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Last active March 2, 2021 00:21
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module SUFib
using SymbolicUtils
using SymbolicUtils.Rewriters
@syms fib(x::Int)::Int
const rset = [
@rule fib(0) => 0
@rule fib(1) => 1
@rule fib(~n) => fib(~n - 1) + fib(~n - 2)
] |> Chain |> Postwalk |> Fixpoint
compute_fib(n) = rset(fib(n))
module MTFib
using Metatheory
using Metatheory.EGraphs
const fibo = @theory begin
x::$Int + y::$Int |> x+y
fib(n::$Int) |> (n < 2 ? n : :(fib($(n-1)) + fib($(n-2))))
using Suppressor
function compute_fib(n)
@suppress begin # don't print crap
g = EGraph(:(fib($n)))
saturate!(g, fibo; timeout=7000)
extran = addanalysis!(g, ExtractionAnalysis, astsize)
extract!(g, extran)
ns = 1:2:22
SU_ts = map(ns) do n
@assert SUFib.compute_fib(n) isa Number
b = @benchmarkable SUFib.compute_fib($n) seconds=0.2
mean(run(b)).time / 1e9
MT_ts = map(ns) do n
@assert MTFib.compute_fib(n) isa Number
b = @benchmarkable MTFib.compute_fib($n) seconds=0.2
mean(run(b)).time / 1e9
using Plots
plot(ns, SU_ts, label="SymbolicUtils", title="fib(n)", ylabel="time (s)", xlabel="n")
plot!(ns, MT_ts, label="Metatheory")
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