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Created June 18, 2018 14:21
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@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def <<(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def <<(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def <<(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
edef >>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def <<(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("shifting a value by a `Long` argument is deprecated (except when the value is a `Long`).\nCall `toInt` on the argument to maintain the current behavior and avoid the deprecation warning.", "2.12.7")
def >>(x: Long): Int
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
@deprecated("Adding a number and a String is deprecated. Convert the number to a String with `toString` first to call +", "2.13.0")
def +(x: String): String
// @deprecated("use `f.tupled` instead")
def tupled[a1, a2, b](f: (a1, a2) => b): Tuple2[a1, a2] => b
def tupled[a1, a2, a3, b](f: (a1, a2, a3) => b): Tuple3[a1, a2, a3] => b
def tupled[a1, a2, a3, a4, b](f: (a1, a2, a3, a4) => b): Tuple4[a1, a2, a3, a4] => b
def tupled[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b](f: (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) => b): Tuple5[a1, a2, a3, a4, a5] => b
@deprecated("Use IterableOnce instead of TraversableOnce", "2.13.0")
type TraversableOnce[+A] = scala.collection.IterableOnce[A]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
type Traversable[+A] = scala.collection.Iterable[A]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
val Traversable = scala.collection.Iterable
@deprecated("Use scala.collection.BufferedIterator instead of scala.BufferedIterator", "2.13.0")
type BufferedIterator[+A] = scala.collection.BufferedIterator[A]
@deprecated("Clearable was moved from collection.generic to collection.mutable", "2.13.0")
type Clearable = scala.collection.mutable.Clearable
@deprecated("Use scala.collection.BuildFrom instead", "2.13.0")
type CanBuildFrom[-From, -A, +C] = scala.collection.BuildFrom[From, A, C]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
type Traversable[+X] = Iterable[X]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
val Traversable = Iterable
@deprecated("Use IterableOnce instead of TraversableOnce", "2.13.0")
type TraversableOnce[+X] = IterableOnce[X]
@deprecated("Use IterableOnce instead of TraversableOnce", "2.13.0")
val TraversableOnce = IterableOnce
@deprecated("Use SeqOps instead of SeqLike", "2.13.0")
type SeqLike[A, T] = SeqOps[A, Seq, T]
@deprecated("Use SeqOps (for the methods) or IndexedSeqOps (for fast indexed access) instead of ArrayLike", "2.13.0")
type ArrayLike[A] = SeqOps[A, Seq, Seq[A]]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenTraversableOnce[+X] = IterableOnce[X]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenTraversableOnce = IterableOnce
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenTraversable[+X] = Iterable[X]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenTraversable = Iterable
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenIterable[+X] = Iterable[X]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenIterable = Iterable
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenSeq[+X] = Seq[X]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenSeq = Seq
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenSet[X] = Set[X]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenSet = Set
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
type GenMap[K, +V] = Map[K, V]
@deprecated("Gen* collection types have been removed", "2.13.0")
val GenMap = Map
@deprecated("DefaultMap is no longer necessary; extend Map directly", "2.13.0")
trait DefaultMap[K, +V] extends Map[K, V]
@deprecated("Search methods are defined directly on SeqOps and do not require scala.collection.Searching any more", "2.13.0")
class SearchImpl[Repr, A](private val coll: SeqOps[A, AnyConstr, _]) extends AnyVal
@deprecated("Search methods are defined directly on SeqOps and do not require scala.collection.Searching any more", "2.13.0")
implicit def search[Repr, A](coll: Repr)(implicit fr: IsSeqLike[Repr]): SearchImpl[Repr, fr.A]
@deprecated("Use `concat` instead", "2.13.0")
@inline final def union[B >: A, That](that: Seq[B]): CC[B] = concat(that)
@deprecated("Use segmentLength instead of prefixLength", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def prefixLength(p: A => Boolean): Int = segmentLength(p, 0)
@deprecated("Use instead of .reverseMap(f)", "2.13.0")
def reverseMap[B](f: A => B): CC[B] = fromIterable(new View.Map(View.fromIteratorProvider(() => reverseIterator), f))
@deprecated("Use &~ or diff instead of --", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def -- (that: Set[A]): C = diff(that)
@deprecated("Consider requiring an immutable Set or fall back to Set.diff", "2.13.0")
def - (elem: A): C = diff(Set(elem))
@deprecated("Use &- with an explicit collection argument instead of - with varargs", "2.13.0")
def - (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): C = diff(elems.toSet + elem1 + elem2)
@deprecated("Consider requiring an immutable Set or fall back to Set.union", "2.13.0")
def + (elem: A): C = fromSpecificIterable(new View.Appended(toIterable, elem))
@deprecated("Use ++ with an explicit collection argument instead of + with varargs", "2.13.0")
def + (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): C = fromSpecificIterable(new View.Concat(new View.Appended(new View.Appended(toIterable, elem1), elem2), elems))
@deprecated("Consider requiring an immutable Map or fall back to Map.concat", "2.13.0")
override def + [V1 >: V](kv: (K, V1)): CC[K, V1] = sortedMapFactory.from(new View.Appended(toIterable, kv))
@deprecated("Use ++ with an explicit collection argument instead of + with varargs", "2.13.0")
override def + [V1 >: V](elem1: (K, V1), elem2: (K, V1), elems: (K, V1)*): CC[K, V1] = sortedMapFactory.from(new View.Concat(new View.Appended(new View.Appended(toIterable, elem1), elem2), elems))
@deprecated("Use rangeFrom", "2.13.0")
final def from(from: A): C = rangeFrom(from)
@deprecated("Use rangeUntil", "2.13.0")
final def until(until: A): C = rangeUntil(until)
@deprecated("Use rangeTo", "2.13.0")
final def to(to: A): C = rangeTo(to)
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).diff(...).self` instead of `s.diff(...)`", "2.13.0")
def diff(that: Seq[_ >: Char]): String = new WrappedString(s).diff(that).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).intersect(...).self` instead of `s.intersect(...)`", "2.13.0")
def intersect(that: Seq[_ >: Char]): String = new WrappedString(s).intersect(that).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).distinct.self` instead of `s.distinct`", "2.13.0")
def distinct: String = new WrappedString(s).distinct.self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).distinctBy(...).self` instead of `s.distinctBy(...)`", "2.13.0")
def distinctBy[B](f: Char => B): String = new WrappedString(s).distinctBy(f).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).sorted.self` instead of `s.sorted`", "2.13.0")
def sorted[B >: Char](implicit ord: Ordering[B]): String = new WrappedString(s).sorted(ord).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).sortWith(...).self` instead of `s.sortWith(...)`", "2.13.0")
def sortWith(lt: (Char, Char) => Boolean): String = new WrappedString(s).sortWith(lt).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).sortBy(...).self` instead of `s.sortBy(...)`", "2.13.0")
def sortBy[B](f: Char => B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]): String = new WrappedString(s).sortBy(f)(ord).self
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).groupBy(...).mapValues(_.self)` instead of `s.groupBy(...)`", "2.13.0")
def groupBy[K](f: Char => K): immutable.Map[K, String] = new WrappedString(s).groupBy(f).mapValues(_.self).toMap
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).sliding(...).map(_.self)` instead of `s.sliding(...)`", "2.13.0")
def sliding(size: Int, step: Int = 1): Iterator[String] = new WrappedString(s).sliding(size, step).map(_.self)
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).combinations(...).map(_.self)` instead of `s.combinations(...)`", "2.13.0")
def combinations(n: Int): Iterator[String] = new WrappedString(s).combinations(n).map(_.self)
@deprecated("Use `new WrappedString(s).permutations(...).map(_.self)` instead of `s.permutations(...)`", "2.13.0")
def permutations: Iterator[String] = new WrappedString(s)
@deprecated("Views no longer know about their underlying collection type; .force always returns an IndexedSeq", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def force: IndexedSeq[A] = toIndexedSeq
@deprecated("Iterable.seq always returns the iterable itself", "2.13.0")
def seq: this.type = this
@deprecated("Use .knownSize >=0 instead of .hasDefiniteSize", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def hasDefiniteSize = knownSize >= 0
@deprecated("Use .view.slice(from, until) instead of .view(from, until)", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def view(from: Int, until: Int): View[A]
@deprecated("Use .iterator.foreach(...) instead of .foreach(...) on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit
@deprecated("Use factory.from(it) instead of for IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def to[C1](factory: Factory[A, C1]): C1
@deprecated("Use ArrayBuffer.from(it) instead of it.toBuffer", "2.13.0")
def toBuffer[B >: A]: mutable.Buffer[B]
@deprecated("Use ArrayBuffer.from(it).toArray", "2.13.0")
def toArray[B >: A: ClassTag]: Array[B]
@deprecated("Use List.from(it) instead of it.toList", "2.13.0")
def toList: immutable.List[A] = immutable.List.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Set.from(it) instead of it.toSet", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def toSet[B >: A]: immutable.Set[B] = immutable.Set.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Iterable.from(it) instead of it.toIterable", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def toIterable: Iterable[A] = Iterable.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Seq.from(it) instead of it.toSeq", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def toSeq: immutable.Seq[A] = immutable.Seq.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Stream.from(it) instead of it.toStream", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def toStream: immutable.Stream[A] = immutable.Stream.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Vector.from(it) instead of it.toVector on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def toVector: immutable.Vector[A] = immutable.Vector.from(it)
@deprecated("Use Map.from(it) instead of it.toMap on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def toMap[K, V](implicit ev: A <:< (K, V)): immutable.Map[K, V]
@deprecated("toIterator has been renamed to iterator", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def toIterator: Iterator[A] = it.iterator
@deprecated("Use .iterator.isEmpty instead of .isEmpty on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def isEmpty: Boolean
@deprecated("Use .iterator.mkString instead of .mkString on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
@deprecated("Use .iterator.mkString instead of .mkString on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def mkString(sep: String): String
@deprecated("Use .iterator.mkString instead of .mkString on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def mkString: String = it match
@deprecated("Use .iterator.find instead of .find on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A]
@deprecated("Use .iterator.foldLeft instead of .foldLeft on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
@deprecated("Use .iterator.foldRight instead of .foldLeft on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
@deprecated("Use .iterator.fold instead of .fold on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def fold[A1 >: A](z: A1)(op: (A1, A1) => A1): A1
@deprecated("Use .iterator.foldLeft instead of /: on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def /: [B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
@deprecated("Use .iterator.foldRight instead of :\\ on IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
@`inline` def :\ [B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B
@deprecated("Use instead of .map on IterableOnce or consider requiring an Iterable", "2.13.0")
def map[B](f: A => B): IterableOnce[B]
@deprecated("Use .iterator.flatMap instead of .flatMap on IterableOnce or consider requiring an Iterable", "2.13.0")
def flatMap[B](f: A => IterableOnce[B]): IterableOnce[B]
@deprecated("Use .iterator.sameElements for sameElements on Iterable or IterableOnce", "2.13.0")
def sameElements[B >: A](that: IterableOnce[B]): Boolean
@deprecated("Use - or remove on an immutable Map", "2.13.0")
def - (key: K): Map[K, V]
@deprecated("Use -- or removeAll on an immutable Map", "2.13.0")
def - (key1: K, key2: K, keys: K*): Map[K, V]
@deprecated("Use `updated` instead", "2.13.0")
def insert[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): TreeMap[K, V1]
@deprecated("Consider requiring an immutable Map or fall back to Map.concat", "2.13.0")
override def + [V1 >: V](kv: (K, V1)): AnyRefMap[K, V1] = AnyRefMap.from(new View.Appended(toIterable, kv))
@deprecated("Use ++ with an explicit collection argument instead of + with varargs", "2.13.0")
override def + [V1 >: V](elem1: (K, V1), elem2: (K, V1), elems: (K, V1)*): AnyRefMap[K, V1] = AnyRefMap.from(new View.Concat(new View.Appended(new View.Appended(toIterable, elem1), elem2), elems))
@deprecated("Use AnyRefMap.from(m).add(k,v) instead of m.updated(k, v)", "2.13.0")
def updated[V1 >: V](key: K, value: V1): AnyRefMap[K, V1] = {
@deprecated("Use ArraySeq instead of WrappedArray; it can represent both, boxed and unboxed arrays", "2.13.0")
type WrappedArray[X] = ArraySeq[X]
@deprecated("Use ArraySeq instead of WrappedArray; it can represent both, boxed and unboxed arrays", "2.13.0")
val WrappedArray = ArraySeq
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
type Traversable[X] = Iterable[X]
@deprecated("Use Iterable instead of Traversable", "2.13.0")
val Traversable = Iterable
@deprecated("Use Stack instead of ArrayStack; it now uses an array-based implementation", "2.13.0")
type ArrayStack[X] = Stack[X]
@deprecated("Use Stack instead of ArrayStack; it now uses an array-based implementation", "2.13.0")
val ArrayStack = Stack
@deprecated("mutable.LinearSeq has been removed; use LinearSeq with mutable.Seq instead", "2.13.0")
type LinearSeq[X] = Seq[X] with scala.collection.LinearSeq[X]
@deprecated("GrowingBuilder has been renamed to GrowableBuilder", "2.13.0")
type GrowingBuilder[Elem, To <: Growable[Elem]] = GrowableBuilder[Elem, To]
@deprecated("Use an immutable.ListMap assigned to a var instead of mutable.ListMap", "2.13.0")
class ListMap[K, V]
@deprecated("Use HashMap or one of the specialized versions (LongMap, AnyRefMap) instead of OpenHashMap", "2.13.0")
object OpenHashMap
@deprecated("Use .addOne or += instead of .append", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def append(elem: A): this.type = addOne(elem)
@deprecated("Use reverseInPlace instead", "2.13.0")
final def reverseContents(): this.type = reverseInPlace()
@deprecated("Use `new StringBuilder()` instead of `StringBuilder.newBuilder`", "2.13.0")
def newBuilder = new StringBuilder
@deprecated("Use `mapInPlace` instead", "2.13.0")
@`inline`final def transform(f: A => A): this.type = mapInPlace(f)
@deprecated("Consider requiring an immutable Map or fall back to Map.concat", "2.13.0")
override def +[V1 >: V](kv: (Long, V1)): LongMap[V1] = {
@deprecated("Use ++ with an explicit collection argument instead of + with varargs", "2.13.0")
override def + [V1 >: V](elem1: (Long, V1), elem2: (Long, V1), elems: (Long, V1)*): LongMap[V1]
@deprecated("Use LongMap.from(m).add(k,v) instead of m.updated(k, v)", "2.13.0")
def updated[V1 >: V](key: Long, value: V1): LongMap[V1] = {
@deprecated("Use - or remove on an immutable Map", "2.13.0")
def - (key: K): C = clone() -= key
@deprecated("Use -- or removeAll on an immutable Map", "2.13.0")
def - (key1: K, key2: K, keys: K*): C = clone() -= key1 -= key2 --= keys
@deprecated("Use .filterInPlace instead of .retain", "2.13.0")
def retain(p: (K, V) => Boolean): this.type = filterInPlace(p.tupled)
@deprecated("Use .filterInPlace instead of .retain", "2.13.0")
@`inline` final def retain(p: A => Boolean): this.type = filterInPlace(p)
@deprecated("use Future.foldLeft instead", "2.12.0")
def fold[T, R](futures: IterableOnce[Future[T]])(zero: R)(@deprecatedName('foldFun) op: (R, T) => R)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[R]
@deprecated("use Future.reduceLeft instead", "2.12.0")
def reduce[T, R >: T](futures: IterableOnce[Future[T]])(op: (R, T) => R)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Future[R] = {
@deprecated("This is an integer type; there is no reason to round it. Perhaps you meant to call this with a floating-point value?", "2.11.0")
def round(x: Long): Long = x
@deprecated("There are multiple ways to order Floats (Ordering.Float.TotalOrdering, " +
"Ordering.Float.IeeeOrdering). Specify one by using a local import, assigning an implicit val, or passing it " +
"explicitly. See the documentation for details.", since = "2.13.0")
implicit object DeprecatedFloatOrdering extends Float.TotalOrdering
@deprecated("There are multiple ways to order Doubles (Ordering.Double.TotalOrdering, " +
"Ordering.Double.IeeeOrdering). Specify one by using a local import, assigning an implicit val, or passing it " +
"explicitly. See the documentation for details.", since = "2.13.0")
implicit object DeprecatedDoubleOrdering extends Double.TotalOrdering
@deprecated("this is an integer type; there is no reason to round it. Perhaps you meant to call this on a floating-point value?", "2.11.0")
def round: Int = self
@deprecated("this is an integer type; there is no reason to round it. Perhaps you meant to call this on a floating-point value?", "2.11.0")
def round: Long = self
@deprecated("use lazyLines", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream: Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream(capacity: Integer): Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines_!", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream_! : Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines_!", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream_!(capacity: Integer): Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines_!", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream_!(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String]
@deprecated("use lazyLines_!", since = "2.13.0")
def lineStream_!(log: ProcessLogger, capacity: Integer): Stream[String]
@deprecated("Implicit conversions from Array to immutable.IndexedSeq are implemented by copying; Use the more efficient non-copying ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray or an explicit toIndexedSeq call", "2.13.0")
implicit def copyArrayToImmutableIndexedSeq[T](xs: Array[T]): IndexedSeq[T]
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