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Created March 25, 2019 20:58
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{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO (readFile, writeFile)
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (id, readFile, writeFile, (.))
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist,
getModificationTime, listDirectory,
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, takeDirectory,
(<.>), (</>))
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process (callProcess)
-- An arrowized hakyll like compiler for hledger
-- The basic compiler type, this is almost 1:1 to hakylls. There are features I might not need and features that I don't have, but that's for another session
data Compiler a b = Compiler { dependencies :: [FilePath]
, output :: Maybe (IO FilePath)
, action :: Kleisli IO a b
deriving Generic
-- It is an functor
instance Functor (Compiler a) where
fmap f Compiler{..} = Compiler { dependencies = dependencies
, output = output
, action = Kleisli (fmap f . runKleisli action) }
-- And an applicative
instance Applicative (Compiler a) where
pure a = Compiler { dependencies = []
, output = Nothing
, action = Kleisli (\_ -> pure a) }
g <*> f = Compiler { dependencies = dependencies g <> dependencies f
, output = output g <|> output f
, action = Kleisli (\a -> (runKleisli (action g) a) <*> runKleisli (action f) a)
-- But most importantly it's a category
instance Category Compiler where
id = Compiler { dependencies = []
, output = Nothing
, action = Kleisli pure }
g . f = Compiler { dependencies = dependencies g <> dependencies f
, output = output g <|> output f
, action = action g . action f }
-- And an arrow
instance Arrow Compiler where
arr f = Compiler { dependencies = []
, output = Nothing
, action = Kleisli (pure . f) }
first Compiler{..} = Compiler dependencies output (Kleisli (\(b,d) -> (,d) <$> runKleisli action b))
newtype CSV = CSV Text
-- Clean up nordea statements
cleanup :: Compiler Text CSV
cleanup = arr (CSV . go)
go :: Text -> Text
go = T.unlines
. map (T.intercalate ",")
. filter ((==) 14 . length)
. map (T.splitOn "\t" . T.replace "," ".")
. filter (not . ("Kirjauspäivä" `T.isPrefixOf`))
. T.lines
newtype Rule = Rule Text
-- Read a file into text
readAction :: FilePath -> Compiler () Text
readAction path = Compiler { dependencies = [path]
, output = Nothing
, action = Kleisli (\_ -> readFile path)
-- Write a text into file
writeAction :: FilePath -> Compiler Text ()
writeAction path = Compiler { dependencies = []
, output = Just (pure path)
, action = Kleisli go
go content = withTempDirectory "_build" "ledger" $ \temp -> do
let actual = "_out" </> path
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory actual)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory (temp </> path))
writeFile (temp </> path) content
renameFile (temp </> path) actual
-- Write a text into file and keep track fo the path
writeActionPath :: FilePath -> Compiler Text FilePath
writeActionPath path = writeAction path >>> arr (const path)
-- Create a combination journal file
createAll :: FilePath -> Compiler [FilePath] ()
createAll path = arr format >>> writeAction path
format :: [FilePath] -> Text
format = T.unlines . map (("!include " <>) . T.pack)
readRule :: FilePath -> Compiler () Rule
readRule = fmap Rule . readAction
-- Import ledger
-- it makes sure the file names are correct for hledger and that the import process succeeds with 0
importLedger :: Compiler (Rule, CSV) Text
importLedger = Compiler { dependencies = []
, output = Nothing
, action = Kleisli go
go :: (Rule, CSV) -> IO Text
go (Rule rule, CSV csv)= do
createDirectoryIfMissing True "_build"
withTempDirectory "_build" "ledger" $ \path -> do
writeFile (path </> "ledger.rules") rule
writeFile (path </> "ledger") csv
writeFile (path </> "ledger.journal") ""
callProcess "hledger" ["import", "-f", path </> "ledger.journal", path </> "ledger"]
readFile (path </> "ledger.journal")
-- Build a ledger out of rules and statements
buildLedger :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Compiler () FilePath
buildLedger rulesFile statementsFile = proc () -> do
statements <- readAction statementsFile -< ()
r <- readRule rulesFile -< ()
csv <- cleanup -< statements
out <- importLedger -< (r,csv)
writeActionPath outFile -< out
outFile = (dropExtension statementsFile) <.> "journal"
-- Copy ledger as-is
copyLedger :: FilePath -> Compiler () FilePath
copyLedger path = readAction path >>> writeActionPath path
-- list dir and create ledgers out of it
-- Not convinced of this implementation, this has an ugly outer layer of IO
buildLedgers :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (Compiler () [FilePath])
buildLedgers rulesFile directory =
sequenceA . map (buildLedger rulesFile) <$> (map (directory </>) <$> listDirectory directory)
-- Run the compiler. I'm not convinved of this implementation. It's doing too much work
runCompiler :: Compiler () () -> IO ()
runCompiler Compiler{output=Nothing} = return ()
runCompiler Compiler{..} = do
url <- fromJust output -- XXX: Not ideal
putStrLn url
valid <- isFileMoreRecent url dependencies
unless valid (runKleisli action ())
isFileMoreRecent :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO Bool
isFileMoreRecent current comp = do
exists <- doesFileExist current
if exists
then newer <$> getModificationTime current <*> traverse getModificationTime comp
else pure False
newer x = all (\y -> x > y)
main :: IO ()
main = do
checkings <- buildLedgers "rules/nordea_checking.rules" "checking_input/"
savings <- buildLedgers "rules/nordea_saving.rules" "savings_input/"
let base = copyLedger "base.journal"
runCompiler $ proc () -> do
c <- checkings -< ()
s <- savings -< ()
b <- base -< ()
createAll "all.journal" -< (c <> s <> [b])
-- Couldn't get the arrows to match on this
-- listAction :: FilePath -> Compiler () [FilePath]
-- listAction dir = Compiler { dependencies = []
-- , output = Nothing
-- , action = Kleisli (\_ -> map (dir </>) <$> listDirectory dir) }
-- Ended up not using this
-- mustache :: String -> Compiler Text (Either ParseError Template)
-- mustache name = arr (compileTemplate name)
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