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Last active September 19, 2020 12:14
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A RecyclerView ItemDecoration that puts a uniform space between items. Supports both LinearLayoutManger (horizontal and vertical) and GridLayoutManager
import android.content.Context
import android.util.TypedValue
import android.view.View
import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
class SpaceItemDecoration() : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {
enum class Orientation {
private enum class LayoutManagerType {
private lateinit var layoutManagerType: LayoutManagerType
private var orientation: Orientation = Orientation.VERTICAL
private var spaceInPx: Int = 0
private var spanCount: Int = 2
constructor(context: Context, spaceInDp: Float, orientation: Orientation) : this() {
spaceInPx = getSpaceInPx(context, spaceInDp)
this.orientation = orientation
layoutManagerType = LayoutManagerType.LINEAR
constructor(context: Context, spaceInDp: Float, spanCount: Int) : this() {
spaceInPx = getSpaceInPx(context, spaceInDp)
this.spanCount = spanCount
layoutManagerType = LayoutManagerType.GRID
private fun getSpaceInPx(context: Context, spaceInDp: Float): Int =
override fun getItemOffsets(
outRect: Rect,
view: View,
parent: RecyclerView,
state: RecyclerView.State
) {
if (layoutManagerType == LayoutManagerType.LINEAR) {
setSpacesForLinearLayout(outRect, parent, view)
} else {
setSpacesForGridLayout(parent, view, outRect)
private fun setSpacesForLinearLayout(
outRect: Rect,
parent: RecyclerView,
view: View
) {
with(outRect) {
if (orientation == Orientation.VERTICAL) {
if (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) == 0) {
top = spaceInPx
left = spaceInPx
} else {
if (parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view) == 0) {
left = spaceInPx
top = spaceInPx
right = spaceInPx
bottom = spaceInPx
private fun setSpacesForGridLayout(
parent: RecyclerView,
view: View,
outRect: Rect
) {
val itemPosition = parent.getChildAdapterPosition(view)
val itemColumn = itemPosition % spanCount
with(outRect) {
if (itemPosition < spanCount) {
top = spaceInPx
bottom = spaceInPx
left = spaceInPx
if (itemColumn == spanCount - 1) {
right = spaceInPx
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