fileName,
line: this._parseInt(locationParts[1]),
column: this._parseInt(locationParts[2])
}, this);
ErrorStackParser.parseV8OrIE = parseV8OrIE;
function parseFFOrSafari(error) {
var filtered = error.stack.split("\n").filter(function(line) {
return !line.match(SAFARI_NATIVE_CODE_REGEXP);
}, this);
return {
if (line.indexOf(" > eval") > -1) {
line = line.replace(/ line (\d+)(?: > eval line \d+)* > eval\:\d+\:\d+/g, ":$1");
if (line.indexOf("@") === -1 && line.indexOf(":") === -1) {
return {
function: line
} else {
var tokens = line.split("@");
var locationParts = this.extractLocation(tokens.pop());
var functionName = tokens.join("@") || undefined;
return {
function: functionName,
file: locationParts[0],
line: this._parseInt(locationParts[1]),
column: this._parseInt(locationParts[2])
}, this);
ErrorStackParser.parseFFOrSafari = parseFFOrSafari;
function parseOpera(e) {
if (!e.stacktrace || e.message.indexOf("\n") > -1 && e.message.split("\n").length > e.stacktrace.split("\n").length) {
return this.parseOpera9(e);
} else if (!e.stack) {
return this.parseOpera10(e);
} else {
return this.parseOpera11(e);
ErrorStackParser.parseOpera = parseOpera;
function parseOpera9(e) {
var lineRE = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)/i;
var lines = e.message.split("\n");
var result = [];
for (var i = 2, len = lines.length; i < len; i += 2) {
var match = lineRE.exec(lines[i]);
if (match) {
file: match[2],
line: this._parseInt(match[1])
return result;
ErrorStackParser.parseOpera9 = parseOpera9;
function parseOpera10(e) {
var lineRE = /Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$/i;
var lines = e.stacktrace.split("\n");
var result = [];
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i += 2) {
var match = lineRE.exec(lines[i]);
if (match) {
function: match[3] || undefined,
file: match[2],
line: this._parseInt(match[1])
return result;
ErrorStackParser.parseOpera10 = parseOpera10;
function parseOpera11(error) {
var filtered = error.stack.split("\n").filter(function(line) {
return !!line.match(FIREFOX_SAFARI_STACK_REGEXP) && !line.match(/^Error created at/);
}, this);
return {
var tokens = line.split("@");
var locationParts = this.extractLocation(tokens.pop());
var functionCall = tokens.shift() || "";
var functionName = functionCall.replace(/<anonymous function(: (\w+))?>/, "$2").replace(/\([^\)]*\)/g, "") || undefined;
var argsRaw;
if (functionCall.match(/\(([^\)]*)\)/)) {
argsRaw = functionCall.replace(/^[^\(]+\(([^\)]*)\)$/, "$1");
var args = argsRaw === undefined || argsRaw === "[arguments not available]" ? undefined : argsRaw.split(",");
return {
function: functionName,
file: locationParts[0],
line: this._parseInt(locationParts[1]),
column: this._parseInt(locationParts[2])
}, this);
ErrorStackParser.parseOpera11 = parseOpera11;
})(ErrorStackParser = Utilities.ErrorStackParser || (Utilities.ErrorStackParser = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var Api;
(function(Api) {
function buildApiParamString(params) {
var allParams = {
referrer: document.referrer,
page: document.URL,
page_title: document.title
if (Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame) {
try { =;
allParams.referrer =;
allParams.page_title =;
} catch (error) { = document.referrer;
allParams.referrer = null;
allParams.page_title = "3rd Party iFrame";
allParams = Object.assign(allParams, params);
return buildQueryString(allParams);
Api.buildApiParamString = buildApiParamString;
function buildApiUrl(base, params) {
var url = base || Utilities.Constants.URL_IP_API;
url += buildApiParamString(params);
return url;
Api.buildApiUrl = buildApiUrl;
function buildQueryString(params) {
var qs = "?";
for (var name_1 in params) {
if (params.hasOwnProperty(name_1) && params[name_1] !== undefined) {
qs += name_1 + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[name_1]) + "&";
qs = qs.substring(0, qs.length - 1);
return qs;
Api.buildQueryString = buildQueryString;
})(Api = Utilities.Api || (Utilities.Api = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, {
buildApiParamString: Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildApiParamString,
buildApiUrl: Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildApiUrl,
buildQueryString: Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildQueryString
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var Callbacks;
(function(Callbacks) {
Callbacks.callbackStack = [];
function callback(data) {
var _loop_1 = function(i) {
var callback_1 = Callbacks.callbackStack[i];
Demandbase.ErrorReporter.wrap(function() {, data);
for (var i = 0; i < Callbacks.callbackStack.length; i++) {
Callbacks.callback = callback;
function domScriptCallback(data) {
Demandbase.IpApi.CompanyProfile = Demandbase.Utilities.flatten(data);
Callbacks.domScriptCallback = domScriptCallback;
function registerCallback(callback) {
if (Callbacks.callbackStack.indexOf(callback) !== -1) {
if (Demandbase.IpApi.CompanyProfile) {
Demandbase.ErrorReporter.wrap(function() {, Demandbase.IpApi.CompanyProfile);
Callbacks.registerCallback = registerCallback;
})(Callbacks = Utilities.Callbacks || (Utilities.Callbacks = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, {
callback: Demandbase.Utilities.Callbacks.callback.bind(Demandbase.Utilities.Callbacks),
registerCallback: Demandbase.Utilities.Callbacks.registerCallback.bind(Demandbase.Utilities.Callbacks)
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var Constants;
(function(Constants) {
Constants.QS_USE_TEST_DOMAIN = "db_useTestDomain";
Constants.QS_QUERY_DOMAIN = "db_domain";
Constants.QS_ENABLE_LOG = "db_logging";
Constants.DFLT_NON_COMPANY = "(Non-Company Visitor)";
Constants.DFLT_AW_EMPTY = "(AccountWatch Empty)";
Constants.DFLT_NON_AW = "(Non-AccountWatch Visitor)";
Constants.DFLT_EVENT_TYPE = "click";
Constants.URL_IP_API = "";
Constants.URL_DOMAIN_API = "";
Constants.URL_BW_AD_PIXEL = Demandbase.Config.tokens.URL_BW_AD_PIXEL || "";
Constants.URL_LR_AD_PIXEL = Demandbase.Config.tokens.URL_LR_AD_PIXEL || "";
Constants.PARDOT_VISITOR_COOKIE_REGEX = /^visitor_id[\d]+$/;
Constants.NON_HUMAN_DEVICES = [ /adsbot-google/i, /googlebot/i ];
Constants.URL_CURRENT = function() {
var pg = document.URL;
if (Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame) {
pg = document.referrer;
pg = encodeURIComponent(pg);
return pg;
Constants.PROTOCOL = function() {
return "https:" == document.location.protocol ? "https://" : "http://";
})(Constants = Utilities.Constants || (Utilities.Constants = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, {
tokens: Demandbase.Utilities.Constants
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var DBContent = function() {
function DBContent(values) {
if (values === void 0) {
values = {};
} = || "";
this.modify = values.modify || null;
this.segments = values.segments || [];
this.url = values.url || [];
if (!this.modify) {
this.modify = function() {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContent: modify function not defined");
if (typeof this.segments === "string") this.segments = [ this.segments ];
if (typeof this.url === "string") this.url = [ this.url ];
} = function() {
var urlMatch = false;
for (var index in this.url) {
if (this.url.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var url = this.url[index];
if (Demandbase.Utilities.isCurrentPage(url)) {
urlMatch = true;
if (urlMatch) {
var segMatch = false;
for (var index in this.segments) {
if (this.segments.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var segmentName = this.segments[index], segment = window.Demandbase.Segments[segmentName];
if (typeof segment !== "undefined" && segment) {
segMatch = true;
if (!segMatch) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContent modify " + + " not fired. Segment " + segmentName);
return false;
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContent: running modify function for: " +;;
return true;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContent modify " + + " not fired. no URL match with: " + this.url);
return false;
return DBContent;
Demandbase.DBContent = DBContent;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var DBContentBuilder;
(function(DBContentBuilder) {
function isValid(config) {
if (!config) return false;
var reqdPropsList = [ "name", "segments", "pages", "modify" ];
if ("function" !== typeof config["modify"]) {
//!config['pages'] instanceof Array ||
//!config['segments'] instanceof Array
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContentBuilder: invalid type in config.");
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < reqdPropsList.length; i++) {
if (typeof config[reqdPropsList[i]] === "undefined") {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBContentBuilder: invalid config missing: " + reqdPropsList[i]);
return false;
return true;
DBContentBuilder.isValid = isValid;
function build(config) {
if (isValid(config)) {
if (typeof config.pages === "string") {
config.url = [ config.pages ];
} else {
config.url = config.pages;
if (typeof config.segments === "string") {
config.segments = [ config.segments ];
return new Demandbase.DBContent(config);
} else {
return null;
} = build;
})(DBContentBuilder = Demandbase.DBContentBuilder || (Demandbase.DBContentBuilder = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var Events;
(function(Events) {
function add(eventObj) {
var result = true;
if (!isValid(eventObj)) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Event not added.");
return false;
var eventType = eventObj.type || Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.DFLT_EVENT_TYPE;
var elements = eventObj.elements;
var elmConstructor = elements.constructor;
if (elmConstructor === HTMLCollection || elmConstructor === NodeList) {
for (var eaElm in elements) {
var added = false;
if (elements.hasOwnProperty(eaElm)) {
added = _attachListener(elements[eaElm], eventType, eventObj.listener);
if (!added) {
result = false;
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Event not added to" + elements[eaElm]);
} else {
return _attachListener(eventObj.elements, eventType, eventObj.listener);
return result;
Events.add = add;
function _attachListener(element, eventName, listener) {
if (!element) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Event not registered - invalid element/s.");
return null;
if (element.jquery) {
element = element[0];
Demandbase.Utilities.addEventListener(element, eventName, listener);
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Event Listener bind to: " + element + " on event " + eventName);
return true;
Events._attachListener = _attachListener;
function isValid(eventObj) {
var result = false;
var reqdPropsList = [ "elements", "listener" ];
var elms = eventObj.elements || null;
var listener = eventObj.listener || null;
for (var i = 0; i < reqdPropsList.length; i++) {
if (typeof eventObj[reqdPropsList[i]] === "undefined" || !eventObj[reqdPropsList[i]]) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Invalid Event object. Missing: " + reqdPropsList[i]);
return false;
if ("function" !== typeof listener) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log('Invalid Event: "listener" must be a function. Got (' + listener + ")");
return false;
if (elms instanceof Node || elms instanceof NodeList || elms instanceof HTMLElement || elms instanceof HTMLCollection || elms instanceof Window || elms instanceof Document || typeof elms === "function" || typeof window.Demandbase.jQuery !== "undefined" && elms instanceof window.Demandbase.jQuery) {
result = true;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Invalid Event: element: " + elms + ' has type: "' + elms.constructor + '" which is not proper instance type.');
return result;
Events.isValid = isValid;
})(Events = Utilities.Events || (Utilities.Events = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, {
events: Demandbase.Utilities.Events
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
var Logging;
(function(Logging) {
Logging.logging = false;
Logging.debug = false;
function alert(message) {
Logging.alert = alert;
function log(message) {
if (Demandbase.Config.logging || Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.QS_ENABLE_LOG) === "true") {
console.log("DB: " + message);
Logging.log = log;
})(Logging = Utilities.Logging || (Utilities.Logging = {}));
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, {
logging: Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.logging,
debug: Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.debug,
alert: Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.alert.bind(Demandbase.Utilities.Logging),
log: Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log.bind(Demandbase.Utilities.Logging)
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Utilities;
(function(Utilities) {
function getCookiesByRegex(regex, _document) {
var extractedCookies = {};
_document.cookie.split(";").forEach(function(cookieString) {
var cookie = cookieString.split("=");
var cookieKey = cookie[0].trim();
if (regex.test(cookieKey) && cookie.length > 1) {
extractedCookies[cookieKey] = cookie[1].trim();
return extractedCookies;
Utilities.getCookiesByRegex = getCookiesByRegex;
function addEventListener(target, type, listener) {
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(type, listener);
} else if (target.attachEvent) {
target.attachEvent(type, listener);
Utilities.addEventListener = addEventListener;
function detectIFrame() {
return !== window.self;
Utilities.detectIFrame = detectIFrame;
function dig(target) {
var keys = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
keys[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
var digged = target;
for (var _a = 0, keys_1 = keys; _a < keys_1.length; _a++) {
var key = keys_1[_a];
if (typeof digged === "undefined") {
return undefined;
if (typeof key === "function") {
digged = key(digged);
} else {
digged = digged[key];
return digged;
Utilities.dig = dig;
function flatten(object) {
for (var key in object) {
var value = object[key];
if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
for (var nestedKey in value) {
object[key + "_" + nestedKey] = value[nestedKey];
delete object[key];
return object;
Utilities.flatten = flatten;
function getAttributeValue(data, attrName) {
var registryMap = {
city: "registry_city",
state: "registry_state",
zip: "registry_zip_code",
country: "registry_country_code",
country_name: "registry_country",
latitude: "registry_latitude",
longitude: "registry_longitude"
var dflt = Demandbase.Config.nonCompanyDefault || Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.DFLT_NON_COMPANY;
var awDflt = Demandbase.Config.emptyWatchDefault || Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.DFLT_AW_EMPTY;
var regName = registryMap[attrName] || "";
var attrValue = data[attrName] || data[regName] || dflt;
var isCompany = (data["company_name"] || dflt) !== dflt;
var isAcctWatch = Object.keys(data).some(function(k) {
return k.indexOf("watch_list_") === 0;
if (data[attrName] === false) {
return "false";
if (attrName.indexOf("watch_list_") !== -1 && isCompany) {
if (!isAcctWatch) {
awDflt = Demandbase.Config.nonWatchDefault || Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.DFLT_NON_AW;
attrValue = data[attrName] || awDflt;
return attrValue;
Utilities.getAttributeValue = getAttributeValue;
function getDocumentReadyState() {
return document.readyState;
Utilities.getDocumentReadyState = getDocumentReadyState;
function getElementByIdOrName(elementIdentifier) {
return document.getElementById(elementIdentifier) || document.getElementsByName(elementIdentifier)[0] || null;
Utilities.getElementByIdOrName = getElementByIdOrName;
function getQueryParam(param, _window) {
var _window = _window || window || {
location: {
search: "",
hash: ""
var params = {};
var qs = || _window.location.hash && _window.location.hash.split("?")[1];
if (!qs) return "";
var pairs = qs.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var nvArray = pairs[i].split("=");
var name = nvArray[0];
var value = nvArray[1];
params[name] = value;
return params[param] || "";
Utilities.getQueryParam = getQueryParam;
function insertScript(url, id) {
if (!url) {
Demandbase._loadedScripts = Demandbase._loadedScripts || {};
if (Demandbase._loadedScripts[url]) {
} else {
Demandbase._loadedScripts[url] = true;
var element = document.createElement("script");
var firstScript = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
element.async = true; = id || "";
element.src = "https://" + url.replace(/(^\/\/)|(^http:\/\/)|(^https:\/\/)/, "");
firstScript.parentNode.insertBefore(element, firstScript);
Utilities.insertScript = insertScript;
function isCookieEnabled() {
try {
if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled) {
document.cookie = "COOKIE_TEST=TEST";
if (document.cookie.indexOf("COOKIE_TEST=TEST") !== -1) {
document.cookie = "COOKIE_TEST=PASSED_TEST";
return true;
return false;
} catch (error) {
return false;
Utilities.isCookieEnabled = isCookieEnabled;
function getCurrentUrl(currUrl) {
var currentUrl = document.location.href;
if (Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame) {
currentUrl = document.referrer;
if (currUrl) {
currentUrl = currUrl;
return currentUrl;
function isCurrentPage(testUrl, currUrl) {
var qm = "?";
var pound = "#";
var hash = document.location.hash;
var search =;
var currentUrl = getCurrentUrl(currUrl);
if (currUrl) {
var searchEnd = currUrl.indexOf(pound);
if (searchEnd === -1) {
searchEnd = currUrl.length;
hash = currUrl.substring(currUrl.indexOf(pound), currUrl.length);
search = currUrl.substring(currUrl.indexOf(qm), searchEnd);
currentUrl = currUrl;
function stripProtocol(str) {
var doubleSlash = "//";
if (str.indexOf(doubleSlash) === 0) {
return str.substring(doubleSlash.length, str.length);
return str.replace(/^.*?:\/\//g, "");
function stripWww(str) {
return str.replace(/^(www\.)/g, "");
function stripTail(str) {
var slash = "/";
if (str.indexOf(pound, str.length - pound.length) !== -1) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
if (str.indexOf(slash, str.length - slash.length) !== -1) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
return str;
testUrl = stripProtocol(testUrl);
testUrl = stripWww(testUrl);
testUrl = stripTail(testUrl);
currentUrl = stripProtocol(currentUrl);
currentUrl = stripWww(currentUrl);
currentUrl = stripTail(currentUrl);
if (testUrl.indexOf(pound) === -1 && currentUrl.indexOf(pound) !== -1) {
currentUrl = currentUrl.substring(0, currentUrl.length - hash.length);
if (testUrl.indexOf(qm) === -1 && currentUrl.indexOf(qm) !== -1) {
currentUrl = currentUrl.substring(0, currentUrl.length - search.length);
currentUrl = stripTail(currentUrl);
return currentUrl === testUrl;
Utilities.isCurrentPage = isCurrentPage;
function isCurrentPageRegex(testRegex, currUrl) {
if (!testRegex) return false;
if (testRegex.length <= 0) return false;
if (testRegex[0] !== "^") {
testRegex = "^" + testRegex;
var end = testRegex.length - 1;
if (testRegex[end] !== "$") {
testRegex = testRegex + "$";
var currentUrl = getCurrentUrl(currUrl);
return new RegExp(testRegex).test(currentUrl);
Utilities.isCurrentPageRegex = isCurrentPageRegex;
function isStorageEnabled(type) {
try {
var storage = window[type.toString()];
storage.setItem("STORAGE_CHECK", "STORAGE_CHECK");
var test = storage.getItem("STORAGE_CHECK");
return true;
} catch (error) {
return false;
Utilities.isStorageEnabled = isStorageEnabled;
function isOldBrowserOrUserAgentUnavailable() {
try {
return window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0;
} catch (error) {
return true;
Utilities.isOldBrowserOrUserAgentUnavailable = isOldBrowserOrUserAgentUnavailable;
function jqid(id) {
return !id ? null : "#" + id.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, "\\$1");
Utilities.jqid = jqid;
function includesAny(haystack, needles) {
for (var i = 0; i < needles.length; i++) {
if (haystack.includes(needles[i])) return true;
return false;
Utilities.includesAny = includesAny;
function isValidEmail(str) {
var regexp = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return regexp.test(str);
Utilities.isValidEmail = isValidEmail;
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\\/]/g, "\\$&");
Utilities.escapeRegExp = escapeRegExp;
function nodeListToArray(nodeList) {
var output = [];
for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) output.push(nodeList[i]);
return output;
Utilities.nodeListToArray = nodeListToArray;
function b64EncodeUnicode(str) {
return btoa(encodeURIComponent(str).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function toSolidBytes(match, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x" + p1, 16));
Utilities.b64EncodeUnicode = b64EncodeUnicode;
function generateDeprecationMessage(name, version) {
return name + " has been deprecated since version " + version;
Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage = generateDeprecationMessage;
})(Utilities = Demandbase.Utilities || (Demandbase.Utilities = {}));
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
(function(window) {
window.Demandbase.utils = window.Demandbase.utils || {};
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, window.Demandbase.utils, Demandbase.Utilities);
Object.assign(window.Demandbase.utils, Demandbase.utils, {
loadScript: Demandbase.Utilities.insertScript,
flattenData: Demandbase.Utilities.flatten,
getAttrValue: Demandbase.Utilities.getAttributeValue
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var ModuleFactory = function() {
function ModuleFactory(config, moduleNameToConstructorMap, nameSpace) {
this.config = config;
this.moduleNameToConstructorMap = moduleNameToConstructorMap;
this.nameSpace = nameSpace;
} = function() {
ModuleFactory.prototype._parseConfig = function() {
var _this = this;
Object.keys(this.config).forEach(function(configKey) {
var configGroups = _this._testConfigForKey(configKey);
if (configGroups && configGroups.length === 3) {
var moduleName = configGroups[1];
var moduleConstructor = _this.moduleNameToConstructorMap[moduleName];
if (_this.nameSpace[configKey]) {
Demandbase.ErrorReporter.send(new Error("Failed to dynamically create configuration for " + configKey + " due to previously existing configuration with the same name."));
if (!moduleConstructor) {
Demandbase.ErrorReporter.send(new Error("No constructor available in moduleNameToConstructor map for module: " + moduleName));
_this.nameSpace[configKey] = new moduleConstructor(_this.config[configKey]);
if (_this.nameSpace[configKey].isEnabled()) {
ModuleFactory.prototype._testConfigForKey = function(configKey) {
return ModuleFactory.REGEX_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME.exec(configKey);
ModuleFactory.REGEX_CUSTOM_MODULE_NAME = /(.*)__(.*)/;
return ModuleFactory;
Demandbase.ModuleFactory = ModuleFactory;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var BaseModule = function() {
function BaseModule() {
this.configuration = {};
BaseModule.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this.configuration.enabled;
BaseModule.prototype.mergeConfigs = function() {
var configs = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
configs[_i] = arguments[_i];
Object.assign.apply(Object, [ this.configuration ].concat(configs));
return BaseModule;
Demandbase.BaseModule = BaseModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var AdvertisingModule = function(_super) {
__extends(AdvertisingModule, _super);
function AdvertisingModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: true,
key: null,
reportingOnly: false,
enableBW: true,
enableLR: true
_this.configuration = {};
_this.trackConversion = _this.trackConversionListener;
_this.load = _this.initialize;
_this.loadPixels = _this.insertPixels;
_this._loadPixel = _this.insertPixel;
_this._setCampaign = _this.loadCampaign;
_this._setEvents = _this.registerEvents;, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.Advertising);, config ? config :;
return _this;
AdvertisingModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
if (this.configuration.reportingOnly === true && this.configuration.key && this.configuration.key !== Demandbase.Config.key) {
Demandbase.IpApiReportingOnly.get(this.configuration.key, false);
AdvertisingModule.prototype.isConversionPage = function() {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.isConversionPage", "8.0.0"));
AdvertisingModule.prototype.insertPixels = function() {
if (this.configuration.enableBW) {
if (this.configuration.enableLR) {
AdvertisingModule.prototype.createAndAppendPixel = function(id, src) {
var element = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.setAttribute("style", "display:none");
img.setAttribute("alt", "");
img.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"); = id;
img.src = src;
AdvertisingModule.prototype.insertLRPixel = function(name) {
var id = "db_lr_pixel_" + name;
var src = Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.PROTOCOL + Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.URL_LR_AD_PIXEL;
this.createAndAppendPixel(id, src);
AdvertisingModule.prototype.insertBWPixel = function(name) {
var id = "db_bw_pixel_" + name;
var src = Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.PROTOCOL + Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.URL_BW_AD_PIXEL;
this.createAndAppendPixel(id, src);
AdvertisingModule.prototype.insertPixel = function(name) {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.insertPixel", "8.0.0"));
AdvertisingModule.prototype.loadCampaign = function() {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.loadCampaign", "8.0.0"));
AdvertisingModule.prototype.registerEvents = function() {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.registerEvents", "8.0.0"));
AdvertisingModule.prototype.trackConversionListener = function() {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.trackConversionListener", "8.0.0"));
AdvertisingModule.prototype.virtualPageViewListener = function() {
throw new Error(Demandbase.Utilities.generateDeprecationMessage("AdvertisingModule.virtualPageViewListener", "8.0.0"));
return AdvertisingModule;
Demandbase.AdvertisingModule = AdvertisingModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var AssetReporterModule = function(_super) {
__extends(AssetReporterModule, _super);
function AssetReporterModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: true,
assetList: [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]
_this.ERROR_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "Legacy Asset Detected: ";
_this.configuration = {};
_this.values = {};, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.AssetReporter);
return _this;
AssetReporterModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
if (Demandbase.Utilities.getDocumentReadyState() === "complete") {;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.addEventListener(window, "load", Demandbase.ErrorReporter.wrap(;
}; = function() {
var assetQty = this.configuration.assetList.length;
for (var i = 0; i < assetQty; i++) {
var assetUrl = this.configuration.assetList[i];
var asset = document.querySelector("script[src='" + Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.PROTOCOL + assetUrl + "']");
if (asset) {
this.values[assetUrl] = true;
} else {
this.values[assetUrl] = false;
AssetReporterModule.prototype.send = function(message) {
var error = new Error(this.ERROR_MESSAGE_PREFIX + message);
return AssetReporterModule;
Demandbase.AssetReporterModule = AssetReporterModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var ContentModule = function(_super) {
__extends(ContentModule, _super);
function ContentModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: true
_this.configuration = {};
_this.mods = {};, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.Content);
Object.assign(_this.configuration, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.content);
return _this;
ContentModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
ContentModule.prototype.callback = function() {
ContentModule.prototype.setup = function() {
if (typeof Demandbase.Config.content !== "undefined") {
for (var index in Demandbase.Config.content) {
var modObj = Demandbase.Config.content[index];
var dbContent =;
if (dbContent) {
this.mods[] = dbContent;
ContentModule.prototype.modify = function() {
var _this = this;
return Demandbase.ErrorReporter.wrap(function() {
var isMod = false;
for (var eachMod in _this.mods) {
if (_this.mods.hasOwnProperty(eachMod)) {
var modObj = _this.mods[eachMod];
var isRunMod =;
if (isRunMod) isMod = true;
return ContentModule;
Demandbase.ContentModule = ContentModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var EmailDomainReporterModule = function(_super) {
__extends(EmailDomainReporterModule, _super);
function EmailDomainReporterModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: false,
formInputSelectors: [ 'input[type="text"]', 'input[type="email"]' ],
inputSearchTerms: [ "email", "user", "login" ]
_this.configuration = {};
_this.baseUrl = "";
_this.activeSetTimeout = 0;, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.EmailDomainReporter);
return _this;
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.sendDataIfAlreadyPresent = function() {
var _this = this;
var emailInputs = this.suspectedEmailInputs();
if (emailInputs.length < 1) return;
emailInputs.forEach(function(input) {
var value = input.value;
if (!Demandbase.Utilities.isValidEmail(value)) return;
var domain = value.split("@")[1].toLowerCase();
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.attachListenersIfDocumentReady = function() {
var _this = this;
if (Demandbase.Utilities.getDocumentReadyState() === "loading") {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", this.attachListenersIfDocumentReady.bind(this));
this.suspectedEmailInputs().forEach(function(input) {
input.addEventListener("input", function() {
var value = input.value;
if (!Demandbase.Utilities.isValidEmail(value)) return;
var domain = value.split("@")[1].toLowerCase();
_this.activeSetTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
}, 400);
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.suspectedEmailInputs = function() {
var _this = this;
var allInputsOnPage = Demandbase.Utilities.nodeListToArray(document.querySelectorAll(this.configuration.formInputSelectors.join(","))).map(function(element) {
return element;
var suspectedEmailInputs = allInputsOnPage.filter(function(inputElement) {
var name =;
var id =;
var searchTerms = _this.configuration.inputSearchTerms;
if (Demandbase.Utilities.includesAny(name, searchTerms)) return true;
if (Demandbase.Utilities.includesAny(id, searchTerms)) return true;
return false;
return suspectedEmailInputs;
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.send = function(domain) {
var xhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var token = Demandbase.Config.key || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "analytics", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "ads", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "forms", "key") || "";
var qsB64 = Demandbase.Utilities.b64EncodeUnicode("vendor=mariposa&p1=" + domain + "&token=" + token);
var url = this.baseUrl + "/l/" + qsB64;
try {"GET", url);
xhttp.withCredentials = true;
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
} catch (requestError) {
throw requestError;
EmailDomainReporterModule.prototype.responseHandler = function(request) {};
return EmailDomainReporterModule;
Demandbase.EmailDomainReporterModule = EmailDomainReporterModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var ErrorReporterModule = function(_super) {
__extends(ErrorReporterModule, _super);
function ErrorReporterModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
_this.VERSION = "0.0.0";
_this.PROJECT_ID = "141580";
_this.PROJECT_KEY = "9a0a3519e930259f5886a7af53b0ccaa";
_this.SENTRY_PROJECT_ID = "1190150";
_this.SENTRY_PUBLIC_KEY = "3c9d467f8a9d4295b0f8320ae852091d";
environment: "production",
ignorableErrors: []
_this.configuration = {};, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.ErrorReporter);
return _this;
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.initialize = function() {};
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.send = function(error) {
if (this.configuration.ignorableErrors.indexOf( > -1 || this.configuration.ignorableErrors.indexOf(error.message) > -1) {
var sentryXhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
sentryXhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
sentryXhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
var sentryUrl = "" + this.SENTRY_PROJECT_ID + "/store/?sentry_version=7&sentry_key=" + this.SENTRY_PUBLIC_KEY;
try {"POST", sentryUrl, true);
sentryXhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8");
sentryXhttp.send(this.formatMessage(error, true));
} catch (requestError) {}
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.wrap = function(method) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof method !== "function") {
throw new Error("Invalid Function: " + method);
return function() {
var parameters = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
parameters[_i] = arguments[_i];
try {
if (typeof method !== "undefined" && typeof method.apply === "function") {
return method.apply(_this, parameters);
} catch (error) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.alert("Error: " + error + "\n" + error.stack);
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.formatMessage = function(error, forSentry) {
if (forSentry === void 0) {
forSentry = false;
var errorDetails = this.parseError(error);
var context = this.parseContext();
var environment = this.parseEnviroment();
var session = this.parseSession();
var params = this.parseParams();
if (forSentry) {
var sentryFormattedError = this.formatErrorForSentry(errorDetails);
return JSON.stringify({
platform: "javascript",
release: context.version,
environment: context.environment,
request: {
url: context.url
contexts: {
browser: {
userAgent: context.userAgent
tags: {
clientId: environment.config.clientId
extra: {
readyState: context.readyState,
config: environment.config,
companyProfile: session
exception: {
values: [ sentryFormattedError ]
return JSON.stringify({
errors: [ errorDetails ],
context: context,
environment: environment,
session: session,
params: params
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.formatErrorForSentry = function(errorDetails) {
var stacktrace = [];
for (var _i = 0, _a = errorDetails.backtrace; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var frame = _a[_i];
function: frame.function,
filename: frame.file,
lineno: frame.line,
colno: frame.column
return {
type: errorDetails.type,
value: errorDetails.message,
stacktrace: {
frames: stacktrace
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.parseError = function(error) {
return {
message: error.message,
backtrace: Demandbase.Utilities.ErrorStackParser.parse(error)
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.parseContext = function() {
return {
notifier: {
name: "ErrorReporterModule",
version: this.VERSION
environment: this.configuration.environment,
version: Demandbase.version,
url: window.location.href,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
rootDirectory: window.location.origin,
readyState: document.readyState
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.parseEnviroment = function() {
return {
config: Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "Config")
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.parseSession = function() {
return {
companyProfile: Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "IP", "CompanyProfile")
ErrorReporterModule.prototype.parseParams = function() {
return {};
return ErrorReporterModule;
Demandbase.ErrorReporterModule = ErrorReporterModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var FormsLoaderModule = function(_super) {
__extends(FormsLoaderModule, _super);
function FormsLoaderModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: undefined,
emailID: null,
emailFields: []
_this.configuration = {};
_this.inserted = false;
return _this;
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.whenReady = function() {
if (this.isMktoForms2Installed()) {
} else {
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.load = function() {
var isFormPage = false;
if (typeof Demandbase.Config.isFormPage === "function") {
isFormPage = Demandbase.Config.isFormPage();
isFormPage = Demandbase.Config.isFormPage();
} else {
isFormPage = this.isFormPage();
if (!isFormPage || this.inserted) {
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.isFormPage = function() {
var emailFieldList = this.configuration.emailFields;
if (this.configuration.emailID) {
for (var i = 0; i < emailFieldList.length; i++) {
if (Demandbase.Utilities.getElementByIdOrName(emailFieldList[i])) {
return true;
return false;
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.isMktoForms2Installed = function() {
return window.MktoForms2 !== undefined && window.MktoForms2.whenReady !== undefined;
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.insertForms = function() {
this.inserted = true;
Demandbase.Connectors.initWebForm = this.initializeWebForm;
Demandbase.Utilities.insertScript(Demandbase.FormsLoader.REMOTE_MODULE_URL, "db_form_module");
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.initializeWebForm = function(config) {
config = config || Demandbase.Config.forms || Demandbase.Config.Forms || {};
FormsLoaderModule.prototype.setConfiguration = function(config) {, this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.Forms);
if (this.configuration.enabled === undefined && Demandbase.Config.Forms !== undefined) {
this.configuration.enabled = true;
}, this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.forms);
if (this.configuration.enabled === undefined && Demandbase.Config.forms !== undefined) {
this.configuration.enabled = true;
return FormsLoaderModule;
Demandbase.FormsLoaderModule = FormsLoaderModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var SiteOptimizationLoaderModule = function(_super) {
__extends(SiteOptimizationLoaderModule, _super);
function SiteOptimizationLoaderModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
additionalClass: null,
backgroundColorClass: null,
closedTitle: "Recommended Content",
companyProfile: null,
delay: 0,
enabled: undefined,
fadeIn: 0,
fontColor: null,
fontName: null,
googleAnalyticsTrackerName: null,
isGoogleAnalyticsEnabled: false,
isRippleAnimation: true,
isSwitchersDots: true,
isSwitchersArrows: false,
itemBackgroundColor: null,
mainClass: "defaultBlock",
openByDefault: false,
openTitle: null,
recommendationApiURL: "",
recommendationCompanyName: null,
recommendationCompanyId: null,
recommendationKey: null,
recommendationsProtocol: "forceHTTPS",
recommendationUrl: window.location.href,
showCloseButton: true,
showCompanyName: true,
showFeedbackLink: false,
showIndicatorArrows: true,
showLogo: true,
showLogoWhenClosed: true,
showLogoWhenOpen: false,
showOnlyOnScroll: false,
showTitleWhenClosed: true,
showTitleWhenOpen: true,
switcherArrowsColor: "#444",
state: {
openedRecommendationBlock: null
widgetBackgroundColor: null,
widgetContainerId: null
_this.configuration = {};
_this.inserted = false;, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.SiteOptimization);
_this.configuration.recommendationKey = Demandbase.Config.key;
return _this;
SiteOptimizationLoaderModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
SiteOptimizationLoaderModule.prototype.callback = function(data) {
this.configuration.companyProfile = data;
SiteOptimizationLoaderModule.prototype.insertSiteOptimization = function() {
this.inserted = true;
Demandbase.Utilities.insertScript(Demandbase.SiteOptimizationLoader.REMOTE_MODULE_URL, "db_site_optimization_module");
return SiteOptimizationLoaderModule;
Demandbase.SiteOptimizationLoaderModule = SiteOptimizationLoaderModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Google_AnalyticsModule = function(_super) {
__extends(Google_AnalyticsModule, _super);
function Google_AnalyticsModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: true,
events: null,
fieldMap: null,
googleAnalyticsClassicScope: 2,
trackerName: null,
trackerId: null
_this.configuration = {};
_this.gType = "";
_this._cEvent = _this.sendEvent;, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.Google_Analytics);, config ? config :;
return _this;
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
if (this.configuration.fieldMap && "{}" !== JSON.stringify(this.configuration.fieldMap)) {
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype.sendEvent = function(category, action, label) {
if (this.gType === "ga") {
this._trackEvent(category, action, label);
} else { {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics._sendEvent(category, action, label);
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Sent Custom Event:" + category + "/" + action + "/" + label);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype.getTrackerInfo = function() {
var classicInfo = [];
var universalInfo = [];
if (typeof window._gaq !== "undefined" && typeof window._gat !== "undefined" && typeof window._gat._getTrackers === "function") {
var classicTrackers = window._gat._getTrackers();
classicTrackers.forEach(function(classicTracker) {
if (classicTracker._getName().length > 0) {
type: "classic",
trackerId: classicTracker._getAccount(),
name: classicTracker._getName()
if (typeof !== "undefined" && typeof !== "undefined") {
var universalTrackers =;
universalTrackers.forEach(function(universalTracker) {
type: "universal",
trackerId: universalTracker.get("trackingId"),
name: universalTracker.get("name")
return universalInfo.concat(classicInfo);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._setTrackerName = function() {
var _this = this;
if (this.configuration.trackerName) return;
var foundUaMethod = typeof !== "undefined";
var foundClassicMethod = typeof window._gat !== "undefined" && typeof window._gat._getTrackers === "function";
if (foundClassicMethod) {
var trackers = _gat._getTrackers();
if (typeof trackers.length !== "undefined" && trackers.length > 0) {
if (this.configuration.trackerId) {
for (var i = 0; i < trackers.length; i++) {
if (trackers[i]._getName().length > 0) {
var name_1 = trackers[i]._getName();
if (trackers[i]._getAccount() === this.configuration.trackerId) {
if (!this.configuration.trackerName) {
this.configuration.trackerName = name_1;
var tracker = trackers[0] || null;
if (tracker && typeof tracker._getName === "function") {
var name_2 = tracker._getName() || null;
if (!this.configuration.trackerName) {
this.configuration.trackerName = name_2;
if (foundUaMethod) { {
var trackers = || [];
if (_this.configuration.trackerId) {
for (var i = 0; i < trackers.length; i++) {
var tracker = trackers[i];
var name_3 = tracker.get("name");
if (tracker.get("trackingId") === _this.configuration.trackerId) {
_this.configuration.trackerName = name_3;
if (typeof trackers.length !== "undefined" && trackers.length > 0) {
var tracker = trackers[0] || null;
if (tracker && typeof tracker.get === "function") {
var name_4 = tracker.get("name") || null;
_this.configuration.trackerName = name_4;
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype.callback = function(data) {
try {
if (!data) {
throw new Error("Error - no data passed to callback");
var self = Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics;
for (var field in self.configuration.fieldMap) {
if (self.configuration.fieldMap.hasOwnProperty(field)) {
var num = +field;
var lbl = self.configuration.fieldMap[field];
var val = Demandbase.Utilities.getAttributeValue(data, lbl);
self._var(num, lbl, val.toString());
self.sendEvent("Demandbase", "API Resolution", "IP API");
} catch (e) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("GA Error: " + e + "\n" + e.stack);
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics.sendEvent("Demandbase", "API Resolution", "Callback Error");
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._detectG = function() {
if (window._gaq) {
this.gType = "ga";
_gaq.push([ "_addDevId", "NE7T9" ]);
} else {
this.gType = null;
try { {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics.gType = "ua";
} catch (error) {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics.gType = "ua";
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Detected Google version: " + this.gType);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._sendEvent = function(category, action, label) {
var command = this.configuration.trackerName ? this.configuration.trackerName + ".send" : "send";, "event", {
eventCategory: category,
eventAction: action,
eventLabel: label,
nonInteraction: true
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._setCustomDimension = function(index, value) {
var command = this.configuration.trackerName ? this.configuration.trackerName + ".set" : "set";, "dimension" + index, value);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._setCustomVariable = function(index, name, value) {
var command = this.configuration.trackerName ? this.configuration.trackerName + "._setCustomVar" : "_setCustomVar";
var scope = this.configuration.googleAnalyticsClassicScope || 2;
window._gaq.push([ command, index >> 0, name, value, scope ]);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._setEvents = function() {
var eventList = || [];
if (eventList) {
for (var i in eventList) {
if (eventList.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
var eventObj = eventList[i];
if ( {
var cat = || "";
var act = || "";
var lbl = || "";
if (typeof eventObj.listener === "undefined" && cat && act && lbl) {
eventObj.listener = function() {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics.sendEvent(cat, act, lbl);
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Event listener ran");
} else if (!cat || !act || !lbl) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Need to define a custom listener function or set data with category/action/label");
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._setGaObject = function() {
if (typeof === "undefined") {
window["ga"] = window["ga"] || function() {
(window["ga"].q = window["ga"].q || []).push(arguments);
window["ga"].l = +new Date();
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._trackEvent = function(category, action, label) {
var command = this.configuration.trackerName ? this.configuration.trackerName + "._trackEvent" : "_trackEvent";
window._gaq.push([ command, category, action, label, 0, 1 ]);
Google_AnalyticsModule.prototype._var = function(index, name, value) {
if (this.gType === "ga") {
this._setCustomVariable(index, name, value);
} else { {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics._setCustomDimension(index, value);
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log(index + " " + name + " : " + value);
return Google_AnalyticsModule;
Demandbase.Google_AnalyticsModule = Google_AnalyticsModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Google_TagManagerModule = function(_super) {
__extends(Google_TagManagerModule, _super);
function Google_TagManagerModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
enabled: true
_this.configuration = {};, _this.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.Google_TagManager);
return _this;
Google_TagManagerModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
Google_TagManagerModule.prototype.callback = function(data) {
Google_TagManagerModule.prototype.pushToDataLayer = function(data, id) {
if (!window.google_tag_manager || !window.dataLayer || typeof dataLayer.push !== "function") {
return false;
var eventLabel = id ? "_" + id : "";
event: "Demandbase_Loaded" + eventLabel
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Pushed to GTM dataLayer");
return true;
return Google_TagManagerModule;
Demandbase.Google_TagManagerModule = Google_TagManagerModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var IpApiModule = function(_super) {
__extends(IpApiModule, _super);
function IpApiModule(config) {
var _this = || this;
_this.TEST_MODE_ENABLED = "db_useTestIp";
_this.TEST_MODE_VALUE = "db_ip";
_this.API_ENDPOINT = "";
apiKey: null,
baseUrl: _this.API_ENDPOINT,
testModeEnabled: false,
testModeValue: null,
masIntegrations: {
pardot: false
_this.configuration = {};
_this.initialized = false;
_this.key = _this.configuration.apiKey;
_this.useTestValue = _this.configuration.testModeEnabled;
_this.testValue = _this.configuration.testModeValue;
_this.load = _this.get;
_this._loadOnce = _this.getOnce;
_this.CompanyProfile = undefined;
_this.isCalled = false;
apiKey: Demandbase.Config.key || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "analytics", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "ads", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "forms", "key"),
testModeEnabled: Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(_this.TEST_MODE_ENABLED) || Demandbase.Config.useTestIp,
testModeValue: Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(_this.TEST_MODE_VALUE) || Demandbase.Config.testIp
}, config ? config : Demandbase.Config.IpApiModule);
_this.initialized = true;
} catch (e) {
_this.initialized = false;
return _this;
IpApiModule.prototype.initialize = function() {
try {
Object.assign(this.configuration, this.configuration, {
apiKey: Demandbase.Config.key || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "analytics", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "ads", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase.Config, "forms", "key"),
testModeEnabled: Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(this.TEST_MODE_ENABLED) || Demandbase.Config.useTestIp,
testModeValue: Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(this.TEST_MODE_VALUE) || Demandbase.Config.testIp
this.initialized = true;
} catch (e) {
this.initialized = false;
IpApiModule.prototype.get = function(apiKey, triggerCallback) {
var _this = this;
if (apiKey === void 0) {
apiKey = undefined;
if (triggerCallback === void 0) {
triggerCallback = true;
if (!this.initialized) {
var request;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (!request || Demandbase.Utilities.isOldBrowserOrUserAgentUnavailable()) {
this.getByDomScript(apiKey, triggerCallback);
return Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("IP API query via DOM tag");
var params = {
key: apiKey || this.configuration.apiKey,
query: this.fetchIpAddress(),
mas_integrations: undefined,
src: "tag"
if (!params.key) {
return Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("IP API query cancelled - check auth key.");
var mas_integrations = {
pardot: undefined
if (this.configuration.masIntegrations.pardot) {
mas_integrations.pardot = Demandbase.Utilities.getCookiesByRegex(Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.PARDOT_VISITOR_COOKIE_REGEX, document);
if (mas_integrations.pardot !== undefined) {
params.mas_integrations = Demandbase.Utilities.b64EncodeUnicode(JSON.stringify(mas_integrations));
if (triggerCallback) {
request.onreadystatechange = Demandbase.ErrorReporter.wrap(function() {
try {"GET", "https://" + Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildApiUrl(this.configuration.baseUrl, params));
if (typeof request.withCredentials !== "undefined") {
request.withCredentials = true;
} catch (error) {
if (request.status === 0) {
if (!this.isIgnorableDevice()) {
throw new Error("IP API Request Blocked");
} else {
throw error;
IpApiModule.prototype.isIgnorableDevice = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.NON_HUMAN_DEVICES.length; i++) {
if (Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.NON_HUMAN_DEVICES[i].test(window.navigator.userAgent)) {
return true;
return false;
IpApiModule.prototype.getByDomScript = function(apiKey, triggerCallback) {
if (apiKey === void 0) {
apiKey = undefined;
if (triggerCallback === void 0) {
triggerCallback = true;
var params = {
key: apiKey || this.configuration.apiKey,
query: this.fetchIpAddress(),
callback: triggerCallback ? "Demandbase.Utilities.Callbacks.domScriptCallback" : ""
if (!params.key) {
return Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("IP API query cancelled - check auth key.");
Demandbase.Utilities.insertScript(Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildApiUrl(this.configuration.baseUrl, params), "db_ip_api");
IpApiModule.prototype.getOnce = function() {
if (this.isCalled) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("IP API call halted. Already called.");
this.isCalled = true;
IpApiModule.prototype.fetchIpAddress = function() {
if (this.configuration.testModeEnabled) {
return this.configuration.testModeValue;
return undefined;
IpApiModule.prototype.responseHandler = function(request) {
if (request.readyState !== 4 || request.status !== 200) {
var responseData = JSON.parse(request.responseText);
this.CompanyProfile = Demandbase.Utilities.flatten(responseData);
return IpApiModule;
Demandbase.IpApiModule = IpApiModule;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
var Domain = function() {
function Domain() {}
Domain._callback = function(data) {
if (!data.domain && !data.person) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Demandbase.Domain: No company profile available for domain: " + this.getDomain());
data = data.domain || data.person;
var flatData = Demandbase.Utilities.flatten(data);
this.CompanyProfile = data;
Domain.load = function() {
if (typeof Demandbase.Config.getDomain === "function" && this.key !== undefined) {
var queryDomain = "";
var params = {};
if (this.useTestValue) {
queryDomain = this.testValue;
} else {
queryDomain = this.getDomain();
params = {
key: this.key,
callback: "Demandbase.Domain._callback",
query: queryDomain
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Calling Domain API...");
Demandbase.Utilities.insertScript(Demandbase.Utilities.Api.buildApiUrl(Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.URL_DOMAIN_API, params), "db_domain_api");
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Domain API query cancelled - check auth key or Config.getDomain");
Domain.getDomain = function() {
if (this.useTestValue) {
return this.testValue;
} else if (typeof Demandbase.Config.getDomain === "function") {
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Warning: Config.getDomain fcn not defined.");
return "getDomain function is not defined";
Domain.key = Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "Config", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "Config", "analytics", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "Config", "ads", "key") || Demandbase.Utilities.dig(Demandbase, "Config", "forms", "key") || "ERR_NO_AUTH_KEY";
Domain.CompanyProfile = null;
Domain.useTestValue = Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.QS_USE_TEST_DOMAIN) === "true" || Demandbase.Config.useTestDomain || false;
Domain.testValue = Demandbase.Utilities.getQueryParam(Demandbase.Utilities.Constants.QS_QUERY_DOMAIN) || Demandbase.Config.testDomain || "No Test Domain Set";
return Domain;
Demandbase.Domain = Domain;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
if (typeof window.__db === "undefined") {
var __db = {
segments: null,
conditions: null
window.Demandbase.DBCondition = function(name, attrVal, op, val, attrName) { = name;
this.attributeValue = attrVal;
this.operator = op;
this.value = val;
this.attributeName = attrName;
this._checkValue = function(chkVal) {
switch (op) {
case "equals":
return this.attributeValue == chkVal;
case "not equals":
return this.attributeValue !== chkVal;
case "contains":
return this.attributeValue.indexOf(chkVal) !== -1;
return false;
this.evaluate = function() {
op = this.operator.toLowerCase();
op = window.Demandbase.DBCondition.prototype.supportedOperators[op];
if (typeof this.value === "object") {
for (var eachVal in this.value) {
if (this._checkValue(this.value[eachVal]) === true) {
return true;
return false;
} else {
return this._checkValue(this.value);
}; = "DBCondition";
window.Demandbase.DBCondition.prototype.supportedOperators = {
"=": "equals",
"==": "equals",
equal: "equals",
equals: "equals",
"!=": "not equals",
"!==": "not equals",
"not equal": "not equals",
"not equals": "not equals",
contains: "contains",
contain: "contains"
window.Demandbase.DBConditionBuilder = {
isValid: function(condition) {
var reqdPropsList = [ "name", "attributeValue", "operator", "value", "attributeName" ];
for (var i = 0; i < reqdPropsList.length; i++) {
if (typeof condition[reqdPropsList[i]] === "undefined") {
return false;
} else {}
return true;
build: function(condition, data) {
if (typeof !== "undefined" && === "DBCondition") {
return condition;
if (!condition.attributeName) condition.attributeName = condition.attribute || "NO_ATTR_SET";
condition.attributeValue = data[condition.attribute] || "";
if (!this.isValid(condition)) return null;
var name = condition["name"], apiValue = condition["attributeValue"], op = condition["operator"], val = condition["value"], apiName = condition["attributeName"];
var condObj = new window.Demandbase.DBCondition(name, apiValue, op, val, apiName);
return condObj;
var DBSegment = function(n, c) { = n;
this.rules = [];
this.operator = "";
this.addCondition = function(c) {
if (!c || !c.evaluate) {
if (typeof === "undefined" || !== "DBCondition") {
var c =, window.Demandbase.Segments.CompanyProfile);
if (!c) {
throw new Error("Invalid Condition: " +;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("DBSegmentBuilder converted condition successfully...");
var op = this.operator || DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators["any"];
switch (op) {
case "and":
return this.value = this.value && c.evaluate();
case "or":
return this.value = this.value || c.evaluate();
return c.evaluate();
this.value = this.addCondition(c);
}; = "DBSegment";
DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators = {
"&&": "and",
"&": "and",
and: "and",
"||": "or",
"|": "or",
or: "or",
any: "or",
all: "and"
window.Demandbase.DBSegmentBuilder = {
isValid: function(segment) {
var reqdPropsList = [ "name", "operator", "rules" ];
for (var i = 0; i < reqdPropsList.length; i++) {
if (typeof segment[reqdPropsList[i]] === "undefined") {
return false;
} else {}
if (!Array.isArray(segment.rules)) return false;
return true;
build: function(segment) {
if (!this.isValid(segment)) {
return null;
var segmentObj, name = segment["name"], condition = segment["rules"][0], op = segment["operator"];
if (condition) {
segmentObj = new DBSegment(name, condition);
segmentObj.operator = DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators[op] || DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators["any"];
if (segment["rules"].length > 1) {
for (var i = 1; i < segment["rules"].length; i = i + 1) {
var condition = segment["rules"][i];
if (typeof === "undefined" || !== "DBCondition") {
var dbCond =, undefined);
if (dbCond) condition = dbCond;
return segmentObj;
window.Demandbase.Segments = window.Demandbase.Segments || {
name: "Demandbase Segments",
CompanyProfile: null,
AccountWatchVisitor: false,
IsCompany: false,
version: "1.2.2",
_debug: false,
_allConditions: [],
_allSegments: [],
_isInitialized: false,
_setup: function() {
if (this._isInitialized) {
if (!this.CompanyProfile && (window.Demandbase.IP || window.Demandbase.Domain)) {
this.CompanyProfile = window.Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile || window.Demandbase.Domain.CompanyProfile || {};
if (this.CompanyProfile.information_level === "Detailed") {
this.IsCompany = true;
for (var eachAttr in this.CompanyProfile) {
if (this.CompanyProfile.hasOwnProperty(eachAttr)) {
if (eachAttr.indexOf("watch_list_") === 0) {
this.AccountWatchVisitor = true;
for (var eachCond in this._allConditions) {
if (this._allConditions.hasOwnProperty(eachCond) && this._allConditions[eachCond] && (typeof this._allConditions[eachCond] === "undefined" || this._allConditions[eachCond] !== "DBCondition")) {
this.add("condition", this._allConditions[eachCond]);
for (var eachSegment in this._allSegments) {
if (this._allSegments.hasOwnProperty(eachSegment) && this._allSegments[eachSegment].name && (typeof this._allSegments[eachSegment] === "undefined" || this._allSegments[eachSegment] !== "DBSegment")) {
this.add("segment", this._allSegments[eachSegment]);
_reset: function() {
this._allConditions = Demandbase.Config.conditions || __db.conditions || [];
this._allSegments = Demandbase.Config.segments || __db.segments || [];
load: function() {
init: function(data) {
window.Demandbase.Segments._debug = Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.debug || false;
window.Demandbase.Segments._allConditions = Demandbase.Config.conditions || __db.conditions || [];
window.Demandbase.Segments._allSegments = Demandbase.Config.segments || __db.segments || [];
var dbs = window.Demandbase.Segments;
dbs.CompanyProfile = data;
dbs._isInitialized = true;
getActiveSegments: function() {
var segList = [];
for (var eachSegment in this._allSegments) {
if (this._allSegments.hasOwnProperty(eachSegment)) {
if (this._allSegments[eachSegment].value) {
return segList;
getInactiveSegments: function() {
var segList = [];
for (var eachSegment in this._allSegments) {
if (this._allSegments.hasOwnProperty(eachSegment)) {
if (!this._allSegments[eachSegment].value) {
return segList;
add: function(type, newObject) {
if (!type || !newObject || newObject == {}) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Demandbase.Segments.add operation failed due to invalid/empty parameters.");
return null;
if (type === "condition") {
var newCondObj, condPos = this._allConditions.length;
for (var eachCond = 0; eachCond < this._allConditions.length; eachCond++) {
if (this._allConditions[eachCond].name === {
condPos = eachCond;
newCondObj =, this.CompanyProfile);
if (newCondObj) {
this._allConditions[condPos] = newCondObj;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Invalid Condition (not created) from: " + JSON.stringify(newObject));
if (typeof newObject.standalone === "undefined" || newObject.standalone !== false) {
var condName =;
this.add("segment", {
name: condName,
rules: [ condName ],
operator: DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators.any
} else if (type === "segment") {
if (this.isValid(newObject) !== "segment") {
return null;
var newSegName = newObject["name"], newSegmentObj, condObj, segPos = this._allSegments.length, segArr = newObject.rules || [];
for (var eachSeg = 0; eachSeg < this._allSegments.length; eachSeg++) {
if (this._allSegments[eachSeg].name === {
segPos = eachSeg;
for (var eachItem = 0; eachItem < segArr.length; eachItem++) {
var segItem = segArr[eachItem];
if (DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators[segItem]) continue;
if (!DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators[segItem]) {
condObj = this.get("condition", segItem);
if (condObj) {
segArr[eachItem] = condObj;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Segment: " + newObject + " uses a Condition (" + segArr[eachItem] + ") that is not defined.");
newObject.rules = segArr;
newSegmentObj =;
if (newSegmentObj) {
this._allSegments[segPos] = newSegmentObj;
if (this.hasOwnProperty( {
this[] = newSegmentObj;
} else {
try {
Object.defineProperty(this,, {
value: newSegmentObj.value,
writable: true
} catch (error) {
window.Demandbase.Segments[] = newSegmentObj.value;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log("Invalid Segment (not created) from: " + JSON.stringify(newObject));
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log('Invalid "type" parameter (' + type + ') passed to "add" function. Must be "segment" or "condition".');
get: function(type, itemName) {
var itList = [];
if (arguments.length === 1) itemName = type;
if (type === "condition") {
if (typeof !== "undefined" && === "DBCondition") {
return itemName;
itList = this._allConditions;
} else {
if (typeof !== "undefined" && === "DBSegment") {
return itemName;
itList = this._allSegments;
for (var eachCond in itList) {
if (this._allConditions[eachCond].name === itemName) {
return this._allConditions[eachCond];
if (!DBSegment.prototype.supportedOperators[itemName]) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log('No item with type: "' + type + '" found with name: ' + itemName);
return null;
isValid: function(objToCheck) {
var result;
var retCondition = "condition";
var retSegment = "segment";
var segProps = [ "name", "rules" ];
var condProps = [ "name", "attribute", "operator", "value" ];
if (!objToCheck) return false;
if (typeof !== "undefined" && === "DBSegment") return retSegment;
if (typeof !== "undefined" && === "DBCondition") return retCondition;
try {
if (objToCheck.hasOwnProperty("name") && objToCheck.hasOwnProperty("rules")) {
if (typeof objToCheck.rules === "object") {
return retSegment;
} else {
for (var prop in segProps) {
if (!objToCheck.hasOwnProperty(segProps[prop])) {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log('Invalid DBSegment definition. Missing property:"' + segProps[prop] + '"');
return false;
if (result) return result;
for (var prop in condProps) {
if (objToCheck.hasOwnProperty(condProps[prop])) {
result = retCondition;
} else {
Demandbase.Utilities.Logging.log('Invalid DBCondition definition. Missing property:"' + condProps[prop] + '"');
return false;
return result;
} catch (error) {
return false;
var Demandbase;
(function(Demandbase) {
function initialize(force) {
if (Demandbase._isInitialized && !force) return;
Demandbase._isInitialized = true;
if (Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame == null) {
Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame = Demandbase.Utilities.detectIFrame();
Demandbase.AssetReporter = new Demandbase.AssetReporterModule();
if (Demandbase.AssetReporter.isEnabled()) {
Demandbase.Advertising = new Demandbase.AdvertisingModule();
Demandbase.Ads = Demandbase.Advertising;
if (Demandbase.Advertising.isEnabled()) {
Demandbase.IpApiReportingOnly = new Demandbase.IpApiModule();
Demandbase.IpApi = new Demandbase.IpApiModule();
Demandbase.IP = Demandbase.IpApi;
if (Demandbase.Config.callback) {
Demandbase.FormsLoader = new Demandbase.FormsLoaderModule();
if (Demandbase.FormsLoader.isEnabled()) {
window.Demandbase.utils.loadFormModule = Demandbase.FormsLoader.load.bind(Demandbase.FormsLoader);
window.Demandbase.utils.isFormPage = Demandbase.FormsLoader.isFormPage.bind(Demandbase.FormsLoader);
Demandbase.SiteOptimizationLoader = new Demandbase.SiteOptimizationLoaderModule();
if (Demandbase.SiteOptimizationLoader.isEnabled()) {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics = new Demandbase.Google_AnalyticsModule();
if (Demandbase.Connectors.Google_Analytics.isEnabled()) {
Demandbase.Connectors.Google_TagManager = new Demandbase.Google_TagManagerModule();
if (Demandbase.Connectors.Google_TagManager.isEnabled()) {
Demandbase.Content = new Demandbase.ContentModule();
if (Demandbase.Content.isEnabled()) {
if (typeof Demandbase.Config.getDomain === "function") {
var domain = Demandbase.Config.getDomain();
if (domain) {
Demandbase.EmailDomainReporter = new Demandbase.EmailDomainReporterModule();
if (Demandbase.EmailDomainReporter.isEnabled()) {
var ConfigPropToConstructorMap = {
Advertising: Demandbase.AdvertisingModule,
AssetReporter: Demandbase.AssetReporterModule,
Content: Demandbase.ContentModule,
ErrorReporter: Demandbase.ErrorReporterModule,
Google_Analytics: Demandbase.Google_AnalyticsModule
new Demandbase.ModuleFactory(Demandbase.Config, ConfigPropToConstructorMap, Demandbase).build();
if (typeof Demandbase.Config.onLoad === "function") {;
Demandbase.initialize = initialize;
})(Demandbase || (Demandbase = {}));
/*! *//***************************************************/
/***************** READ ME FIRST *******************/
This is a complex custom forms integration. For more notes and documentation,
check Box. I have made a copy of this config and added a number of notes
there. I was worried about breaking something accidentally in this config if I
made those notes here. To see a live example of this form, see this page:
Demandbase.Config.clientId = 'qQQxkRp0';
Demandbase.Config.key = 'b561357daf8504abd0ca9cc239218ae0';
Demandbase.Config.releaseChannel = 'beta';
Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame = false; //iframe act like normal pages.
Demandbase.Config.Advertising = {
pixels: {
ad: '1421361246',
rt: '1421361512',
campaigns: [
name: '1',
pixels: {
cn: "15348910538807"
// pages: [""],
pagesRegex: ["^http[s]{0,1}:\/\/*$"],
conversionTriggers: {
// pages: [""],
pagesRegex: ["^http[s]{0,1}:\/\/*$"],
events: {}
name: '2',
pixels: {
cn: "15348910762329"
pages: [""],
conversionTriggers: {
pages: [""],
events: {}
name: '3',
pixels: {
cn: "15349620289062"
pages: [""],
conversionTriggers: {
pages: [""],
events: {}
name: '4',
pixels: {
cn: "15349620483264"
pages: [""],
conversionTriggers: {
pages: [""],
events: {}
Demandbase.Config.isFormPage = function() {
if ((typeof window.Demandbase.formCheck !== "undefined") && (window.Demandbase.formCheck === true)) {
// // && (document.location.href === ""||document.location.href==="" || document.location.href==="")) {
// //disabling in staging temporarily.
return true;
} else if (window.Demandbase.utils.getQueryParam("forms-mode") === "db") {
// if(window.Demandbase.utils.getQueryParam("forms-mode")==="db"){
// if((document.location.href === "") ||(document.location.href === "")){
// window.Demandbase.Config.demandbaseFormLoad();
return true;
} else {
return false;
window.Demandbase.Config.forms = {
// companyID: document.querySelector("form input[name='id']") ? "Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + "_10" : "db_company_check",
// emailID: document.querySelector("form input[name='id']") ? "Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + "_1" : "db_email_check",
companyID: "Company",
emailID: "Email",
fieldMap: {
industry: "Industry",
employee_range: "Employee_Range__c",
country_name: "Country"
autocompleteLabel: "{company_name}<br><span>{street_address}, {city}, {state}</span>",
priorityMap: {
"company": 3,
"ip": 2,
"domain": 1
autocompleteCount: 35,
// TODO: Fix unsafe chaining of methods and use of .value
// TODO: Reuse this: var document.querySelector("form input[name='id']") instead of making multiple/expensive DOM queries
autocompleteFilters: {
country: function() {
if (document.querySelector("form input[name='id']")) {
// TODO: Fix me - this breaks when element not on page!
return window.Demandbase.Config.forms.countryHelper(
document.getElementById(("Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + '_14')).value
state: function() {
if (document.querySelector("form input[name='id']")) {
// TODO: Fix me - this breaks when element not on page!
return window.Demandbase.Config.forms.stateHelper(
document.getElementById(("Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + '_15')).value
countryHelper: function(val) {
var cntryMap = window.Demandbase.Config.countryMapping;
for (var cntry in cntryMap) {
if (cntryMap[cntry] === val) {
return cntry;
return "";
stateHelper: function(val) {
var stateMap = window.Demandbase.Config.stateMapping;
for (var state in stateMap) {
if (stateMap[state] === val) {
return state;
return "";
adobe_custom_mapping: function(data) {
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));
try {
} catch (e) {
hooks: {
pre_init: function() {
if (typeof window.faasIP === "function") {
//TODO: Store this in-memory and reuse: $("form input[name='id']").val()
response: function(data) {
var sources = window.Demandbase.Connectors.WebForm._sourceChecker.sources;
var comp_field = 'Form' + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + "_10";
if (data.pick) {
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_16").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_120").val('success');
window.Demandbase.Autocomplete = {};
window.Demandbase.Autocomplete.CompanyProfile = data.pick;
$("#Form"+$("form input[name='id']").val() + "_129").val(window.Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile.company_name);
return window.Demandbase.Config.forms.adobe_custom_mapping(data.pick);
} else if (data.input_match) {
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_125").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_18").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_17").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_126").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_115").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_122").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_16").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_123").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_127").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_104").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_33").val('');
$("#Form" + $("form input[name='id']").val() + "_120").val('failure');
$("#Form"+$("form input[name='id']").val() + "_129").val(window.Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile.company_name);
// document.getElementById(comp_field).removeEventListener("focusout", selectOffCompanyField)
return window.Demandbase.Config.forms.adobe_custom_mapping(window.Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile);
//length of company field can't be 0
// TODO: Document me!
window.Demandbase.Config.demandbase_loaded = function(Demandbase, data) {};
window.Demandbase.Config.callback = function(data) {
if (!data) return;
else {
try {
if (typeof !== 'undefined') {, data);
window.Demandbase.Config.data_ip = data;
} catch (e) {
window.Demandbase.Config.data_ip = {};
window.Demandbase.Config.data_person = {};
window.Demandbase.Config.countryMapping = {
"AD": "546",
"AE": "547",
"AF": "555",
"AG": "556",
"AI": "557",
"AL": "558",
"AM": "559",
"AN": "560",
"AO": "561",
"AQ": "562",
"AR": "563",
"AT": "590",
"AU": "600",
"AW": "609",
"AZ": "610",
"BA": "611",
"BB": "612",
"BD": "613",
"BE": "614",
"BF": "624",
"BG": "625",
"BH": "635",
"BI": "636",
"BJ": "637",
"BM": "638",
"BN": "639",
"BO": "640",
"BR": "641",
"BS": "669",
"BT": "670",
"BW": "671",
"BY": "672",
"BZ": "673",
"CA": "674",
"CC": "688",
"CD": "689",
"CF": "690",
"CG": "691",
"CH": "692",
"CI": "719",
"CK": "720",
"CL": "721",
"CM": "737",
"CN": "738",
"CO": "771",
"CR": "807",
"CV": "810",
"CX": "811",
"CY": "812",
"CZ": "813",
"DE": "822",
"DJ": "839",
"DK": "840",
"DM": "857",
"DO": "858",
"DZ": "859",
"EC": "860",
"EE": "862",
"EG": "863",
"EH": "867",
"ER": "868",
"ES": "869",
"ET": "920",
"FI": "921",
"FJ": "928",
"FK": "929",
"FM": "930",
"FO": "931",
"FR": "932",
"GA": "1034",
"GB": "1035",
"GD": "1230",
"GE": "1231",
"GF": "1232",
"GH": "1233",
"GI": "1234",
"GL": "1235",
"GM": "1236",
"GN": "1237",
"GP": "1238",
"GQ": "1239",
"GR": "1240",
"GS": "1294",
"GT": "1295",
"GW": "1296",
"GY": "1297",
"HK": "1298",
"HN": "1305",
"HR": "1306",
"HT": "1328",
"HU": "1329",
"ID": "1370",
"IE": "1398",
"IL": "1425",
"IN": "1432",
"IO": "1468",
"IQ": "1469",
"IS": "1471",
"IT": "1472",
"JM": "1577",
"JO": "1578",
"JP": "1579",
"KE": "1627",
"KG": "1629",
"KH": "1630",
"KI": "1631",
"KM": "1632",
"KN": "1633",
"KR": "1635",
"KW": "1653",
"KY": "1654",
"KZ": "1655",
"LA": "1669",
"LB": "1670",
"LC": "1671",
"LI": "1672",
"LK": "1673",
"LR": "1674",
"LS": "1675",
"LT": "1676",
"LU": "1677",
"LV": "1678",
"LY": "1679",
"MA": "1680",
"MC": "1681",
"MD": "1682",
"ME": "1725",
"MG": "1726",
"MH": "1727",
"MK": "1728",
"ML": "1729",
"MM": "1730",
"MN": "1731",
"MO": "1732",
"MQ": "1733",
"MR": "1734",
"MS": "1735",
"MT": "1736",
"MU": "1737",
"MV": "1738",
"MW": "1739",
"MX": "1740",
"MY": "1774",
"MZ": "1793",
"NA": "1794",
"NC": "1795",
"NE": "1796",
"NF": "1797",
"NG": "1798",
"NI": "1799",
"NL": "1800",
"NO": "1817",
"NP": "1837",
"NR": "1838",
"NU": "1842",
"NZ": "1843",
"OM": "1856",
"PA": "1857",
"PE": "1858",
"PF": "1883",
"PG": "1884",
"PH": "1885",
"PK": "1986",
"PL": "1994",
"PM": "2044",
"PN": "2045",
"PS": "2046",
"PT": "2047",
"PY": "2088",
"QA": "2089",
"RE": "2090",
"RO": "2091",
"RS": "2134",
"RU": "2135",
"RW": "2247",
"SA": "2248",
"SB": "2249",
"SC": "2250",
"SE": "2252",
"SG": "2274",
"SH": "2276",
"SI": "2277",
"SJ": "2338",
"SK": "2339",
"SL": "2344",
"SM": "2345",
"SN": "2346",
"SO": "2347",
"SR": "2348",
"ST": "2349",
"SV": "2350",
"SZ": "2352",
"TC": "2353",
"TD": "2354",
"TG": "2355",
"TH": "2356",
"TJ": "2437",
"TK": "2438",
"TL": "2439",
"TM": "2440",
"TN": "2441",
"TO": "2442",
"TR": "2443",
"TT": "2523",
"TV": "2524",
"TW": "2525",
"TZ": "2547",
"UA": "2548",
"UG": "2578",
"UM": "2579",
"US": "2580",
"UY": "2641",
"UZ": "2644",
"VA": "2645",
"VC": "2646",
"VE": "2647",
"VG": "2674",
"VN": "2679",
"VU": "2681",
"WF": "2682",
"WS": "2683",
"YE": "2684",
"YT": "2685",
"ZA": "2686",
"ZM": "2699",
"ZW": "2700"
window.Demandbase.Config.stateMapping = {
"AA": "2581",
"AE": "2582",
"AK": "2583",
"AL": "2584",
"AP": "2585",
"AR": "2586",
"AS": "2587",
"AZ": "2588",
"CA": "2589",
"CO": "2590",
"CT": "2591",
"DC": "2592",
"DE": "2593",
"FL": "2594",
"GA": "2595",
"GU": "2596",
"HI": "2597",
"IA": "2598",
"ID": "2599",
"IL": "2600",
"IN": "2601",
"KS": "2602",
"KY": "2603",
"LA": "2604",
"MA": "2605",
"MD": "2606",
"ME": "2607",
"MI": "2608",
"MN": "2609",
"MO": "2610",
"MP": "2611",
"MS": "2612",
"MT": "2613",
"NC": "2614",
"ND": "2615",
"NE": "2616",
"NH": "2617",
"NJ": "2618",
"NM": "2619",
"NV": "2620",
"NY": "2621",
"OH": "2622",
"OK": "2623",
"OR": "2624",
"PA": "2625",
"PR": "2626",
"PW": "2627",
"RI": "2628",
"SC": "2629",
"SD": "2630",
"TN": "2631",
"TX": "2632",
"UT": "2633",
"VA": "2634",
"VI": "2635",
"VT": "2636",
"WA": "2637",
"WI": "2638",
"WV": "2639",
"WY": "2640",
"AB": "675",
"BC": "676",
"MB": "677",
"NB": "678",
"NL": "679",
"NS": "680",
"NT": "681",
"NU": "682",
"ON": "683",
"PE": "684",
"QC": "685",
"SK": "686",
"YT": "687"
// TODO: Cleanup indentation and code rot
window.Demandbase.checkForElements = function(counter, poll_interval, MAX_RETRIES) {
try {
// window.Demandbase.Config.forms.companyID = "db_company_check";
// window.Demandbase.Config.forms.emailID = "db_email_check";
if (counter === MAX_RETRIES) {
// Stop trying -- not a form page
// clearInterval(iid);
//TODO: make isFormPage return false
return false;
} else if ((typeof window.Demandbase.CompanyAutocomplete === "undefined") || (document.querySelector("form input[name='id']") === null) || ((typeof window.Demandbase.IP.CompanyProfile === "undefined") ||
// (typeof window.Demandbase.Webforms === "undefined") ||
((window.faasIp !== null) && (typeof window.faasIp !== "function"))) && (window.Demandbase.Config.forms.companyID === "db_company_check")) {
// (keep polling)
setTimeout(window.Demandbase.checkForElements, poll_interval, counter, poll_interval, MAX_RETRIES);
} else { // (elements found)
// isFormPage returns true, loadFormModule gets called by Tag
//adding so the client can call forms from their side - will switch to callback after rollout
// TODO: Store me to a variable: document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value
window.Demandbase.FormsLoader.configuration.companyID = "Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + "_10";
window.Demandbase.FormsLoader.configuration.emailID = "Form" + document.querySelector("form input[name='id']").value + "_1";
if ((window.Demandbase.Config.isFormPage() === true) && (typeof window.Demandbase.utils !== "undefined")) {
window.Demandbase.CompanyAutocomplete.initialized = false;
//fix for z-index for modals
var css = '#demandbase-company-autocomplete-widget > ul {z-index: 20 !important;}',
style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
//end fix
//TODO: Use new API
} catch (e) {
// TODO: FIXME - This is swalling errrors!!!
return false
window.Demandbase.Config.demandbaseFormLoad = function() {
window.Demandbase.formCheck = true;
// TODO: Use aliased method instead of loadScript. In appropriate copying of constant into Config
// Equivalent of: loadFormModule
var counter = 0;
var poll_interval = 50;
var MAX_RETRIES = 75;
window.Demandbase.checkForElements(counter, poll_interval, MAX_RETRIES);
// TODO: Use Advertising.conersionTriggers or campaigns with a "virtualPageview" instead of custom code
window.Demandbase.Config.runSecondApiCall = function() {
var webEngagementReportingKey = "cdd81de96c428bab16422a9b25714d73";
// these are all the non-Adobe Stock pages that need to be tracked in the Web Engagement Score
var whitelist = ["", "",
// "",
"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
window.Demandbase.IpApiWebReporting = new window.Demandbase.IpApiModule();
// here we only fire the second API call if the current page is in the whitelist
if (whitelist.indexOf(document.URL) !== -1) {
window.Demandbase.IpApiWebReporting.get(webEngagementReportingKey, false);
window.Demandbase.Config.runThirdApiCall = function(){
var domains = ["", "", "", "", "", "" ];
var webEngagementReportingKey = "5cdd46213f160f38373817975224099c";
window.Demandbase.IpApiWebReporting = new window.Demandbase.IpApiModule();
var domainEnabled = window.Demandbase.Config.isDomainEnabled(domains);
if (domainEnabled) {
window.Demandbase.IpApiWebReporting.get(webEngagementReportingKey, false);
window.Demandbase.Config.isDomainEnabled = function(domains){
for (var i = 0; i < domains.length; i++) {
if (window.document.URL.includes(domains[i])){
return true;
return false;
window.Demandbase.Config.onLoad = function() {
window.Demandbase.Config.isInIFrame = false;/* !*/
Demandbase.ErrorReporter = new Demandbase.ErrorReporterModule();
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