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Created July 7, 2012 22:55
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LOG3210 - TP2
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
object Main
def main(args: Array[String])
val arg = "( x + 0 ) - ( 1 * --x )"
TP2.parseAll( TP2.expression, arg ) match {
case TP2.Success( ast, _ ) => {
println( ast )
println( PostfixPrinter( ast ) )
println( new Evaluator( Map( "x" -> 2 ) )( ast ) )
println( Simplifier( ast ) )
case TP2.NoSuccess( msg, _ ) => println( msg )
sealed abstract class Expression
case class Variable( label: String ) extends Expression
case class Number( num: Int ) extends Expression
case class UnaryOperator( operator: String, arg: Expression ) extends Expression
case class BinaryOperator( operator: String, left: Expression, right: Expression ) extends Expression
object PostfixPrinter
def apply( e: Expression ): String =
e match {
case Variable( label ) => label
case Number( num ) => num.toString
case UnaryOperator( operator, expression ) => apply( expression ) + operator
case BinaryOperator( operator, left, right ) => apply( left ) + apply( right ) + operator
class Evaluator( idTable: Map[String, Int] )
def apply( e: Expression ): Int =
e match {
case Variable( label ) => idTable.get( label ) match {
case Some( value ) => value
case None => error( label + " is not defined" )
case Number( num ) => num
case UnaryOperator( "-", expression ) => - apply( expression )
case BinaryOperator( "+", left, right ) => apply( left ) + apply( right )
case BinaryOperator( "-", left, right ) => apply( left ) - apply( right )
case BinaryOperator( "*", left, right ) => apply( left ) * apply( right )
case BinaryOperator( "/", left, right ) => apply( left ) / apply( right )
object Simplifier
def apply( expression: Expression ): Expression =
case class NilExpression extends Expression
def fixedPoint( current: Expression, last: Expression ): Expression = {
def reduce( e: Expression ): Expression = e match {
// Same subtraction
case BinaryOperator( "-", x, y ) if x == y => Number( 0 )
// Adding zero
case BinaryOperator( "+", x, Number( 0 ) ) => x
case BinaryOperator( "+", Number( 0 ), y ) => y
// Multiplying by one
case BinaryOperator( "*", x, Number( 1 ) ) => x
case BinaryOperator( "*", Number( 1 ), y ) => y
// Double negation
case UnaryOperator( "-", UnaryOperator( "-", x ) ) => x
// Recursive decent
case BinaryOperator( op, x, y ) => BinaryOperator( op, apply( x ), apply( y ) )
case UnaryOperator( op, x ) => UnaryOperator( op, apply( x ) )
// Leaves
case x: Number => x
case x: Variable => x
if( current == last ) current
else fixedPoint( reduce( current ), current )
fixedPoint( expression, NilExpression() )
object TP2 extends JavaTokenParsers
def expression: Parser[Expression] = addExpression
def addExpression: Parser[Expression] =
multiplicationExpression ~ ( ( ( "+" | "-" ) ~ multiplicationExpression )* ) ^^ mkBinary
def multiplicationExpression: Parser[Expression] =
unaryExpression ~ ( ( ( "*" | "/" ) ~ unaryExpression )* ) ^^ mkBinary
def unaryExpression: Parser[Expression] =
rep( "-" ) ~ basicExpression ^^ {
case Nil ~ e => e
case l ~ e => ( l :\ e ){ (a, b) => UnaryOperator( a, b ) }
def basicExpression: Parser[ Expression ] =
ident ^^ ( id => new Variable( id ) )
| wholeNumber ^^ ( n => new Number( n.toInt ) )
| "(" ~> expression <~ ")" ^^ ( e => e )
def mkBinary: Expression ~ List[ String ~ Expression ] => Expression = {
case left ~ rest => ( left /: rest ) {
case ( l, op ~ r ) => BinaryOperator( op, l, r )
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